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## Introduction ## In the last tutorial, we learned [how to draw basic shapes](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/mobile-development/tutorials/538942/android-native-draw-basic-shapes-on-canvas) on Android using premade methods from the graphics library. In this tutorial, we step up the difficulty a notch by learning how to draw using the Path class. The Path class allows for drawing of technically …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Even though the built-in vector library included in Android Studio contains many icons readily for use, you might eventually run into a situation where a custom icon is needed. In this tutorial, we will learn how to create our own icons from basic shapes drawn on a …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Android includes many options to add animations to your app. In this tutorial, we will learn how to add a type of animation called frame-by-frame animation into our Android app. ## Goals ## At the end of the tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to add …

Member Avatar for Stefce

I am trying to insert into table with PHP and MySQL but the page only refresh it self when i press the button. I haven't done debugging, i have an IF statement that displays any errors that fires if the SQL query have errors. But the thing is even the …

Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for Stefce

I am trying to make to display cells in a database that are not empty, i have URL links with images inside the table and i want to display only the cells that are not empty. For example if there is only 2 pictures added in the database i want …

Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## In the last tutorial, we learned [how to draw complex shapes](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/mobile-development/tutorials/538943/android-native-draw-complex-shapes-using-the-path-class#post2288657) using a Path object. Using the concepts from the previous tutorial, we will now attempt to animate Views to move along a custom Path. ## Goals ## At the end of the tutorial, you would have …

Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Welcome to part two of the tutorial. Let us continue to learn how to animate views along a Path. Part one can be found [here](https://www.daniweb.com/programming/mobile-development/tutorials/538944/android-native-animate-view-along-path-part-1). ## Important Coordinates ## Both the sun and the moon in our app can occupy any one of the three important coordinates …

Member Avatar for atn016

Write the class definition for a class named Employee. The class should include data members for an employee object's name and salary (the salary will be an integer). The class should contain two member functions: the constructor and a function that allows a program to assign values to the data …

Member Avatar for Muhammad Usama_2
Member Avatar for jwatson

Which Software / Tool is best for bulk listing in online store like eBay, Etsy, Alibaba, Aliexpress, etc?

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for gajen007

I'm running a GraphQL-Node.js-Mongo Application. I need to return all the documents upon some conditions. But I'm confused with .find() method as it requires async and await, or a callback as it's parameter. Here my code... getChatsOfUserAboutProduct: { type: sampleChat, //it has been declared already args: { userID: { type: …

Member Avatar for Silly_2

Hello there, I am trying to calculate the shot, the value, and the score in my Archery Target Program. But I have no such luck. Would anyone be able to help me?

Programming image java python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Pony_1

I really need help and i would apreciate if someone can help me with this I need to do the same than here but with .NET, instead of node js. I never worked with .NET before. Is my first time working with tokens and APIs. So i kinda need help …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for likithsai

How can I sample data from a database strata by date. Table a, partitioned by date. I need to do a sampling of the table with more latest record and less older record and move it into a panda dataframe.

Programming python
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Walter_17

I am new to programming and testing. I would like to know if there are any useful articles or resources where I can see how to test a web service. I need to use HttpClient to implement my own universal REST API client - TestHttpClient <T>, which will complete GET, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Nine_2

I'm wondering how to update my database using a modal and multiple data from another form. This is how it looks like, ![1.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/9f1a52cdeffddb99e65e6d73d8febd7b.png) When you click any checkbox there, the release request button will enable. ![2.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/1db9299fc8e0995c48be16f9b41f4cc0.png) When it was clicked there's a modal will pop up: ![3.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/4bc7fe8fc346f118c3c3282c341ac6bb.png) Now, the modal …

Member Avatar for devphp
Member Avatar for Freetrendz
Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for JModak

how can i configure ip address, submask, getway, DNS1 and also DNS2 please help me i use this code but DNS not added what is the actual code for add all with DNS1 &2 Please help me Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Button2_Click(sender, …

Member Avatar for markanderson_1
Member Avatar for Alisha_8

Hey Peeps, Hope all are doing well. Happy to be a part of this community. So am fairly new in the programming world and exploring a few job opportunities in this field. Coming to my query, So was going through this list of questions, although concepts seem easy to understand …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for devphp

Hello all. I am trying to use four modals in codeigniter. Main page has four simple links, each of them pops up its modal. Then each modal has a form with upload image, this means main page requires four images which would be uploaded through modals. The upload form is …

Member Avatar for borobhaisab

Hi, I used to know how to do this but forgotten. How can I check the extension of a url ? You see, sometimes sitemap xml files do not list site urls (.html) for my crawler to extract all the urls. Instead, they list further xml files and so my …

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Member Avatar for frctl

I have pasted my cpp code below, my goal is removing the whitespace from my .txt file. Is someone able to provide suggestions and help me figure this out? #include <iostream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; string solve(string s) { string answer = "", temp; stringstream ss; ss << s; …

Member Avatar for hes8
Member Avatar for aibreansiyue

So, I have made a table called `supplies_table` and inside the table is `id`, `name`, and `files`. And I also made an upload button where it can upload a pdf BLOB file into the `files` column. Yes, it can upload a pdf file in the `files` column but the problem …

Member Avatar for gce517
Member Avatar for Williams Brown
Member Avatar for sankar2000

Hello everyone. I am building a websocket client app that receives all the data and inserts it into a MongoDB database. The program runs, but after a while, some exceptions are rising. import websocket import _thread import time import json import asyncio import os import pwd import socket import traceback …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for olong tea

Hi, I am new to Java but familiar with python, I need to convert my code from python to Java can anyone help me? Much appreciated! import random suits = ['C', 'S', 'H', 'D'] val = list(range(1,14)) class Card: def __init__(self, suits, val): self.suit = suits self.value = val def …

Programming java python
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for olong tea

This questions contains probability and I dont know how to work with it in Java import numpy import random def cup_game(): cashprice = [0.5, 1.0 , 2.0 , 5.0] n_turn = numpy.random.randint(5,11) n_mult = numpy.random.randint(3,6) cups = list(range(0,15)) x = numpy.random.choice(cashprice, 15, p=[0.3, 0.4, 0.2, 0.1]) x = list(x) turn …

Programming c java python
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Java5

**Introduction** You know that being effective is the key to success in any business domain. However, you may be wondering how to improve employee performance. In order to do this, it’s important to have tools at hand that will help you measure and track employee performance in real-time and act …

Member Avatar for Duncan_5
Member Avatar for estherschindler

I’m working on a blog post about this topic. I’d love to hear your suggestions! * What book(s) should someone read to come up to speed? * Why do you recommend that one? Note that the books don’t have to be peculiar to Redis. For example, someone suggested *Designing Data-Intensive …

Member Avatar for Vandiun
Member Avatar for usmanmalik57

## Introduction ## I was recently working on a project that required me to extract location information from the [OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/51.5226/-0.1567), an open license map database of the world. The OpenStreetMap database allows you to extract location data along with the location meta information in the form of tags. My task …

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The End.