348 Topics

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Member Avatar for brainfo

hi. I successfully created a portfolio section in wordpress with quicksand with the help of http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/theme-development/create-a-quicksand-portfolio-with-wordpress/ site. And now am having problem that when ever i click any view detail page it shows " This is somewhat embarrassing, isn’t it? It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps …

Member Avatar for blocblue
Member Avatar for stereoworld

Hi all :-) Just a question about a pecl module I'm having trouble installing I'm trying to install pecl_http on WHM. I go into Module Installers > PHP Pecl and then select PECL_HTTP. I'm getting the following error message when trying to attempt it: checking for curl/curl.h... not found configure: …

Member Avatar for rpv_sen

Hi Friends **Example:** URL: http://localhost/sitename/page=name i want to print **name** in my page. like You Are Here: Home » **name** Please can any one help me.

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for Bheeman89

Hello Daniweb. I have an issue here about my LAN network. I want to redirect all the web traffic that is happening in my LAN to a proxy server before it reaches the router and the Internet. Now, my infrastructure is like this where client makes request, request go through …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I'm trying to code a webform to allow people to input data on several objects in a database. I'd like to have them be able to click an update button for each item they want to update, popup a box for the value, and pass that value to …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for prathapsv3

I have just started to learn PHP.I have installed Netbeans and WampServer, now when i run a sample php code in netbeans, browser showing 404 error.i think everything installed correctly,may be its because of some connection problem with browser and netbeans,should i change something in project properties?.Could someone please help?

Member Avatar for Marcus mouse
Member Avatar for daniel36

i have the code in my project- <Script language="JavaScript"> function goto(form) { var index=form.select.selectedIndex if (form.select.options[index].value != "0") { location=form.select.options[index].value;}} </SCRIPT> <FORM NAME="form1"> <SELECT NAME="select" ONCHANGE="goto(this.form)" SIZE="1"> <OPTION VALUE="">-------Choose a Purpose------- <OPTION VALUE="<?php echo base_url()."admin_panel/post_pmb/project"; ?>">Project Discussion </option> <OPTION SELECT="SELECTED" VALUE="<?php echo base_url()."admin_panel/post_pmb/general"; ?>">General Discussion</option> </SELECT> </FORM> in this code …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for darrinkeller

I'm trying to redirect about 40 web addresses from an old site to a new site. I was able to redirect all of the pages that DO NOT have a ".aspx" in them to the new site using .htaccess but I cannot figure out how to redirect the .aspx links. …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant

I am working on a redirect script for a fancybox that loads a video, and then redirects the user to a new webpage when the fancybox is closed. I have the loader, and the redirect working. However every video that is loaded redirects to the same page. I believe this …

Member Avatar for ajberrow

Hi, all, This may not be the correct place to ask this question, but I can't find another forum that seems to match my question. We have a web site which stores : user's name (which is not validated in any way, so we have lots of Donald Ducks and …

Member Avatar for ajberrow
Member Avatar for cereal

Hi! *Minimize HTTP requests*. One of the suggestion I always read is to combine files, so I made a little Class that merges files on the fly, the supported formats are CSS and Javascript. With little efforts, I think, it can work fine also with JSON and CSV. Usage is …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Octet

Ok, I am having a 'WTF' moment, I cannot see what is going wrong and it is really beginning to bug me. I am attempting to send a user to an error page if the username or password is incorrect but it keeps redirecting to a page which doesn't exist …

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for bilfus01

I am hoping this is an easy question. I am not well versed in Java, I am a ITSM admin, but the ITSM product we use comes with Tomcat as it's web server. I am trying to find out if there is a simple way to set index file (welcome …

Member Avatar for Imby
Member Avatar for dougsix

A web site I'm trying develop has several pages that won't open unless the user is logged in. If not logged in, the user is redirected to a login page that tells the user why they were reditrected. Prior to the redirection, a SESSION variable stores the path back to …

Member Avatar for dougsix
Member Avatar for cyberbemon

Note: This is a server that is going to be used on a build farm, So 3rd party libraries are no use here. I've been working on writing a python script that can be used to POST files on to a tomcat server (java), I finished writing the servlet and …

Member Avatar for cyberbemon
Member Avatar for ktsangop

Hello everyone! I want to monitor my network using wireshark 's tshark command line tool. What i want to accomplish is to redirect tshark's output to a c++ application, so i can examine data and output a more comprehensive analysis without keeping a huge amount of data. I am working …

Member Avatar for ktsangop
Member Avatar for devin2203

Hi In my application I have a test for distance using google maps api. As you can see above if the postcode is within range the page is redirected to the menu page. I have created a very simple lightbox using css and the onclick function. I want that div/lightbox …

Member Avatar for KeithMon

I'm using PHP code from: [DetectMobileBrowsers.mobi](http://detectmobilebrowsers.mobi/) to redirect mobile users to a mobile site. I've got this code at the top of my page but I'm not experiencing any redirects. include('mobile_device_detect.php'); mobile_device_detect(true,true,true,true,'http://mydomain.com/mobile.php','http://mydomain.com/index.php'); I don't want to include the code from the website mentioned above because I believe it's copyright. Is …

Member Avatar for KeithMon
Member Avatar for 9tontruck

Hi guys, I need to parse JSON data from an HTTPS protocol so I downloaded and integrated libcurl into my VS2010. Everything works fine and sample codes work fine when I use "http" protocol. However, a CURL error keeps coming out when I try to read from "https" protocol.... The …

Member Avatar for 9tontruck
Member Avatar for Patiodude

I recently converted all my website's files to .php, including my index.html and 404 page. Everything worked fine until I clicked a dead link, and no 404 page came up. Naturally, I figured I forgot to update the .htaccess file. After doing so and re-uploading it, every page on my …

Member Avatar for |-|x
Member Avatar for maverick0612

I am connecting to a data stream that pushes data continuously and when I tried to set up a network stream I just could not connect and kept getting the 'not found' error. I used the httpwebrequest with webrequest.keepalive = true and started to consume the data by reading into …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for Octet

Ok, so I have just set up a server using Ubuntu Server 12.04 but I have hit a bit of a brick wall when attempting to view webpages. I chown'ed the /var/www folder so I could add my files to it and all is working fine from this front but …

Member Avatar for here2serve
Member Avatar for drumichael87

I'm in a little bit of a panic. I have built my mobile website infrastructure based on a system of links like this: `http://sample.com/#home`, `http://sample.com/#reports`, etc. I am using HTML5 data-role for the first time. anyway, I have just discovered that this: `http://sample.com/#reports?say=hello` doesn't work! Or it isn't accessible by …

Member Avatar for BSkiLLs
Member Avatar for vindom

Hi! Im a noob to PHP but had to use it instead of ASP because I couldn't retrieve images from database using ASP + MS Access... Anyways.. I have couple questions: Number 1: How to retrieve and displaymultiple(!) images(jpg) from mysql DB? NUmber 2: I have a main page that …

Member Avatar for grant.baker
Member Avatar for kukula

Hi there, at the beginning I must admit that I am not good at PHP. I made a few websites in HTML but now I don't know what happened and what to do with it. I wanted to change a few things at [http://www.tips2.pl/](http://www.tips2.pl/) which is made in PHP. Everything …

Member Avatar for kukula
Member Avatar for vindom

Hi! Im a noob to PHP but had to use it instead of ASP because I couldn't retrieve images from database using ASP + MS Access... Anyways.. I have couple questions: Number 1: How to retrieve and displaymultiple(!) images(jpg) from mysql DB? NUmber 2: I have a main page that …

Member Avatar for vindom
Member Avatar for Dani

We have permalinks for each individual post in the forum in the format `/posts/jump/123`. These URLs do a 301 redirect to the post in the full article, such as `/full-article-url#post123`. The landing pages have canonical URLs set to the full article URLs. I just recently started having the issue of …

Member Avatar for poly11
Member Avatar for wisedave

Hello, I have decided to move away from my current web designer and host and go with Word Press and a completely new web host. I am going to use a new brand specific domain name (my company name) instead of my current keyword domain. I want to work on …

Member Avatar for isoconsultant
Member Avatar for koduruabhinav

i have image on my web application. When i click that i will be redirected to track jsp.What that jsp does is track the image that is clicked and redirect to that image url .At present i asing response.sendredirect(URL) which will redirect in same window.Is there any possiblity to open …

Member Avatar for CrazyDieter
Member Avatar for djbuclkle

Hey guys, can't see what is wrong with my code, I keep getting the error Status: 500 Internal Server Error Content-Type: text/html <html><body><h1>500 Internal Server Error</h1></body></html> [CODE]import httplib import sys import time #Initial connection to the server def connectingToServer(port, message, path): connection = httplib.HTTPConnection('rpc248.cs.man.ac.uk', port) headers = {'Content-type': 'application/xml', 'Accept': …

Member Avatar for bishisht

The End.