348 Topics

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Member Avatar for Slappey

Everytime I open a new page in Windows 8 I get an advertisment pop up screen. How can I delete this virus?

Member Avatar for mmcdonald
Member Avatar for vishal_WebDev

When i login in wordpress component at admin side of joomla at that time i m not redirecting login page to dashboard of wordpress and when i go at site side at that time i m with login status..and then i try to login from admin site then i m …

Member Avatar for vishal_WebDev
Member Avatar for prnjn

Hi, I am learning struts 2 framework and i have also used OGNL in it for data transfer. The problem is when i run the Login.jps page on apache tomcat server through Eclipse Indigo , i get the error "HTTP Status 404 - /Priyanjan_banking/Login.jsp" Please help me out . The …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for downtown1933

I am having some trouble posting to website..I've tried posting to many different websites and get the same result.. An error message referencing the js on the page, asking if i want to continue.. Then the response i get is the form I am posting to, with all fields correctly …

Member Avatar for Ketsuekiame
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Now this one always bugs me! I'm dealing with a lot of checks that result in redirection dependant on certain results. **Example:** 1) If session exists and users lands on login.php they are pointed to index.php. 2) When landing on any page after loggining in, if their account isn't complete …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for suncica2222

I need a way to check if tweet exists. I have link to tweet like https://twitter.com/darknille/status/355651101657280512 . I preferably want a fast way to check (without retrieving body of page, just HEAD request), so I tried something like this function if_curl_exists($url) { $resURL = curl_init(); curl_setopt($resURL, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($resURL, CURLOPT_BINARYTRANSFER, …

Member Avatar for suncica2222
Member Avatar for adi77tjr

Hello, I have a Ruby On Rails app online which uses devise authentication. I am trying to make an android app which make a request from ror app when a user try to log in (so the users can use same account from ror app). I heard that what I …

Member Avatar for adi77tjr
Member Avatar for wmc1956

The problem started with getting redirected when we searched with Google. So we tried other search engines which worked for a little while but now it doesn't matter which search engine we use. If you go back to the original search after you are redirected a time or two you …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for yxBen

Hi folks, I've recently got into doing a bit of web development and got hosting for it. The website is consisted of mainly 3 separate folders(one for home page, 2 for 2subdomains) under the html root directory to avoid cluttering. To get to my home page on my main domain, …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for webmoster

Help me! I have a domain, I would like to handle subdumain with .htaccess file. for example: http://usa.hotbizzle.com or http://india.hotbizzle.com should not redirect to sub folder. URL should not change in the browser but it has to call a file php file and give result. Is there any possibilities in …

Member Avatar for webmoster
Member Avatar for Mr.pc.online

i was working on a plugin that can find some special url in wordpress page contents and then if matching URL found then change that url automatically to another url like without giving backlink benfit to that site. for example : if i have defined a site that start with …

Member Avatar for Mr.pc.online
Member Avatar for cereal

#This is for Laravel 3.*# ## Hello, ## With this snippet I'm providing a simple way to automatically filter `Input::get()` and `Input::old()`. To achieve this result we need to make few changes: * extend Input and Redirect classes by creating new files in `application/libraries/`, the files are: **input.php** and **redirect.php**; …

Member Avatar for jcomputing

I have a contact form in a popup div. I want the contact form to redirect to the popup div with an error or a successful message when form is completed obviously depending if message was sent NOT A PAGE. Please can someone help me. <?php //set variable error var …

Member Avatar for Squidge
Member Avatar for rolanduk

Hy All Im here again to ask for you help. I still in the begining to launch the site, and i found a major error. The theory is the following. I planning to start a Pay per download site, which mean the members upload a file and when somebody want …

Member Avatar for rolanduk
Member Avatar for ak47carbon

i want to redirect my query base url to pretty url,i am trying this on local host, i want if any one try to access http://localhost/something/index.php?page=zen it will redirect to http://localhost/something/zen.html, ie http://localhost/something/index.php?page=zen => http://localhost/something/zen.html RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/index\.php$ RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^page=([a-zA-Z0-9_-])$ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost/cmsmadesimple/%1.html [L,R=301]

Member Avatar for ak47carbon
Member Avatar for jrotunda85

I am trying to secure a folder within my site by forcing an HTTPS connection when anything in this folder is run (the folder contains a series of scripts that process registrations, password resets, etc). What's the easiest way to accomplish this?

Member Avatar for pixelsoul
Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen

A client of mine wants to implement SSL on their site. They have a number of forms which communicate sensitive/personal information, and want to send the data over a secure channel. I've worked with sites that have SSL certificates already, but never actually implemented one myself. The site runs on …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i have a simple website that includes a WebService and a Webform page. i'm trying to call my web service from the web form using jquery. when i type the web service's url using https, i get "Access denied" error from internet explorer. the call works just fine when …

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for rayidi

I'm looking for a process I don't know weather it will work or not. I want to connect a computer to a website using `HTTP Protocol`. Is this possible ? How we can communicate a system having a `static IP Address` from a `HTTP Protocol` ? Is there any way …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for gssr

if a or b selected from select menu i want to submit values else other is selected from select menu i want to redirect to other website please help me urgent. ** my form code is ** <table> <tr> <td><label> <select name="community" id="select7" > <option value="a">a</option> <option value="b">b</option> <option value="other">other</option> …

Member Avatar for gssr
Member Avatar for hatebin

Hello everybody ! There is an issue that's driving me realy crazy. I'ts about Adobe DreamWeaver and adding MySQL Data Connection (For document type:PHP). When I input infrmation about: -Connection name -MySQL server(remote server) -username -password Which all of those infos are correct i receve a http error saying: "HTTP …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for icephixia2000

Ok this is the most unsoveable problem i have ever dealt with and the worst is i know it can be solved because someone has done it. I want my users after succsefull payment to be redirected to my site where i will capture their details and give them a …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for gilgil2

Hi I have 4 affiliate sites that are all in the same niche and I have bought the domain names mainly because they are frequently searched for terms in google. However to update all four daily would take more time than I have, so I am considering doing a 301 …

Member Avatar for AdamJack
Member Avatar for nHulk

"httpError: The Http Transport returned a 0 status code. This is usually the result of mixing ajax and full requests. This is usually undesired, for both performance and data integrity reasons." I am getting this error in my web page form... how to get rid of this message ............

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for reececropley

Hello, I have a client that wants to switch his TLD (top level domain) over when the new design for his site goes live. Problem is his old domain have thousands of backlinks linking back to his old domain. The plan is to set up a 301 Re-Direct from the …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for cwarn23

In php/html/javascript there are two different ways you may redirect a user to another page however there are a few things to consider before choosing with method to use. As you should know by now php has the ability to send html and javascript to the web browser and php …

Member Avatar for coreyavis
Member Avatar for dalilice

Hello guy, I have a website it's basicly a rss feed website. When a user click on a link they leave the page (with _blank). But i want to make a leave page something like www.domain.com/go/ they stay on this page for let's say 5 sec and they the script …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for jkon

First of all let me clarify that I am programmer and that my knowledge in system administration are limited ( I know more than that limited spectrum but I wouldn’t trust me on those ). This idea arose out of two deferent needs , I have a dedicated server in …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for George_91

I'm creating a website which requires a Login. When it logs in the system it creates a Session. But I don't know how to validate my next page. Because if the user types the name of the second page in the browser, it enters without problem. What I want is …

Member Avatar for Webville312
Member Avatar for brenton_77

Hi, I'm trying to redirect the admin user from my login.aspx page to the admin.aspx page and any other domain user to the default.aspx page. I have no problems getting the domain users redirecting or having a message displayed when the credentials are incorrect, however when I enter the admin …

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The End.