people in the forum who have jobs or who are recruiters or own a company (yes I'm referring to people such as sergey brin and lawrence page); what advice would you give to an entry level computer science student about what to put on resume and cover letters.

i'm looking for keywords and phrases that you have seen that was totally outside the box which really caught your eye and though to yourself "this bloke sounds interesting maybe i should call him for an interview!".

Describe all the interesting projects you've worked on outside of class.

Computer science students need to represent their computer related skills highlighted. The recruiter is always finding the candidate who matches to exact requirement. The technical languages, certifications, seminar, academic projects, these are important points in resume. Cover letter contains the extra information of candidate which is not include in resume. Cover letter also need to represent very well. For the more samples and format of resume, cover letter you may refer this

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