2,888 Topics

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Member Avatar for torbecire

I have a problem, and it's starts with doing two loops. I do not know how to do it. Could anyone just show me how to use 2 loops. Could you show me how to use a nested loop that will add numbers. [ICODE] Title COLOR MATRIX include Irvine32.inc .code …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for DarkDot

Hi, I am trying to implement a switch statement in assembly using MIPS. I can get it to jump to the target, but I was wondering if [inlinecode] beq $s2, 1, C1[/inlinecode] is valid MIPS code and not pseducode, I know that code works just not sure if its "proper" …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for DarkDot

Hey I want to create a max function that does the same thing as the c++ max function counterpart does, but the only way I can see to do it is to compare each number with everyother number. Of course if its only two numbers then you can just compare …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for sukatoa

Is there a code in assembly that is similar C like sleep(milliseconds)? Is there also a code in assembly that is similar also to C, clrscr()? I like to add that to my code that will be passed tomorrow... but i have no idea!!! Can you advice me where to …

Member Avatar for sanzilla
Member Avatar for elitesky

Hi. Can you help me masters..? ive got this assignment that says: Find the largest element in a given set of 5 unsigned integer. then display that number at the center of screen. For example, the set of integers is set as follows integers DB 34675 Now, displaying isnt the …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for gerard4143

Is the opcode leal(load effective address) primarly used to calculated the address of a value that was pushed on the stack? If anyone knows of any good web sites on this topic could you pass it on to me. Thanks in advance....Gerard4143

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for DarkDot

Hi this is what I need to do [LIST=1] [*]Declare a word array A with 2 elements with initialized values. [*]Declare a word variable B with initialized value as 0. [*]Calculate the cvalue of B with the following expression: B= A[0] + A[1] -6. [*]Make sure B's value is saved …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for SGiorgos

I am trying to write a program in arm assembly which will increase and decrease a value of a counter on a keypress. The min value of the counter is 0 and the maximum is 8. It will be used for volume adjusting. I want to modify the following code …

Member Avatar for Migg

Hi all, I have the following code : [CODE] section .data ;section declaration MAX_LINHA equ 1000 fich db "calculos.txt",0 ;Nome do ficheiro flagLer dd 00q ; O_RDONLY numFich dd 0 ; guarda o numero do ficheiro nLidos dd 0 num1 dd 0 num2 dd 0 num3 dd 0 operacao dd …

Member Avatar for mos33

[B]hi all if i have a 2 different tables, one of them is a plain text and the other is a cipher text how to build a programe " assembly " to allow me to enter a plain text message , encrypt this message using the stored tables then decrypt …

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for bothropus

[COLOR="green"][/COLOR][COLOR="Green"][/COLOR] Í´m from Brazil, I just want to know about controlling circuits with my debug shell. I know that I can control the parallel output from my machine using assembly code .... i would like to know the assembly cod ethat could i use to turn on and turn off …

Member Avatar for Abhishek Anand

Which files are needed to run assembly program? Where has to save this program? How this program will run? From where can I get those files? Thanks, Abhishek Anand.

Member Avatar for Tight_Coder_Ex
Member Avatar for elisa751

I wrote code to sort an Array using the bubble sort method. The dynamic Instruction is really long about 60k, i need to reduce it to about 20k. Could someone help me optimize the code or give me tips on how to do that? Or if there is a better …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for newcountry

Hi all, How i can convert decimal number into binary, using register mode and format 2. If, for example, you were to run the code and give it 5 as its input it should output 101. !format = 2 !mode = REGISTER

Member Avatar for zifr
Member Avatar for Texag02

I'm new here, I did a search, but couldn't find anything that fixed my problm. Just built a new P(my first build)... here's the components: Motherboard: GIGABYTE GA-MA770-DS3 AM2+/AM2 [URL="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813128081"]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16813128081[/URL] Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ Windsor 3.2GHz Socket AM2 [URL="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16819103228"]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16819103228[/URL] Video Card: EVGA 512-P3-N841-A3 GeForce 8800GTS (G92) 512MB [URL="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814130312"]http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...82E16814130312[/URL] …

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Member Avatar for matiman

Hi ppl...i'm having problems in my assignment.... what i need to do is create a bulletin-board program on ASM that does the following: I "some string" - inputs string into bulletin board D number - deletes the specific string from the board V - prints out all the string that …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for sara_84

hello all, i write a program in 8086 to compare between two numbers, but when i enter numbers 99 and 9 it give me tha same, also with other; (55=5,44=4...etc) this this my code, how can i solve error. [CODE=Assembly] .MODEL SMALL .STACK 64 .DATA MS1 DB 23 DUP('ENTER THE …

Member Avatar for sukhum_v

Hi all, I'm working on the project to write a program download a program to flash memory through JTAG. The processor i'm using is Atmel AT91RM9200. Flash memory is AT49BV163D. For the start, I try to write the assembly code below to read the ID of the flash memory, but …

Member Avatar for sgk26p10p07

heya why is it that wen i switch back to real mode i cant access real mode interrupts even when i never modified anythang like for instance this code mov EAX,CR0 OR AL,0H MOV CR0,EAX;THEN SWITCH BACK TO REAL MODE MOV EAX,CR0 AND AL,10B MOV CR0,EAX ;THEN INT 10H MOV …

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Member Avatar for crazygray

I read somewhere that in order for the OS to take control away from a task that you would set up an int to fire every time a certain time passes. How would you set one up.

Member Avatar for crazygray
Member Avatar for pci16f628freak

i have couple of months trying to learn how to compile programs in assembly and it's very interesting. by now i'm working on 2 projects. i have to say that i'm a newbie in assembly but i'm trying :) the 1st is a hex counter which counts from 00-0F and …

Member Avatar for Colin Mac
Member Avatar for Chepas

I have managed to read a file name and two strings. Now I need to search the file for a lines that maches string1 and replace them with string2. And I have no idea how to do that. Can anyone help me please.

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Member Avatar for PricklyPoo

Alright I am new to assembly but I cannot figure out the simplist thing even though I have looked for hours. I want to make a very simple program that finds the default drive and prints it. So that would be 19h and interuppt 21, that gets the current default …

Member Avatar for PricklyPoo
Member Avatar for pdrino

Hi everyone, i need to write a code with mips assembly that works on a string given by a user (command line input). The code is supposed to search another given string in that string. There is a problem in my mind, in mips is there any instruction that search …

Member Avatar for pdrino
Member Avatar for zeropulse
Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for PSCHMurthy

Hello, can anyone help me in writing the 8051 C program using keil.I mean which predefines are imported(i.e like #include<stdio.h> in C language). Thanks for your help. Regards, PSCHMurthy

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Queatrix

I have been a C/C++ programmer for 4 years now, and now that I'm actually reading a tut on it, I have to say, I am impressed! The whole concept of the DS really is cool; and it's flexability is the best I have seen. While I was reading one …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for AqAbAwE

hey guys, I was wondering if interrupts works with wireless-USB keyboards, I wrote a code thats reads a key and displays it, but its not working, I thought i'd check whether the keyboards is causing the problem or not. [code] mov ah,06H mov dl,0ffh INT 21h mov ah,06h mov DL,AL …

Member Avatar for Ryu
Member Avatar for MattVonFat

Hi, I tried having a go at creating my own boot disk that would write text to the screen. The code is here: [CODE] ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Simple boot program that prints the letter 'H' ; and then hangs ; Joel Gompert 2001 ; ; Disclaimer: I am not responsible for …

Member Avatar for Ryu
Member Avatar for Khyaal

respected members., I am new to this forum and newbie in Assembly. I have an assignment, Plz help me to solve this. Thanks. Assignment Write a Assembly Language Program;(com file and source code) Which print your complete name and your city name at the middle two rows of the screen …

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The End.