Hello everyone:
I am new here. I am taking an entry-level programming class at an online school. We are in our 5th week of pseudocode and learning to use loops and sentininels. I have just completed and individual assignment and was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to look at it and see if I left anything out. The assignment is to write a code that allows the user to enter a series of temperatures in degrees Celsius (C) terminated by the input of –999, using the conversion formula of F = 9 * C/ 5 + 32. For each one, find the corresponding temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (F).
This is what I came up with using the supplied template...
Declare C As Float
Declare F As Float
Declare Temperature As Float
Write “Temperature Conversion Program”
Write “This program will convert a temperature, entered in”
Write “degrees Celsius, to degrees Fahrenheit.”
Write “enter a temperature number or press -999 to quit”
Input Temperature
While Temperature != -999
Set F = 9 * C/ 5 + 32
Write “The Temparture in Fahrenheit is”
End While