400 Topics

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Member Avatar for davidscr

Hi, i realized a web service with xfire library, tested with a simple client simulator and with xmlspy. Now another client try to invoke the service, but this is the error that i can read on Tomcat catalina log. Can you help me to understand where is the problem? Thanks …

Member Avatar for jon.kiparsky

Anyone played with the jxl API before? It's a tool for read/write access to Excel spreadsheets - a little bit dodgy, but it works. I wrote a piece of code for my brother using this a few months ago, and now he's starting to see a warning message, which is …

Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16394[/ATTACH]Developers downloading the third beta of [URL="http://developer.apple.com/technologies/iphone/whats-new.html"]Apple's iOS 4.1[/URL], which became available yesterday evening, were disgruntled to find that in this release, Apple's dropped support for both the iPhone 3G and the second generation iPod Touch. The changes were made to Apple's Game Center, a social network centered are iOS …

Member Avatar for prussell

I have a simple vb.net webservice which accepts a string parameter. the function appends the passed value to a string, then returns it back. (See code below). My client uses ksoap2 on an android platform to invoke & consume the service. I can connect to the service fine, and while …

Member Avatar for balazs.kelemen
Member Avatar for lil_jacy

Hello. I'm new here. I'm just started learning PHP SOAP. I am trying to to create a simple user registeration and login form. The login and register function works well. My idea is to make the soap persistence. After login for the 1st time, I would like to set my …

Member Avatar for nodoso

Hello everybody, I have some trouble with the google maps api. I want to add markers from a xml file to my map but it seems that the function is not parsing my xml file and I am clueless. Any ideas here is my code: [code] <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions
Member Avatar for TeBone

at a current project I was ask to provide a native access using Visual Basic and the Btrieve API. Since there isnt any actual sample at the website availabel ([url]www.pervasive.com[/url]) I thought posting it might help some of you. You can find sample code but almost all of them using …

Member Avatar for Koibu0

Forgive my ignorance with such matters, but I have what is probably a simple issue that I can't seem to resolve on my own. I'm getting this error when sending a request to the SOAP server [CODE]org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in trailing section.[/CODE] I've checked the end of all …

Member Avatar for leiger

I have imported the Apache XML-RPC jar files, and got them working (has taken me all day to figure out how to get it working - so I'm kind of frustrated at the moment ;D) ... but that used the execute(..) method which requires two parameters ... there was no …

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for leiger

I am attempting to access an XML-RPC API method using a Java client. I'm fairly certain that the server is written in Python. The API is part of the wiki farm Wikidot.com API info: [url]http://www.wikidot.com/doc:api[/url] API method info: [url]http://www.wikidot.com/doc:api-methods[/url] Does anyone here know what the equivalent of this statement is …

Member Avatar for leiger
Member Avatar for hgbreton

I need to create a SOAP wrapper of the form [CODE=xml] <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmnls=........><SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope> [/CODE] My C# code to do this is as follows [CODE=C#] XmlElement soapEnvelope = document.CreateElement("SOAPENV", "Envelope", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope"); XmlElement soapBody = document.CreateElement("SOAPENV", "Body", "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope"); [/CODE] This works fine for the Envelope part but then adds a spurious xmnls …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi all, iam using a php web services from xignite iam not able to use it properly [CODE]$xignite_header = new SoapHeader('http://www.xignite.com/services/', 'Header',"Tracer" => "1")); $wsdl = new soapclient('http://www.xignite.com/xMetals.asmx?WSDL'); // attach SOAP header $wsdl->__setSoapHeaders(array($xignite_header)); // call the service: pass the parameters and name of the operation $input_params = array('Types' => "XAU", …

Member Avatar for eaksin
Member Avatar for bitsynthesis

Upflickr is a ruby gem that makes it easy to add basic image uploading and organizing functionality to ruby scripts or apps. For installation and usage documentation, please visit the project homepage: [url]http://bitsynthesis.com/upflickr[/url]

Member Avatar for raju_boini525

hai all, i am working on shopping cart project, i need globalpay integration . i got the sample code and run in my localhost it shows me error this.[QUOTE]Warning: SoapClient::__construct() [function.SoapClient---construct]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "https://certapia.globalpay.com/GlobalPay/transact.asmx?WSDL" in C:\wamp\www\exampls\PHP Web Service Sample (Credit Card) 4.0.0\PHP Web Service …

Member Avatar for raju_boini525
Member Avatar for cecp

Is it possible to use child window created in Win32 API as a container for another windows (controls - buttons, edit fields etc.)? Or is there any other way how to use container in Win32 API? The goal is to create a simple user interface for application?

Member Avatar for cecp
Member Avatar for lich

i want to use google map api for my desktop application. the application will be totally connected to internet. while i was searching some research notes about this implementation. i found a ideal site with the configurations. but it has some java files to be downloaded. but when i tried …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Eregnon

I'm trying to use the web request class in vb.net to post some xml. On the reciving end, I keep getting an internal server error with the message: Missing Soap action header". I did some reasearch and saw that a firewall can strip out the soap action header so I …

Member Avatar for kronald
Member Avatar for crdipu

Hi All, I need to create a new web-service by using php. And I need to use SOAP RPC/encoded for implementing this. I also need to authenticate the soap request using soap header information. Before doing main task that I have created a WSDL file, client and server files using …

Member Avatar for aju982007

i have a ibm java webservice with soap protection username and password needed to give for accesing this webservice .. i need to call this webservice from C# client ... when i call this webservice .its showing this error com.ibm.wsspi.wssecurity.SoapSecurityException: WSEC5048E: One of "SOAP Header" elements required. please help me... …

Member Avatar for nrrbalaji
Member Avatar for AnarChYm

Hi, I am a Maltese student currently working on my dissertation which focuses on J2ME Wireless SOAP protocol. Since in my country i.e. Malta we don’t have professional mobile developers I had to turn myself to online questionnaires for my research methodology those of you who has done a thesis …

Member Avatar for AnarChYm
Member Avatar for zhollett

Hi, I would just like to start off saying that I probably don't know enough to be even asking this question but I am pretty good at taking examples and working with them to produce the results I am looking for. So, here is a little bit of information about …

Member Avatar for raseru

There's mountains of guides for learning C++ and they all cover from hello world to pointers, but I never see any of them make a peep about making an actual window. They all stay in consoles and that's that. Why is this? Do most people never mess with API and …

Member Avatar for Frederick2
Member Avatar for zolakt

Hi, I'm having a lot of problem making a SAOP client in Python. I have tried various methods, but non of them seems to work for me. I have a .Net web service, available from an IIS server on another machine. I can access it trough browser, and everything works …

Member Avatar for MiamiPPCPro

I apologize if I didn't post this in the right forum, but I did a search on this site and couldn't find anything on this topic... So, here is the deal...I am not at all a programmer, and have no knowledge of it whatsoever...As such, I am working on a …

Member Avatar for music_est_vie
Member Avatar for norrisp90

Hi, I've been trying to write a Python client to access a SOAP webservice through our companys authenticated proxy server using the SUDS lib. The proxy uses basic username:password authentication not NTLM and I have been able to get basic downloads working through it using URLLIB2 like this: [CODE]passmanager = …

Member Avatar for amby

Hi, In my code behind file, I called Soap web reference and retreive data and diplay in grid view and it worked. But when I convert retreived data to Json text and send back to java script and on client side, convert json text to java script object and when …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Diamonddrake

This simple class encapsulates the exAnimatewindow api call. I got tired of adding all the jazz to every form I need to use as a pop up, or any borderless forms I used. (Windows 7 and vista don't animate windows with no border by default) This class could easily be …

Member Avatar for amby

Hi, I have added web reference to my web space but dont know how to call its method from my code behind .aspx.cs file. can somebody please guide me in this matter. Thanks

Member Avatar for EAnder

I am attempting to get the username of the current user on a windows computer using windows API. I am using the GetUserName function in the Windows Unit. I am having some problems with giving the correct data types for function arguments. Any help would be greatly appreciated. [code] program …

Member Avatar for rapistebe
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, i'm developing a program, ( API ) and i'd like to use a [url=http://www.snap2objects.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/6.jpg]non standar font,[/url] for some section of my program. My question is, how can i do this, i mean, i supose i have to install the font on the user pc, but how do i do …

Member Avatar for pato wlmc

The End.