348 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dani

Just a show of hands, how many people have taken the plunge and migrated to HTTPS since Google's announcement? I was really against it at first, because I just don't like to do things just for SEO's sake, and it seemed to me like this was one of those things. …

Member Avatar for rinston
Member Avatar for martinkorner

Hi, I am trying to write a .htaccess script that can redirect any URL on my site (whether it exists or not, including sub-domains) to the index page of that site. For example: example.com/pages/page.htm ---> example.com sub.example.com/page.htm ---> example.com error.example.com/error ---> example.com I've tried a few things with mod_rewrite but …

Member Avatar for guruparthi
Member Avatar for SimonIoa

I have this on my error log. GET /wall/roves/378 HTTP/1.1" 404 212 i know it means that page its not found but i cant figure out why? its an Apache thing?

Member Avatar for SimonIoa
Member Avatar for Affable zaki

I am using upload services and i have to use a request over http due to which IE gives me "Mixed Content" popup. My client do not want this. Is there any way to hide or handle it through java script or in Jquerry or C#? Additional Info: Web Application …

Member Avatar for cgeier
Member Avatar for XodoX

I have some experience with client-server codes. TCP and udp client. I want to know how a stream socket works with HTTP. This client is for a server-client code where the greatest common divisor is calculated and displayed. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

I have a python code that reads a file into a stringio. This works great but now i need to do is http post from the stringio and i can not figure it out. Any help would be greatly appriciated cause this is really conffusing and i dont know what …

Member Avatar for chaze

I moved my old site to the new domain and have parked the old site over the new domain. Any ideas how to do the proper 301 redirect so the old site redirects each page to the new site. So: http://dwhs.net/web-hosting-plans.htm Redirect to: http://webhost.pro/web-hosting-plans.htm So far I just have: Options …

Member Avatar for pravien
Member Avatar for tsp003

I've searched the internet for a solution to this problem, to no avail. I'm getting an increasing number of complaints that, as the title says, my joomla sites are displaying as 503 errors in windows phone 8. HTTP 503 service unavailable. I've tested it on a lumia 1520 and I …

Member Avatar for goodtaste

Hi! I'm not a web developer, but I'm a blogger and I would like some tips on how to create a 404 error message or to do something about this message feom Blogger: "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist." I would like to …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for abaddon2031

Ok so I have been searching for several days on how to write a simple python script that will HTTP post to my server. I am jsut looking for some tips on how to write this properly cause as of right now im having to upload my add and update …

Member Avatar for abaddon2031
Member Avatar for wmc1956

I am having issues with bookmarks directing to other webites. I can save bookmarks but when I click them later it goes to another website like http://www.adcash.com/script/pop_packcpm.php?k=5223ae7e0c776178106.541145&h=59ebbf60230047531bf2e60d5ae2390545fce553&id=0&ban=178106&r=136690&ref=h&data=&subid= I have windows 8 and am using Firefox which says it is up to date. How do I get rid of the virus? …

Member Avatar for wmc1956
Member Avatar for tsp003

This ones got me confused, I'm a total noob but I created a joomla site, hosted by justhost and it's fine on all browsers apart from Windows 8 Phones running Internet Explorer 10 where all you get is the HTTP 503 Service Unavailable. I've checked it via http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com which says …

Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

So I'm trying to figure out why my get method doesn't pass its test. This is my attempt at the get method: public Value get(Object key) { //Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key. for (Pair<Key,Value> …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for cjohnweb

Hello all, I have a wordpress site, http://gardenoftomorrow.com/ As of the first 3 years, my wordpress permalink structure has been /%category%/%postname%-%post_id%/ I now plan on changing the category each post is filed under, and changing my permalink structure to /%postname%/ I made the permalink change, and I've setup redirection for …

Member Avatar for Josh Connerty
Member Avatar for Borzoi

Hi, I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the correct place as this is related to nginx configuration and not specifically PHP scripts. If I am posting this in the wrong section, please let me know and I will post it in the correct location (unless a Mod is …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for driazi

Hi, I changed my wodrpress URL manually and after then i saved and loged out from admin panel . now i can't login to my wordpress Admin page after changing The URL 's and whenever i want to log in it redirects to other page that i changed in URL …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for joshl_1995

Hello Community, I was just wondering what this url is "https://fbcdn-photos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/hellocdn.html?v=1" for some reason on start-up my computer will open this url not all the time but occasionally. It doesn't do anything it just gives my a blank page, the HTTPS certificate is in affect so I don't thing it's …

Member Avatar for ZixCo
Member Avatar for anastasia_1

Hello guys, i'm having this project where i must create a server that communicates with a browser.I must write something like this in the browser: http://localhost:11880/path and the message printed in the server will be: GET /path HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:11880 User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101027 Ubuntu/10.04 …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for sassy_94

while(1){ new=accept(socket, (struct sockaddr*)&peer_addr,&peer_addrlen); if (new<0){ break; } else{ recv(new,mesg,sizeof(mesg),0); if (strstr(mesg, "GET") != NULL){ printf("\n%s",mesg); FILE *write = fdopen(new, "w"); fprintf(write, "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-length: 47\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n<html><body>< H1>HTTP/1.1 200 OK</H1></body></html>"); fflush(write); } else if (strstr(mesg, "POST") != NULL){ strcpy(resp,"POST\nContent-length: 47\nContent-Type: text/html\n\n<html><body><H1>POST</H1></body></html>"); c=send(new,&resp,sizeof(resp),0); printf("%c",c); } else{ strcpy(resp,"HTTP/1.1 500 Server Interval Error\nContent-length: …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for luckyuser

I have the cookies and subdomain selection for header: <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $(function(){ var city = readCookie('city'); if(city !=null && city !=''){ window.location.href = 'http://' + city + '.example.com'; } $('#citygo').change(function(){ var city = $(this).val(); window.location.href = 'http://' + city + '.example.com'; }); }); function createCookie(name,value,days) { if …

Member Avatar for luckyuser
Member Avatar for luckyuser

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is but the cookies aren't available for subdomains. Is there any way around this, or is there a better way to set the cookies domain? Thanks! <?php ini_set("session.cookie_domain", ".example.com"); // Set cookie and redirect when user change city if( isset($_POST['city']) && $_POST['city'] != …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

i have a simple note and images storing java program that stores data into the server..i'm confused about what to use for building the server..should the server be built using sockets?? or which listens for http requests (the client sends json data)?? could anyone please tell me which one would …

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for luckyuser

The cookie is not holding and the domain example.com cannot redirect to a.example.com when I type on the address bar. Anyone good at cookies? Any help will be very much appreciated. $(function(){ var city = getCookie('city'); if(city !=null && city !=''){ window.location.href = 'http://' + city + '.example.com'; } $('#citygo').change(function(){ …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for evangelion89

Hi, I want to access a web service and get the response in json using javascript. The web services can respond in json and gives me a table of records with a specific campus. I input the campus code in the text box and create the url. Now, I want …

Member Avatar for spatlola0422
Member Avatar for mario90

Hello i'm using javascript code to redirect visitor to random link like the example below but sometimes i get error 404 response :( var pageArr = ["http://google.com", "http://yahoo.com", "http://bing.com", "http://youtube.com", "http://facebook.com"]; document.location.href = pageArr[Math.ceil(Math.random()*5)]; ps:the code does exist in external js file what the problem here ? i'm not coder …

Member Avatar for mario90
Member Avatar for jonsan32

I'm trying to combine the functionality of the 3 codes below to produce a delayed redirect to a random URL while displaying a bar filling up by %. Each one works great, but I need all 3. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! **The first redirects after a delay** …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for jonsan32

What would I need to add to the code below to have the random redirect timeout for 5 seconds before triggering? <script type="text/javascript"> (function(n){ var pages = ['http://www.thestormybrain.com/2013/11/malcolm-gladwell-choice-happiness-and.html', 'http://www.thestormybrain.com/2013/11/steve-jobs-how-to-live-before-you-die.html', 'http://www.thestormybrain.com/2013/11/david-blaine-how-i-held-my-breath-for.html']; n = n < 3? 0 : n < 8? 1 : 2; window.location.replace(pages[n]); })(Math.floor(Math.random() * 10)); </script> I know …

Member Avatar for jonsan32
Member Avatar for tastybrownies

Hello everyone, I am trying to write a website that allows a user to input a stock symbol(ie. APPL, GOOG) and get basic information back. I have a html/js file and how it looks is fine but I am running into trouble when doing an HTTP GET using the XMLHttpRequest. …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Eagle.Avik

hi, i am interested in php link redirect. lets say i have a website with a lot of links, and most of the time if i change one file name i have to update that on everypage, it's irritating, as for other website like microsoft, they use links like **go.microsoft.com/fwlink/id3242** …

Member Avatar for Assembly Guy
Member Avatar for madmax9922

i have a problem to redirect user to the requested page after login. 1-this are my files:login.php,register.php,protected.php,plan1.php,member.php et plan2.php,home.php 2-plan1,plan2, and member have a check before people have access. 3-when a user click on plan1 for exemple and get redirect on login.php 4-My problen is after logged in he goes …

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The End.