49,757 Topics

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Member Avatar for grib

Just got back to my interrupted attempt to pick up C++, and I'm already shipwrecked again. Anyway... I'm trying to build another bitty app from my text, but nothing seems to be coming together properly. The program should ask for an array length, send that to an input-handling function, then …

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Member Avatar for merse

It is possible to choose template parameter in runtime? when i try to construct an object wich has template parameter

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for keyzzz_it

hi!!! im a new member of this organization of the IT's. im a freshmen student ,takig up IMFORMATION TECHNOLOGY and i have a problem regarding how to make a calculator using SWITCH CASE, i've tried to make a program of that using other functions and it made it successfully but …

Member Avatar for xavier666
Member Avatar for charlie221133

hello, I'm a computer science student. I'm starting to get into the more challenging aspects of C++. Where can i find a good website for quickly finding syntax. Say i want to solve a simple problem, but i don't know the exact syntax, where can i quickly find code snippets …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

Do I need a copy constructor? [CODE] #ifndef MY_MIN_PQ_H #define MY_MIN_PQ_H #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class my_min_pq { public: //default constructor my_min_pq(); //destructor ~my_min_pq(); //insert element at end of sequence, and rearrange so minimum data at the front of array void enqueue(int data ,int priority); //removes data …

Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345
Member Avatar for laelzio.mosca

I have this code for a tic tac toe game, it`s not done yet, and what I have done isn`t working like I want it to. The screan prints and promps player 1 and 2 for inputs one at a time, but my while loop in main is probably wrong, …

Member Avatar for jonsca
Member Avatar for sperrytx

I am a beginning c++ student and need to read in a text file as shown below: [code=text] Orvilles's Acres, 114.8 43801 Hoffman's Hills, 77.2 36229 Jiffy Quick Farm, 89.4 24812 Houston Bayou Texas Home Grown Popcorn Inc., 124.7 65687 [/code] The criteria is to read characters to comma then …

Member Avatar for Clinton Portis
Member Avatar for besbis cat

hey guyz how r u?? plzz i rly need ur help with this 1.. coz i dnt know how 2 writ it..:( Writ a program estimate how much a young worker will make before retiring age of 65. request the worker’s name, age, and starting salary as input. Assume the …

Member Avatar for wareagleau
Member Avatar for guccitan88

I have to write a function to populate a 50 element integer array with random numbers: 100 <= # <= 1000. I have everything I need in the code except the "between 100 and 1000." The things I'm trying are not working. Thanks! [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <ctime> …

Member Avatar for guccitan88
Member Avatar for ncwolfe

I'm using Visual Studio 2005. I tried to adapt the existing class for the binary search tree (from my book) to a template and mostly it works, but I'm getting errors related to the insertNode and deleteSubTree functions when I try to build it. The header file: [CODE] // Specification …

Member Avatar for ncwolfe
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi and I have just downloaded the Irrlicht gaming engine and although I have had a briefing about it from a friend I can't seem make it do what I want. I got the demo which is nearly what my result will look like but then I tried switching from …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for lotrsimp12345

we are supposed to implement using STL vector and base it on priority and have have a data value So every time i enqueue i insert an in item into the end of the vector and if no space i modify. So do i reorder the list to place the …

Member Avatar for ItecKid

Hello all, I am trying to write a clustering algorithm where, given location of certain points (I.e, latitude and longitude) I need to choose 50 of these to be cluster centers such that the diameter of each cluster is minimized. To that end, I believe that the program should choose …

Member Avatar for ItecKid
Member Avatar for neumannj656

it builds correctly and runs correctly but when the program gets to the while statement, it just stops completely, does not even allow blind input of data. I know it is a little messy but here is the code: [code=c++]// buildingwillcost.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. …

Member Avatar for Evan M
Member Avatar for Veri7as

For some reason when i'm trying to declare a float function it gives me this error. But if i declare a void or any other type of function it works... any ideas? THANKS!! [CODE]#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; void inputInfo(float *** rawScores, char names[ ][50], int …

Member Avatar for Veri7as
Member Avatar for PDB1982

I am trying to find a way to find a median of individual parallel arrays, but I'm not sure how to start. One question I have, though....is an array the same as a list? I was told that it might be easier to do a bubble sort of a list, …

Member Avatar for PDB1982
Member Avatar for Phloxicon

I have an alarmingly strange situation. I fill my map with const char * and int values. When I try to "find" the one I want, it says it's not there. Here's the short version: [code=c] // tempText = "socialize" for( actionIter =actionMap.begin(); actionIter !=actionMap.end(); ++actionIter ) { if ( …

Member Avatar for Phloxicon
Member Avatar for Talguy

So I can crop an image in cariomm and display it to the canvas, but what I want to do is crop the image and save the cropped image to a Cairo::ImageSurface so that I can paint just the section of the overall image to the screen with out have …

Member Avatar for jcax

I'm trying to move one big C++ string (with separators) like one below [CODE] & 12345 & 12345 & 23423 & 90323 & [/CODE] into 3x5 array like one below with the first group of numbers excluded char array[3][5]; [CODE] { '1' , '2' , '3' , '4' , '5'} …

Member Avatar for jcax
Member Avatar for kavourdoukos

I need help cause i dont know how to use an array of pointer to classes. I've got in my main this: [CODE]gramma** letter;[/CODE] I have in an other class named classA this: [CODE]gramma** grammata;[/CODE] I construct in my main like this: [CODE]letter=new gramma*[number]; for(int i=0;i<number;i++){ letter[i]=new gramma(arithmos,&array);}[/CODE] What i …

Member Avatar for Agni
Member Avatar for Dex02

Hello guys i need help, I need to write a program that count how many nubers can be divide in a interval from k to n, exemple in a interval from 1 - 10 theare "3" numbers that can be divide with 3, here is my program: 1. [CODE] #include …

Member Avatar for zobadof
Member Avatar for zobadof

I have been getting tutorialed by somebody who also learns C++ and gave me the code to make a new window, but the CMD also opens with that. The fact that cmd opens with that is not the problem, the problem is I dont think I was ready to move …

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Member Avatar for bonotevo

This is my first post so please bear with me. I am bringing in 2 files into 2 arrays and then trying co compare the arrays to each other. When I compare the arrays, I am trying to find out how many locations have matching letters in both strings. ) …

Member Avatar for Dave Sinkula
Member Avatar for matmeister

The problem: Palindromes are words or phrases that read the same backwards as forwards. Write a C++ program that indicates whether each line on an input file, called sentences.txt and given on my homepage, contains a palidrome. Those lines of sentences.txt that are palidromes should be written to an output …

Member Avatar for zobadof
Member Avatar for HunterFish

Good day to all. I would like to ask some help regarding C++ sounds. I read some codes in playing sounds using C++ and this codes was based on WINDOWS. I would like to as if there is a possibility that I can play a wav file in LINUX using …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Carrots

Hi, I have a linked list which stores base class pointers (which point to derived type objects). I'm trying to give this option to the user: [code=c++] cout << "Press 'n' then Enter to show next, 'p' then Enter for previous and 'q' then enter to return to menu" << …

Member Avatar for ihatestarch

So on the last day of class, I've learned about vectors. They seem like linked list, which seem like arrays. They are all pretty much containers that will hold some object of some data type I believe. Why would someone use one vs. using the other? And is there one …

Member Avatar for ihatestarch
Member Avatar for 101ani.sh

Why turbo C++ compiler is not supporting in laptop(compaq CQ40,lanova 450) ????...........Is there any other compiler that support for laptops??????????

Member Avatar for zobadof
Member Avatar for digital_ice7

[CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; void pop(int s, int n) { for (int l = 0; l < n; l++) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { cout << s[l][i] << "\t"; } cout << endl; } } int main() { int n, num; cout << …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for zobadof

Hello I would like to start learning allegro but need some suggested sites, please help!

Member Avatar for zobadof

The End.