871 Topics

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While compiling my Yahtzee project I get these errors: ||=== Build: Debug in Yahtzee (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler) ===| ld.exe||cannot open output file bin\Debug\Yahtzee.exe Permission denied| ||error: ld returned 1 exit status| ||=== Build failed: 2 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s)) ===| I use CodeBlocks. It's not nice …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bianca2002

Hello! I am a beginner at c++ and want to create a tic tac toe game using stacks. So, I am very much in need of an example of code for tic tac toe with stacks, or at least a piece of advice since I am totally lost.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ranalimbo

looking for laptop for latest gaming under $1000 need some suggetions for [gaming laptops under $1000]

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for ICgames
Member Avatar for flas

Anyone who has bought the Nintendo Switch Lite? I have ordered one for my little boy, and now he wants to get some cool switch lite accessories, some recommendation? I have found one switch lite screen shell from **Flashcarda.com**, anyone who has the shipping experience。

Member Avatar for DonStar
Member Avatar for Bert Pitt
Member Avatar for DonStar
Member Avatar for flas

We all know the the [Nintendo Switch Lite](https://3dsflashcarts2dsxl.blogspot.com/2019/07/can-we-hack-nintendo-switch-lite.html) will be released at this month, compring with Old Nintendo Switch, will you buy it?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for speakdif45

I was looking for open source projects on google and found this platform crowdsourcer.io is there anyone with experience using the platform? I plan to contribute to a game project there.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for dendenny01

I am trying to implement Connect 4 game using Min-Max as utility to find best possible move.<br><br> The game is played on a 6x7 grid, with six rows and seven columns. . The two players take turns placing pieces on the board: the red player can only place red pieces, …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for tobygarrick

and im working on Archery, bow hunting, bow sling, paracord, backcountry gear, tree stand, my sling-a-ling ,jakt gear, total archery challenge, hunting accessories, bowhunting accessories, bowhunting gear, bow hunting, 3D archery, archery tournaments, hunting season, archery sling, archery accessories much more .Im new in this forum I need lots of …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for VASebastian

I am a beginner in C++ coding. Now I am making a little text based game and i need to do a loading screen. I've kind of made one but i want to fill it with this shape â– . What i know is that the ascii code for it is …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mjhorn0
Member Avatar for pato wlmc

Well, right now i'm following a tutorial on game making for c++, but is this really the best programming language for video games? Also i'd like to know if can recommend me a book ( i've seen some book on amazon but i don't really know wich one to choose …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sanket_6

I Know to design the games, but i don't know that how to specify controls gor designed game using programming language... Soo can anybody HELP me ??? - Thankyou !

Member Avatar for jmvazq
Member Avatar for clairrayray

Hi I'm just beginning to learn programming, but I have some knowledge about design and wanted to ask about design in particular. Is it important to have a certain color theme? I mean which color and shapes would be the best for a game design? In psychologty, we call it …

Member Avatar for jmvazq
Member Avatar for Kingsley_3

Hello guys, I need a concise explanation of the minimax algorithm... I understand it perfectly when explained with trees but the confusion comes in the code implementation... How do I get to implement depth search using code? I understand that calling minimax follows a recursive pattern but getting the AI …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for saif_11
Member Avatar for Harish_8

I have developed a player v/s player game for tic tac toe..but can't understand the logic for AI ..can someone please include the AI segment in my code because i so much need it for my school project #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> char grid [3][3]; void display_grid() { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for lewashby

I am looking to buy a motherboard and I'm looking for lots of USB and sata ports, it should fit in this case -> item# N82E16811146077 on newegg.com and will work well with Linux for my main desktop, and a windows and SeamOS drives as well for gaming? Will this …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for BlueDragonRage

all i need is as many commands for dos programing i am makeing a game called Super Batch RPG please resopnd as of now all the code i know is @echo off echo set __=_ set /p __= set /a __-=__ if "%__%" == "%__%" echo :example code warp goto …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jkon

I am a partner in a company that deals with various aspects of the web presence of a company. Those aspects some times touch back office and more often replace it entirely. I have no idea of the mobile games field but last week my interest flamed. I tried several …

Member Avatar for jkon
Member Avatar for Curious Gorge

Hello. I'm using Unity3d to create a simple turret simulation and I have run in to a problem. I need to find the angle to an object from the turret in 3d space. Up to this point I thought I could just take the (arc)trig values retrieved from certain perspectives …

Member Avatar for xrjf
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3

Test Driven Development is something I explored at my last firmware job. I'm interested in trying it while developing a game-engine. Has anyone else here tried this and what has your experience been.

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

My son is looking to buy a new gaming system. For reasons I have detailed elsewhere on Daniweb, there is no way in hell we will consider a Dell system. They were great once. They aren't anymore. And their service sucks big time. We would prefer a prebuilt system because …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for KevinVernon

I saw this game at other forum. I think its interesting. Lets play ;) Post something about the person above you, I'll start.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for lewashby

I recently purchased a new Vizio 55" LED 1080p tv but I'm having trouble connection my Nintendo 64 to it. The red & white audio cable are working fine and I'm getting all of the audio but there is not yellow port on my new tv for the N64's yellow …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Lucas_10

I'm thinking of a game to make from Python 2.7.10, so can you guys tell me what should I make and then I could put the code in a reply :)

Member Avatar for Lee_15
Member Avatar for Mushy-pea

Hey. I've been working on a home brew game since late last year, writing an engine in Haskell and GLSL that includes 3D graphics, basic physics and programmable game logic. The version in the second video shows the first appearance of lighting and importation of OBJ files (the cube was …

Member Avatar for Lucas_10

So, I'm making a ton of games like Bubble Blaster but will anyone help me with my currunt one, CodeNet! Currently this is the code. #CodeNet.com #Game Script import time print('Welcome') menu = ['Accept', 'Cancel'] from Tkinter import * HEIGHT = 626 WIDTH = 1238 window = Tk() window.title('Code Net.com') …

Member Avatar for Lucas_10
Member Avatar for Lucas_10

How could I improve my code for Bubble Blaster. from Tkinter import * HEIGHT = 626 WIDTH = 1238 window = Tk() window.title('Bubble Blaster 1.8 - By Lucas - AiroTM - Contact Us On Airo ;)') c = Canvas(window, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg='darkblue') c.pack() ship_id = c.create_polygon(5, 5, 5, 25, 30, …

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The End.