657 Topics
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Earlier this morning, Mercury News reported that a midlevel global supply manager at Apple, Paul Shin Devine, has been accused of accepting $1 million in kickbacks from iPod/iPhone accessory developers. He was arrested on charges of wire fraud, and money laundering, resulting in a federal indictment and a private civil … | |
[ATTACH=LEFT]16646[/ATTACH]Yesterday, Facebook released an [URL="http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk"]updated SDK[/URL] for the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/reviews/review291912.html"]Apple iOS4[/URL], intended for use with Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch. Between this and the recently released Facebook SDK for Android, third-party developers can build applications with a social networking component for two of the most popular mobile platforms. Two key … | |
Porn—it’s a multi-billion dollar industry fueled by mankind’s innate notions of lust and desire. iPhone 4—a smartphone device with millions of users worldwide connected through FaceTime videoconferencing. Porn+iPhone 4=iPorn, the shameless new venture of the adult-entertainment industry as it improves upon its limitless digital expanses. [ATTACH]16323[/ATTACH]In truth, it was only … | |
[ATTACH=right]16448[/ATTACH]In the fight to be the No. 1 smart phone, Google's Android stands to surpass the iPhone's top seat in two years, according to [URL="http://www.isuppli.com/Mobile-and-Wireless-Communications/News/Pages/Googles-Android-to-Outstrip-Apples-iOS-by-2012-iSuppli-Forecasts.aspx"]market researcher iSuppli Corp[/URL]. "Google and Apple are engaged in a fierce battle for control of the wireless market, which represents the most lucrative growth opportunity … | |
Michael Reagan, the eldest son of former US President Ronald Reagan, has accused people who use email services from Apple, AOL, Google, Hotmail and Yahoo! of "supporting the Obama, Pelosi and Reid liberal agenda" and ultimately "hurting our country". His answer, for those supporters of what he calls true "Reagan … | |
Mac OS X is not, on the whole, known as an OS which attracts too many problems when it comes to malware. However, in the last few days there has been something of a scare involving the Immunizator Trojan. [URL="http://www.sophos.com/news/2008/03/imunizator.html"]According to IT security specialists Sophos[/URL] this may well just be … | |
We all knew it was bound to happen. Apple’s journey to world domination was first set into motion with the Mac, then came the iPod with it’s market domination. The launch of the iPhone increased their kingdom exponentially and the iPad has continued the legacy. Details came to light today … | |
Despite [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story292997.html"]the ongoing signal strength problems displayed by the new iPhone 4[/URL], there can be no denying that the latest Apple gadget has been a runaway success. With Apple claiming 1.7 million units sold in just the first three days it would be hard to argue. One of the not … | |
OK, so Apple has done it again. Whipped the technology and consumer media up into a feeding frenzy that is. But has it delivered with the truly magical and revolutionary product that was promised? Er, no dude, not by a long shot and here (in no particular order) are 15 … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16394[/ATTACH]Developers downloading the third beta of [URL="http://developer.apple.com/technologies/iphone/whats-new.html"]Apple's iOS 4.1[/URL], which became available yesterday evening, were disgruntled to find that in this release, Apple's dropped support for both the iPhone 3G and the second generation iPod Touch. The changes were made to Apple's Game Center, a social network centered are iOS … | |
It's not in the stores yet but in Europe at least the anticipation is hotting up for the [URL="http://ww.nokia.com"]Nokia[/URL] N8 smartphone. It's causing excited ripples for two reasons: first it's going to be seen as the first time Nokia has come out with something serious to combat the iPhone in … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16385[/ATTACH]Once an iPhone firmware is jailbroken, it is only a matter of time before the hackers that be are able to unlock the phone as well. Late last night, a group of iPhone hackers, the Dev-Team, released an update for their app, ultrasn0w. This allows people to remove the carrier … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16365[/ATTACH]Richard Blumenthal, Attorney General of Connecticut, warned Amazon and Apple yesterday that he wants to have a little talk with them about their "anticompetitive" deals in the electronic publishing market. In [URL="http://www.ct.gov/ag/lib/ag/consumers/amazonltr080110.pdf"]his letter[/URL], directed to Amazon's General Counsel, L. Michelle Wilson, Blumental warns that "Amazon's demand that the largest e-book … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]16281[/ATTACH][URL="http://www.unwiredview.com/2010/07/30/apple-starts-patenting-mobile-app-ideas/"]Apple's filed three patent applications[/URL] that mobile app developers are raising eyebrows at. The three patents involve design ideas rather than hardware, and cover high end fashion, hotel, and travel shopping via mobile device. Here's what each application is designed to do. The [URL="http://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PG01&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.html&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=%2220100191578%22.PGNR.&OS=DN/20100191578&RS=DN/20100191578"]high-end fashion app[/URL] is aimed at luxury … | |
The economic news has been so bad of late, it's actually difficult to imagine that some businesses are profitable. It's easy to get sucked into the abyss of huge layoffs, high unemployment figures and generally negative fall-out from the economic meltdown, but in spite of all this, there are technology … | |
Apple's online store went down last night, a signal that new (updated) products are rolling off the assembly lines. They've beefed up the Mac Pro line of desktops, iMacs, and the Cinema Display, and introduced their mildly-anticipated, Magic Trackpad. [ATTACH]16157[/ATTACH][ATTACH=RIGHT]16155[/ATTACH]The Mac Pro's upgrade is long overdue and Apple certainly didn't … | |
While Apple continues to bask in financial glory thanks in no small part to the iPhone, although the iPad hasn't exactly done it much harm, the same smartphone success does not appear to have rubbed off on the Finnish mobile phone giant Nokia. As Apple gloated about having the most … | |
The iPhone Case Program was announced earlier this morning, just a week after Apple CEO Steve Jobs addressed the reception issues spreading through the news like wildfire. In his shrugging off of the recent headlines, Jobs explained that only 1.7% of iPhone 4s have been returned and that just 0.55% … | |
Apple released on Tuesday that even amidst iPhone 4 woes and bruises left by “Antennagate”, there weren't any worms in their financial statements, posting second-quarter net income profits up 78% to $3.25 billion. Figures from April-to-June soared up 61% year-over-year to $15.7 billion, producing Apple’s highest quarterly profit ever recorded. … | |
Dear Steve Ballmer, I believe it's time to give up development of a mobile operating system. With all due respect to the multi-billion dollar empire you're entrusted with running, the simple truth is that Microsoft is quite bad at developing user interfaces that are friendly and intuitive. Windows 7 is … | |
I'm on vacation this week and the airlines lost my luggage; I mean they lost them big time. It took more than a week of cajoling before I finally got my my suitcase from Aer Lingus. I'm staying in France and can't use my iPhone here without incurring huge charges, … | |
Apple has kindly donated the source code for the original MacPaint software to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. This is in large part thanks to the [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2010/07/20/computer-history-museum-makes-original-macpaint-source-code-avai/"]exhausting efforts[/URL] of Andy Hertzfeld, one of the original members of the developmental team for the original Macintosh in 1984. When … | |
The co-CEOs of BlackBerry developers Research In Motion, Mike Lazaridis and Jim Balsillie, have accused Steve Jobs of unacceptable behaviour and Apple of avoiding responsibility for its design mistakes. "RIM's customers don't need to use a case for their BlackBerry smartphone to maintain proper connectivity" they say. Meanwhile Nokia insists … | |
[B]Flash Support on the iPad Becomes Reality[/B] Comex, the programmer behind the user-friendly jailbreak tool, Spirit, has unleashed the source for his latest project, [URL="http://github.com/comex/frash"]Frash[/URL]. This little gem enables Flash support (sans video) on the iPad. Frash is still in the alpha stage, so if you run into problems, you … | |
There was a a lot of news coming out Microsoft and Apple last week: * On Monday, Apple released its stellar [URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2009/07/21results.html"]earnings report[/URL]. * On Monday, Microsoft opened up the [URL="http://www.mssharepointconference.com/"]SharePoint 2009 Conference[/URL] in Las Vegas * On Tuesday, Apple released its latest [URL="http://www.metro.co.uk/tech/article.html?Apple_launches_new_MacBook,_iMac,_Mac_Mini_and_Magic_Mouse&in_article_id=755089&in_page_id=150"]product lin[/URL]e * On Wednesday, Microsoft announced … | |
Most people seem to think that Microsoft is the most insecure vendor while Apple reigns supreme at the top of the good security league. However, a new security report would appear to turn that assumption on its head, claiming that when it comes to the vendor with the most vulnerabilities … | |
According to a recent survey of Apple iTunes, iPod, iPhone and iPod Touch users, conducted by The NPD Group, more than a quarter of consumers participating had a strong interest in a free cloud-based music option. Many were willing to pay a subscription fee to access their own music libraries … | |
I have decided to buy a mac...but i just need this little info: is there iPhone SDK already installed in MAC? i dont mean like i have to download it, what i mean is that is it already installed in the hard drive? | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]15743[/ATTACH]Months after its release, with over 3 million units already sold, Apple's iPad was still eliciting excitement among consumers of all ages during a recent visit to an Apple store in West Nyack, NY. Such a high-level of consumer engagement combined with Apple's notorious reputation for tightly controlled user environments … | |
Microsoft and Apple haven't had a great time of it recently with mobile consumers. For Microsoft, the market roundly rejected the Kin, which just about anyone who follows the cell phone market knew would happen. Meanwhile, Apple is taking it on the chin about how they are handling the iPhone … |
The End.