304 Topics

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Member Avatar for EAnder

I am attempting to get the username of the current user on a windows computer using windows API. I am using the GetUserName function in the Windows Unit. I am having some problems with giving the correct data types for function arguments. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [code] program …

Member Avatar for rapistebe
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, i'm developing a program, ( API ) and i'd like to use a [url=http://www.snap2objects.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/6.jpg]non standar font,[/url] for some section of my program. My question is, how can i do this, i mean, i supose i have to install the font on the user pc, but how do i do …

Member Avatar for pato wlmc
Member Avatar for itsbrad212

I am making a twitter client in python and wxpython. As of now, my static text is not printing. How can I change this code so it will print out what I want it to? [CODE]import wx import twitter class main(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id, "Twitter Client", size=(700,400)) panel=wx.Panel(self) menubar = …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for ContactaCall

I'm trying to get some user data into an INSERT query using the Mysql C API (don't know if this belongs rather in the Mysql forum, let me know...) I have the following code taking some pointers from the Mysql webpage forum, but to no avail: [CODE] #include <mysql.h> #include …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for ContactaCall

So I'm using Mysql to make a text-to-speech engine. Basically any given phrase by the database is returned to my script, which has to say every word and number, if any, by way of voice . For the voices I'm using Asterisk, but that's another problem of my own lol …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for EddieC

What if you had access to the millions of tweets that flow to and from Twitter users every day? Perhaps you'd build something like [url=http://www.daniweb.com/news/story240308.html]PostRank[/url], which amasses them along with other data from social media sites to trackcyber-reaction to posted articles. Or maybe you would filter them by demographic and …

Member Avatar for jimmurphy
Member Avatar for Alxandr

I'm trying to create a simple application that is only supposed to be called by other applications. I've taken the concept from linux where you often have a application that depends on another, and then it does api-calls to that other application. The example I'm thinking about is libnotify which …

Member Avatar for sandeepani

I need to build a simple GIS or map view component for a larger system for my Final Year Project. But I have no prior experience in the field. Therefore I need to add this component as a additional feature only and with the least amount of effort and time. …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for slr

Hi If anyone knows some opensource api or tutorials.. [url]http://buysellads.com/buy/detail/108[/url] Look on the right- it says "Public stats" how do you display that information for a domain - how do buysellads do that domain api?

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for daniyalnawaz

I want integrate following apis in my website, 1. Yahoo BBAuth 2. Google OAuth 3. Live ID Delegated Authentication 4. Facebook Connect Does these facilities enable me to get their email addresses as i cant find any mention of email address of the logged user in the API documentations.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for network18

I have an API parsing script, which inserts into the db more than 40,000 rows.and maybe due large numbers of queries getting fired continuously, after some specific time the script throws "MySQL server has gone away" error. I know the reason behind this error can be closed connection or any …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for ShadowScripter

Hi, [? 1] How do I create an API for a game? [? 2] If this subject is too hard for a novice/intermediate programmer, where do I best find tutorials/resources about API's? [1] I asked myself this question, as well as google, yet no easy answers or explanations popped up, …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I have been looking around and found that google has a few search api's but haven't yet found one that returns the results as a javascript/ajax array. Is it possible to at least get the google api to send the results to my website as a variable/array in …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Nathan Campos

Hello, Because of my new and the most of the future projects, i'm needing to learn C and use Windows, but because of this, i don't know how to use the Windows API, then i'm asking for an example of using DeleteFile function. Thanks, Nathan Paulino Campos

Member Avatar for marco93
Member Avatar for sixstorm1

Hi everyone, I am trying to print content from a Win32 richedit control, but it doesn't work. The text wraps to the half width of the page, and after printing, the text in the richedit is also messed up (word wrap to the half width of the box). I use …

Member Avatar for sixstorm1

Hi everyone, I have a modal dialog box which is called by the main thread. This dialog has no parent (appears at center screen, overlapped, and shown in taskbar). When the user clicks "Save" in the dialog, the dialog procedure receives the command and displays a save file dialog (GetSaveFileName). …

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Member Avatar for newsguy

Just as the excitement started to hot up, first with the news that the controversial and increasingly popular legal free streaming music service Spotify was to open up with the release of a third party developer API, and then with the actual announcement of the availability of [URL="http://developer.spotify.com/en/libspotify/overview/"]Libspotify[/URL] itself, so …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Research In Motion yesterday released new versions of its [url=http://blackberry.com/developers/]BlackBerry development tools[/url], including the BlackBerry Java Development Environment (JDE) Plug-In for Eclipse Beta 2 that's better integrated with the open-source IDE, can perform pre-processing for builds and receives updates through the Eclipse Update Manager. There are also new versions of …

Member Avatar for EddieC

A new application programming interface released this week gives development and test teams the ability to link their ground-based test systems with virtual operating systems accessed through a browser. It all comes from [url=http://www.skytap.com/]Skytap[/url], which earlier this year released [url=http://www.skytap.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=63&Itemid=120]Virtual Lab[/url], a Web-based infrastructure that provisions virtual hardware, software, networking …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Web developers everywhere might be breathing a collective sigh of relief today as eBay opened its APIs, which it says will simplify the job of creating add-ons for the online auction site and integrate it with enterprise applications. But perhaps more valuable to some is the access gained to the …

Member Avatar for EddieC

A year ago last week, Facebook released the Facebook Platform, enabling users of the social network to create their own applications. Today, 400,000 developers and 24,000 applications later, the company introduced the [URL= http://developers.facebook.com/fbopen/] Facebook Open Platform[/URL], which releases much of the Facebook Platform source code to the development community. …

Member Avatar for EddieC

They haven’t let us look under the hood, but Google yesterday published a few more specs about App Engine, including how usage will be priced if an application deployed using its infrastructure exceeds the limits set for the free edition. When it launched the service in early April, Google had …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Facebook Platform, which has had a rough childhood and now bears the pimples of adolescence. On the eve of the platform’s birthday, the company gave developers a [URL= http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php]sandbox [/URL]in which to apply the Clearasil of its redesigned profile. Before entering the sandbox, be …

Member Avatar for EddieC

MySpace Tuesday announced some changes to its developer program, fine-tuning its policies about the way member applications are allowed to communicate with users. It also leaked news of enhancements to its messaging API set to be available in June. The [URL=http://developer.myspace.com/Community/blogs/devteam/archive/2008/05/20/new-app-guidelines-must-read.aspx]new guidelines[/URL] were outlined in a blog post by the …

Member Avatar for EddieC

If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. According to Web reports over the weekend, Google today is expected to launch Friend Connect, a set of APIs for pulling personal data from social networks that comply with the [URL= http://code.google.com/apis/opensocial/]OpenSocial[/URL] common interface specifications it published in October. The move would follow …

Member Avatar for happygeek

AOL has announced its [URL="http://developers.aimphoneline.com/"]AIM Phoneline Developer Initiative[/URL] that will allow voice application developers and device manufacturers to create new tools to extend the functionality of the still relatively new AIM Phoneline service. Examples of the new APIs for call personalization (or ringtones as mere non-marketing mortals might say), untethered …

Member Avatar for happygeek

AOL has announced its [URL="http://developers.aimphoneline.com/"]AIM Phoneline Developer Initiative[/URL] that will allow voice application developers and device manufacturers to create new tools to extend the functionality of the still relatively new AIM Phoneline service. Examples of the new APIs for call personalization (or ringtones as mere non-marketing mortals might say), untethered …

Member Avatar for happygeek

I was reading the [URL="http://google-code-updates.blogspot.com"]Google Code Blog [/URL]and noticed that Google software engineer Matthias Zenger happened to announce the availability of the updated Google Base Data API last week. This lets you develop applications that can dynamically interact with Google Base, obviously. Perhaps a little less obviously it also allows …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

More bad news from the Las Vegas Black Hat Convention, this time for the blogging community. Most RSS reader software is vulnerable to malicious JavaScript insertion attacks, and web based readers are not immune either. With typical JavaScript based attacks targeting passwords and personal data, it is something that should …

Member Avatar for happygeek

The growing acceptance of IM in the workplace has, eventually, made an impression on [URL="http://www.aol.com"]AOL [/URL]which has started a public test of AIM Pro PE (Professional Edition). Although not expected to actually launch until the autumn, one has to wonder how much weight the consumer oriented AOL brand carries in …

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The End.