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People interested in shaping features for Gmail, Google’s free mail service in beta for about the last half-century, can now test their latest creations in a safe new environment. The company Friday launched [URL=http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=29418]Gmail Labs[/URL], a type of sandbox that people can use to test and provide feedback on Gmail …

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Google has [URL="http://mail.google.com/mail/help/about_whatsnew.html"]made 13 new features available[/URL] to users of its Gmail service, although you do have to dig into the 'labs' settings in order to enable them. Remember also that Gmail is one of those long-term Beta test services that Google seems to specialise in (although word is that …

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The [URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/intelligence.aspx"]MessageLabs Intelligence Report[/URL] for May 2008 has revealed that spam levels have risen across all industry sectors, but manufacturing remains the leading vertical as far as spam activity is concerned at 83.7 percent. The biggest rise, however, can be found in the non-profit sector with spam levels up by …

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Spam is annoying, resource consuming, malware driven and often offensive. It is also nothing if not responsive to market needs. This can be seen in the market driven swing from pharmaceutical and health related spam which has pretty much dominated the landscape during the last couple of years, to the …

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Microsoft continues to reach out and touch mobile device makers and their carriers. The company today announced a deal with Research in Motion that will enhance integration between Microsoft’s Windows Live services and Blackberry 7000 and 8000 series devices as well as the [URL= http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2443.html]BlackBerry Bold[/URL], a brand-new model unveiled …

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There’s a better-than-even chance that you’re using Microsoft Outlook for e-mail. And if you’re like me, you’re not too happy about it. But there’s a free plug-in available today that brings some much needed relief from some of what ails the world’s most popular e-mail client. I tried it today …

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How stupid do you have to be to get caught by spam email with the subject line of 'we caught you naked [your name] - check the video' is a question I have been asking myself today. Not because I have been caught naked, and if I had my only …

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Security provider Webroot has today published its [URL="http://www.webroot.com/En_GB/land-sois-home.html"]State of Internet Security: Protecting Business Email[/URL] research report and estimates that every single business email account will receive some 42,000 spams during the course of 2008. Or 116 junk messages every single day if you prefer. That is an increase of some …

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According to messaging security experts [URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/intelligence.aspx"]MessageLabs[/URL] there has been a 100 percent rise in the amount of spam from Gmail during February, along with a worrying 200 percent increase in targeted Trojan attacks. The February MessageLabs Intelligence Report, published today, paints a sorry picture as far as IT security is …

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In an effort to compete with the Blackberry, and gain momentum in the business world, the iPhone now has full support for Microsoft Exchange, one of the major factors holding the professional back from splurging on an iPhone. While Apple is now going full force trying to make the iPhone …

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Last year I [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1466.html"]exposed[/URL] a security breach involving the online collection of applications for visa documents allowing Indian citizens to visit the UK, an expose that ended up with the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1817.html"]UK government itself being found guilty[/URL] of breaking the Data Protection Act and which kick-started something of a sea change …

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According to the Managing Your Organisation’s E-mail and Messaging survey, the results of which were announced today by network management developer [URL="http://www.ipswitch.com"]Ipswitch Inc.[/URL], the feeling that you are drowning in spam happens for a reason: you are. The survey revealed that 20% of those responding reported more than a 100% …

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Google has [URL="http://mail.google.com/support/bin/topic.py?topic=12760"]added IMAP support[/URL] to its free webmail service Gmail. Users can now access email from client applications using the Internet Message Access Protocol, and at the same time automatically update the message status within Gmail itself. This is something that many people who access Gmail messages via the …

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Some major corporations, including [URL="http://www.intel.com"]Intel[/URL] and [URL="http://www.deloitte.com"]Deloitte & Touche[/URL], are apparently spearheading a 'no email Friday' concept in order to crack down on non-essential messages, boost productivity and encourage better face-to-face communications between employees. It appears that some companies are even using the carrot and stick approach, well stick mainly, …

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Rob Siemborski, Gmail Engineer, wrote in the [URL="http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2007/10/more-gmail-storage-coming-for-all.html"]official Gmail blog[/URL] on Friday that "a few of you are using Gmail so much that you're running out of space, so to make good on our promise, today we're announcing we are speeding up our counter and giving out more free storage." …

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If you have ever spent a few minutes looking for an email that the sender swears they sent the week before, but seems to have vanished into the ether now, then you are not alone. A new report by [URL="http://www.emedia.co.uk"]e-Media[/URL] for [URL="http://www.mimecast.com"]Mimecast[/URL] suggests that IT managers in the UK alone …

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We've been talking about "upside" in the technology stock sector all week. Hand held devices and memory cards were the sectors at the top of that list, and should stay that way. Another side to the upside discussion is who, exactly, will be buying these products? After all, a lot …

Member Avatar for jwenting
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[URL="http://www.qualcomm.com/"]Qualcomm[/URL] is best known for two things: making mobile phone chips and owning the once hugely popular Eudora email client software. Or perhaps I should say once owning the once hugely popular Eudora email client software as Qualcomm stopped selling it back in May and handed over the codebase to …

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Although we all like to moan about the amount of spam hitting our mailboxes, the truth is that spam filtering is pretty good these days and only a tiny amount of it actually need bother us at all. Unlike all that stuff we have actually signed up for but cannot …

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Mozilla CEO Mitchell Baker has [URL="http://weblogs.mozillazine.org/mitchell/archives/2007/07/email_futures.html"]admitted[/URL] that Thunderbird is to be booted out of the Mozilla camp in order to allow “the Thunderbird community to determine its own destiny” apparently. Put through my patented BS translator this produced “Thunderbird brings us no revenue, gets a bad press whether compared to …

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Romanian security developer [URL="http://www.bitdefender.com"]BitDefender[/URL] has issued a warning about a fast spreading Trojan dubbed Spammer.HotLan.A which is using Hotmail and Yahoo accounts to send spam. According to BitDefencer some 15,000 accounts have already been compromised and the situation is likely to get much worse over the next few days. Viorel …

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Let me get one thing straight before I go any further. I am a caring father of four, the youngest of which is just 7 years old. If any of them were abducted, I would do everything in my power to find them. Just like any caring father. Certainly the …

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[URL="http://www.ipswitch.com"]Ipswitch Inc[/URL] has published the seventh Spamometer survey results, revealing that spam is now at its highest rate since recording began. How high would that be? Well for the same spring period last year the measure was some 62% of all received email, that has risen to an incredible 93% …

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Just a week after Mozilla made the Release Candidate 1 version of the Firefox-alike open source email client available for download, comes the news that the final version is now [URL="http://www.getthunderbird.com"]here[/URL]. Mozilla Thunderbird 2 brings lots of new features to the table, most notably: [LIST] [*]Message Tagging - Organize emails …

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Starting May 2007, Yahoo is going to offer unlimited inbox storage. That's right, to celebrate their 10th anniversary, [URL="http://yodel.yahoo.com/2007/03/27/yahoo-mail-goes-to-infinity-and-beyond"]there will be absolutely no limit on the number of messages you can hold in your mailbox[/URL]. This is obviously to compete with Google's Gmail and other similar providers, which are offering …

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It has been a few years coming, but at long last the Google operated, web-based, free Gmail email service has lifted the crazy invitation only restriction. As from today you can simply click on a link from the Google [URL="http://www.google.com"]home page[/URL] and join in the fun of easily searchable email …

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Research published by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) just before Christmas revealed that UK consumers are being conned to the tune of £3.5 billion every single year. The detailed analysis suggests that nearly half of the adult population of the UK has been targeted by a scam, and as …

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Spam continues to rise. In November alone, people saw a 35% increase of spam in their online mailboxes, and not only do that but also use new ways to fool spam filters to somehow get into peope's email. 31 billion spam was the average amount sent in October, but that …

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I hate it, you hate it, [B]everyone hates spam[/B]. Perhaps just as annoying as the fact that most of us have no interest in improving our sexual performance, enlarging our sexual organs or accepting a refinancing deal from a complete stranger, is the fact that we just do not know …

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If you think of a virus as being something that replicates itself, spreading from computer to computer, until seemingly everyone has it installed, then maybe you could classify Google’s [URL="http://www gmail.com"]Gmail[/URL] service as being one. If you happened to be using Microsoft [URL="http://www.windowsonecare.com"]Windows Live OneCare[/URL] security over the weekend then …

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The End.