15,127 Topics
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I want to learn web programming with Java. I'm using eclipse neon with tomcat 8.5.13. My question is do these tools support asynchronous programming and server push technologies or should I use other tools? Thanks | |
I have the pagination portion working as I would like it, but I am unsure of how to get the 2 html dropdown menus to filter content down further, to show the content that is only relevant to the stuff selected with an onChange event. I have included my entire … | |
The code below opens a modal window successfully. When I attempt to open the modal window after closing it, my browser window freezes. To unfreeze I press the escape button on my keyboard. Employee.php <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" ng-click="closeEmployee()" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> EmployeeModalController.js <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" … | |
customer.xml <?xml version="1.0"?> <customers> <customer> <ID>C1</ID> <FirstName>Kah Hon</FirstName> <SurName>Wong</SurName> <Email>gahhon@hotmail.com</Email> <Password>081292</Password> </customer> </customers> login.js var xHRObject = false; if (window.XMLHttpRequest) xHRObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); else if (window.ActiveXObject) xHRObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); function reset() { document.getElementsByName('txtEmail').value = ""; document.getElementsByName('txtPassword').value = ""; } function login() { var email = document.getElementsByName('txtEmail').value; var pass … | |
Hello i want a script that shows various text content in the foreground and closes witn an X and shows the original page. Any suggestions? | |
please I'm a student of standard institute of tech.. studying comp. sci., we've been asked by our lecturer that all of us should look for all way to view answer on an online CBT(Computer based testing) test which is powered with asp.net, js, HTML, css. plz I'll really appreciate your … | |
Hi guys, I have a rather interesting problem. Basically my application has a javascript object literal in this format: var myObject = '{text:"my text 1", anotherProperty1:"This is another property1", anotherProperty2:"This is another property2", anotherProperty3:"This is another property3"},' + '{text:"my text 2", anotherProperty1:"This is another property1", anotherProperty2:"This is another property2", anotherProperty3:"This … | |
hi everyone ,, i have this code below. It seems correct but there is an error. it says here that unexpected token else. function w_tax1() { var z = [0.0,1,0,833,2500,5833,11667,20833,41667]; var sme = [50,1,4167,5000,6667,10000,15833,25000,45833]; var me1s1 = [75,1,6250,7083,8750,12083,17917,27083,47917]; var me2s2 = [100,1,8333,9167,10833,14167,20000,29167,50000]; var me3s3 = [125,1,10417,11250,12917,16250,22083,31250,52083]; var me4s4 = [150,1,12500,13333,15000,18333,24167,33333,54167]; … | |
Hi guys, I am facing a little bit problem in mobile menu design. In android is working fine but in iOS safari or chrome has the same issue where I press on the Menu and press on dropdown menu, I cannot scroll to bottom of other <li> element This is … | |
i need a help in implementing a php, javascript stop watch for 4 pages the total time for stopwatch is 30 minutes when it starts on the next page it should start from the time remaining from previous page and so forth even if it returns to the previous page … | |
<div class="w3-content w3-section" style="max-width:500px"> <!-- Photos to shows --> <img class="mySlides w3-animate-fading" src="images/couple/Couple_1.jpg" style="width:100%"> <img class="mySlides w3-animate-fading" src="images/couple/Couple_2.jpg" style="width:100%"> </div> <script> var myIndex = 0; carousel(); function carousel() { var i; var x = document.getElementsByClassName("mySlides"); for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { x[i].style.display = "none"; } myIndex++; if … | |
Greetings, I want to read on several topics related to the Web development and I hope that you can give me an advice on the best book in the range of books available for me in every topic. For sure no one read all these books to give a final … | |
Hi guys, I'm looking into the possibility of writing some javascript (or using an API of course) to be able to search a collection of PDFs and return the results in a Json format for processing (mainly displaying them back to the user). I've played around a little bit with … | |
Hello i want to make a script that allows the user to record audio from his device mic and then store it as a .mp3 or .wav file on my database. Does anyone knows any tutorials or scripts? I found this one `http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16413063/html5-record-audio-to-file` but i dont know to make it … | |
Hello, I have implemented pagination in MVC application. when first time page loads, it works properly, when I click on paging then it makes AJAX call and bind the data in my HTML table from json response. but after AJAX call, pagination is working. once AJAX call fires, then pagination … | |
I have a command which I run on linux terminal like below: curl –W “Authentication: Token r4r4xxxxx” “https://api.com/v1/results?display=true&format=image/jpeg&lang=en” –o image.jpg And this command will authenticate me from the server and download the image named image.jpg to my local machine from where I am calling this command… But I am looking … | |
Having an issue passing info from the modal to the model so that I can do a where statement. The first line below is the link to open the modal. Works fine no issues. <td><a href="javascript:;" class="openModal" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#email_details_<?php echo $SP->fit_tv_rollout_info_id;?>"> <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span> </a></td> <div id="email_details_<?php echo $SP->fit_tv_rollout_info_id;?>" … | |
I have been alerted o the fact that there are "security issues" with Javascript, but have no idea what the issues are. I have written a webpage in HTML which incorporates a menu written in Javascript. A user alerted me to the fact that the menu does not appear with … | |
I have a form on my checkout page that redirect to the payment gateway and at same time write customer info on database, but i don't know how to pass info that customer just fill on the checkout page to the payment gateway. I use php xml for the dynamic … | |
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN? "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Address Book</title> <script type="text/javascript"> function addressBookItem (fname, lname, email) { this.fname = fname; this.lname = lname; this.email = email; } addressBookItem.prototype.write = function() { adrbook = "<tr><td>" + this.fname + "</td><td>" + this.lname + … | |
I was informed the if-statement is incorrect. I can't find the syntax error ? var curDoc = app.activeDocument; var selall = app.executeMenuCommand("selectall"); var fillrmv = curDoc.pathItems[0].filled = false; if (app.activeDocument.pathItems[0].filled = true) { for (i=0;i>fillrmv;i++) { curDoc.pathItems[0].filled = false; }; }; | |
Need Help to create **Gmail** style realtime chat app for my website. I found server for realtime chat here https://xmpp.org/software/servers.html (I will go for [ejabberd](https://www.process-one.net/en/) or [Openfire](http://igniterealtime.org/) **or** which one should I choose?) **Goals** 1. send & receive chat request 2. accept or reject request 3. show sent/pending chat request … | |
Hey guys I am looking for a delete javascript function that will work with this code here. I have tried a few that I have found online. They work however they only seem to delete the first row. If you add rows none of those can be deleted there after. … | |
What does it mean when you get the error; Illegal use of the resevered word; else. if(); { alert(); } else { alert(); }; | |
I have found a source of and aledged xml file (although it is named as solarxml.php, when I download it the data that I want is there, i.e. solarflux, aindex, kindex and sunspots, but I have no idea how to determine how to extract the 4 data fields I want, … | |
im asking can it be done??! with example plz thanks | |
I have been writing plain old vanilla JavaScript pages for a while, for numerical math problems. Usually, I create one page for a specific problem. For example, one page to solve a system of 3 Equations in 3 Unknowns, one page to solve a system of 4 Equations in 4 … | |
I have found a source of and aledged xml file (although it is named as solarxml.php, when I download it the data that I want is there, i.e. solarflux, aindex, kindex and sunspots, but I have no idea how to determine how to extract the 4 data fields I want, … | |
Hey guys i'm a noob with javascript. I have two scripts that generally do the same thing but each do not properly work with my code. The first script will work with adding rows and allow me to delete them, however it will also delete the top row. This is … | |
How do facebook, twitter, and other social media app store the data of the user's chat history or chat log? Is it on the database or on a separated file? How can i create a professional chat application on my website? |
The End.