Hi there,

I am a VB.NET programmer and i have been programming for 2 years. I have been feeling that the way i do things are incorrect when it comes to the design and planning of a program. It always feels like the program is just a mess behind the scenes.

I would like you guys to give me some advice on best practices when it comes to programming, planning and design.

Maybe if you know of website that can also help me please post them here, o free ebooks would also be very help full :).

Thanks a lot,


Rather than bump your thread (which is exceptionally rude), why not show us what you've managed to find in the last three months that helps solve your problem. If you've done nothing to help yourself aside from "gimme gimme gimme!" then I won't waste my time with a lost cause.

>I would like you guys to give me some advice on best practices when it comes to programming, planning and design.
Here's a really good place to start:
Code Complete 2nd Edition
No, it's not free. Buy it and read it. If you want free, then you're going to have to put in your own effort to search it out.

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