909 Topics

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The FBI has confirmed reports that it was forced to shut down it's external unclassified email network "as a precautionary measure" following the discovery of a virus infection. I am led to understand that the particular virus concerned has been identified by the FBI but this information has yet to …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for happygeek

I am not a great fan of online translation services, or at least not the free variety which almost invariably end up making some huge gaffs. However, Google obviously likes the idea as it has been providing just such a tool for a while now in the shape of Google …

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Scared that students taking an exam might cheat, teachers at the posh Harrow School in England took the unusual step of banning them from using the Internet and re-routing their email so it could be read by the headmaster. The irony of the exam being concerned with Nazi foreign policy …

Member Avatar for happygeek

A [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=aa6e0660-dc24-4930-affd-e33572ccb91f&displaylang=en"]Microsoft security report[/URL] has 'revealed' that some 97 percent of the emails travelling across the Internet are actually unwanted spam. Well duh, like I didn't realise it was such a big problem. Actually, I didn't, to be fair. Mainly because just about every other security report I have read …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

One of the major problems with social networks - hey, one of the major problems with any new trend - is that so many people spend so long trying to persuade themselves that they're actually looking at just another version of an existing thing. So if I'd been around when …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall. ~Led Zeppelin, The Rain Song. [/I] It's been quite a couple of weeks for Google. First there was the mistake that caused the entire Internet to be [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/01/31/google-flags-whole-internet-as-malware/"]flagged as malware[/URL]. Next came the great …

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Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

As part of my [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4037.html"]ongoing quest[/URL] to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4007.html"]bring you information[/URL] on getting -- or keeping -- a job in the tech sector, I want to point you to a [URL="http://www.palamida.com/blogs/eight-open-source-projects-for-highly-effective-job-hunting"]great blog post[/URL] by the folks at the application security company [URL="http://www.palamida.com/"]Palamida[/URL]. They've assembled a list of eight open source tools …

Member Avatar for Justin Ryan
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

...I didn't get any email outage at all through my [URL="http://www.google.com/a"]Google Apps[/URL] account. Call me old-fashined but when you sign up for something like that you deserve to be included if everyone else gets a complete service failure. I can only assume this is because, remiss of me though it …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The great Gmail outage, which as far as I can tell lasted a couple of hours over night in the US has prompted some nasty articles such as this one from [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/02/24/trouble-in-the-clouds-gmail-turns-into-gfail/"]TechCrunch[/URL] where they derisively refer to Gmail as Gfail. Let's grow up, people. Software fails all the time and …

Member Avatar for Andy Zhao
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

When Google launched Gmail's IMAP capabilities last year, it thrust the ubiquitous Web-based mail service into the limelight as a true contender for enterprise use. Even though it's tightly integrated with [URL="http://www.google.com/apps/intl/en/business/index.html"]Google Apps[/URL], a powerful suite of business tools, many people still shunned Gmail citing about a lack of offline …

Member Avatar for slfisher

The Bush administration was [URL="http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20090114/order_20090114.pdf"]ordered this week[/URL] to take a number of steps intended to help preserve email messages sent between 2003 and 2005 that had been thought to have been deleted -- but the way the court order was phrased offers a number of loopholes to avoid the intent …

Member Avatar for caravantech
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

It's true, Elvis Presley's birthplace and I are complete strangers. But if I had been there, or better still if I were planning to visit, I hope I wouldn't say anything overtly insulting about the place. Unlike, say, James Andrews, VP of Ketchum PR. He seems to have [URL="http://mumbrella.com.au/2009/01/16/two-digital-blunders-pr-man-disses-his-clients-city-on-twitter-radio-trade-bodys-rogue-email/"]embarrassed himself[/URL] …

Member Avatar for slfisher

Remember the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3670.html"]Idaho elected official[/URL] a few weeks back who got in trouble for forwarding a message, comparing Michelle Obama to a black widow spider, to 26 people from his official email account? It gets better. The [I]Kuna-Melba News[/I], a weekly paper that covers western Ada County and eastern Canyon …

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Perhaps Idaho politicians and government workers just shouldn't be allowed near the Internet. Steve Rule, commissioner for Canyon County, was [URL="http://www.newwest.net/city/article/commissioner_sends_racist_email_using_official_account/C108/L108/#comments"]criticized[/URL] earlier this month for forwarding an email message, comparing Michelle Obama to a black widow spider, to 26 people, many of them at Canyon County government email accounts. To …

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Member Avatar for khess

Has your IT budget just taken a big hit for 2009? Many have. These desperate times call for desperate measures but don't worry these measures aren't nearly so desperate and they just might help you fix that ailing IT budget. All you need is a little creative thinking and some …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

If you've been clinging to the interoffice email and calendaring capabilities of Microsoft Exchange as your company's last vestige of proprietary software, it's really time to consider giving up the ghost. Open source collaboration software vendor [URL="http://www.open-xchange.com/"]Open-Xchange, Inc.[/URL] announced recently it now offers its flagship product, Open-Xchange, as an [URL="http://www.open-xchange.com/en/products/open-xchange-appliance-edition-en"]appliance …

Member Avatar for newsguy

If you spend anytime online, posting in forums, discussing blog entries and getting involved in heated IM conversations then the chances are you have said it. Even Lisa and Bart Simpson have said it. Meh. We said meh! Now, meh is officially a word rather than just an online utterance. …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Sarah Palin is always keen to talk about open and transparent government, indeed it was one of the main focal points of her campaign when she ran for the office of Governor in Alaska. Of course, she continues to talk the transparency talk now that the campaign has ramped up …

Member Avatar for infotechland
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I'd like to start today's blog with a big hello to the British Government. I say a big hello although they won't be watching everything I type just yet, that's going to be a little later. They're trying to pass laws over here that mean they'll be allowed to monitor …

Member Avatar for airbourne
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Sometimes someone has something that's just a grand idea and everyone should have one. Take Google Goggles. The idea is that when you send an e-mail at certain times of day, particularly from home, they'll set you some [URL="http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2008/10/new-in-labs-stop-sending-mail-you-later.html"]maths questions[/URL]. Why would it do a thing like that? Why, to …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

We were all treated this week to a lovely example of why it's a good idea to use standard email for government business (or corporate business, for that matter). First, Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin mentioned that [URL="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/09/AR2008090903044.html"]she used Yahoo Mail[/URL] for some of her email, which is a …

Member Avatar for tiger86

Has The Idea of one Mega Internet Computer Operating System ever crossed your mind? I have definitely thought about the possibility of a World Wide Operating System but I guess I was not the only one thinking about it. Google started out as a Search Engine, Their next big step …

Member Avatar for diva4321
Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Remember the [URL="http://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=3052158"]Great BlackBerry Email Debacle of 2007[/URL]? Yesterday's unexpected [URL="http://www.techcrunch.com/2008/08/11/systemwide-gmail-outage/"]Gmail outage[/URL] wasn't on quite the same scale, but if your business relies on Google's uptime to manage email, there were no doubt some tense moments around the water cooler. Was this a wake-up call for your company? Did it …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I just love stories like [URL="http://uk.reuters.com/article/internetNews/idUKSP20465620080731?feedType=nl&feedName=uktechnology"]this[/URL]. There's a survey in Australia that demonstrates how few companies bother responding to e-mailed queries. Apparently some 60 per cent of large organisations simply don't bother answering questions sent by mail. I have to declare some amusement here. In 1997 I edited a work …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Apple's doesn't make too many missteps, but the company continues to stumble implementing its [URL=http://www.apple.com/mobileme/]MobileMe[/URL] e-mail service. Apple issued a second apology over the weekend for service outages which left users without e-mail; the first came last week for similar reasons. The service was launched on July 9 along with …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Heads up users of Yahoo Mail. A cross-site scripting vulnerability has been discovered that could allow hackers to steal a user’s session IDs and ultimately private information, according to [URL=http://blog.cenzic.com/public/item/207752]a report[/URL] yesterday from security risk assessment firm Cenzic. In an excerpt from the Cenzic blog post, the company reports: “If …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Fellow DaniWeb blogger Guy Clapperton [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2585.html"]makes some excellent points[/URL] about why, as a "self-employed Mac user," he bought himself a new iPhone following yesterday's announcement of the new 3G model. Are there any compelling reasons to get a new iPhone if you're a corporate employee or business owner, though? Actually, …

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People interested in shaping features for Gmail, Google’s free mail service in beta for about the last half-century, can now test their latest creations in a safe new environment. The company Friday launched [URL=http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=29418]Gmail Labs[/URL], a type of sandbox that people can use to test and provide feedback on Gmail …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Google has [URL="http://mail.google.com/mail/help/about_whatsnew.html"]made 13 new features available[/URL] to users of its Gmail service, although you do have to dig into the 'labs' settings in order to enable them. Remember also that Gmail is one of those long-term Beta test services that Google seems to specialise in (although word is that …

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The [URL="http://www.messagelabs.com/intelligence.aspx"]MessageLabs Intelligence Report[/URL] for May 2008 has revealed that spam levels have risen across all industry sectors, but manufacturing remains the leading vertical as far as spam activity is concerned at 83.7 percent. The biggest rise, however, can be found in the non-profit sector with spam levels up by …


The End.