15,128 Topics

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Member Avatar for filch

I have a page on which I have broken it down into several forms, which relate to specific categories applied to an awards contest for students. At the top of the page, I have a select list which, when a category is selected, I want it to show a particular …

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Member Avatar for vinothkumarrvk

:)Friends. I need some good JQuery PDF ebooks. Please Help me to learn it. Thanks in Advance.

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Member Avatar for vijayzutshi

<script type="text/javascript"> function play(media){ document.getElementById('mediaplayer').innerHTML= '<object classid="clsid:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95"' 'type="application/x-oleobject" width="320" height="285">' '<param name="showControls" value="false">' '<param name="fileName" value="' media '">' '<embed type="application/x-mplayer2" width="320" height="285"' 'showcontrols="false" src="' media '"><\/embed><\/object>' } </script> <div id="mediaplayer"></div> <ul id="menu"> <li><a onclick="play(this.href);return false" href="">Source 1</a></li> <li><a onclick="play(this.href);return false" href="">Source 2</a></li> <li><a onclick="play(this.href);return false" href="">Source 3</a></li> </ul> I have …

Member Avatar for vijayzutshi
Member Avatar for cloud09

I am trying to create an anonymous function for onchange event of file field, so that when a file is selected, the covering text field gets that value. I know how to accomplish this by adding onchange="", but I'd prefer not do that. The code that I have almost works, …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for alipica

I have no clue why this is happening. When I load a certain page on my site, my content loads twice. Basically, my content appears to flash once. I can't figure out what's going on, but it seems to deal with the following code. The page calls urlCheck(). [CODE] // …

Member Avatar for alipica
Member Avatar for anabreu

I'm sorry about posting this again, but as I said I'm on a deadline, and I'm sure there's someone out there that can help me... I am using a dhtml "Image Slideshow", and I was really happy with I customized its layout to my needs, and it runs perfectly on …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for jbobfunky

I was wondering if any one can show me an simple action script example of how to implement a image gallery that has multi image category built from an xml file generate by php. I have successfully made an image gallery with, action xml, php, and mysql, but I'm having …

Member Avatar for beforetheyknew

Hi guys for my first piece of work on javascript i have to check a few html form questions which is provided. But im pretty clueless on how to do it, or even start it. First of all how would i check like a drop down menu had the right …

Member Avatar for alipica
Member Avatar for shahanshah
Member Avatar for team_ferrari22

Hi All, Do the DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture) supprots javascript? If supports..please guide us how to use javascript with DITA. Regards.

Member Avatar for harrierdh
Member Avatar for BDS_AT

Hi all, First time poster, but I'd like to ask a simple question in ASP.NET C#. I have a function that sends queries to an SQL Server. It takes a while, so I'd like to display the details to the user. Something simple, like "Sending x out of 12345 total …

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Member Avatar for ausmaya

Hi, I have created a .gif image in photoshop,then i have linked the location in html coding.But i am unable to see that image in internet explorer.I am able to see a red crossed line.How to make that image to display??

Member Avatar for preetg
Member Avatar for alipica

This should be simple, but it's not working for me! The relevant code is beneath. This code is on my html page directly under the input field: [CODE] input = document.getElementById('hiddenInput'); var inputInt = parseInt(input.value); if (inputInt != 0) { setClick(inputInt); }[/CODE] (I've tested it to make sure it sees …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for MDanz

i want the div to be displayed where the mouse was clicked... whats wrong? [CODE]<head> <style type="text/css"> #layer1 { position:fixed; display: none; width:600px; height:auto; } </style> </head> <body> <input type="button" value="Button 3" onclick="setVisible();"> <textarea id="reply" name="reply">testing12345678910ffafaf</textarea> <div id="layer1"></div> <script type='text/javascript'> function setVisible() { var div = document.getElementById('layer1'); // put the …

Member Avatar for alipica
Member Avatar for MxDev
Member Avatar for lobstar

Hi, I wrote a small piece of javascript a while ago to add some text to a text box and mark it as read only if a check box was checked. If the checkbox was unchecked, the text would be removed and the field writable. It was working great until …

Member Avatar for lobstar
Member Avatar for albertkao

How to store some strings at the client side for firefox, chrome & IE? This code works on firefox & chrome but does not work on IE - no alert window appears. [CODE] var key = "localorder"; localStorage.setItem(key, 'asc'); alert('localorder ' + localStorage.getItem(key)); [/CODE] This code does not work on …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for jasystweb

I am creating controls which are added to the page at run time. As these controls are added I separate them into a UL/LI list by injecting literals assigned as (<ul>, </ul>,<li>,</li>). The page in question uses a master page template. The ul/li function is called in the page_load event …

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Member Avatar for vijayzutshi

script type="text/javascript" function play(media){ document.getElementById('mediaplayer').innerHTML= 'object classid="clsid:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95"' 'type="application/x-oleobject" width="320" height="285"' 'param name="showControls" value="false"' 'param name="fileName" value="' media '"' 'embed type="application/x-mplayer2" width="320" height="285"' 'showcontrols="false" src="' media '"\/embed\/object' } /script div id="mediaplayer"/div ul id="menu" li a onclick="play(this.href);return false" href=""Source 1/a/li li a onclick="play(this.href);return false" href=""Source 2/a/l li a onclick="play(this.href);return false" href=""Source 3/a/l …

Member Avatar for albertkao

I use the Tablekit library and Prototype javascript framework on firefox, chrome & IE8. The columns in this table can be sorted by the Tablekit library. [CODE]<script type="text/javascript" src="js/prototype.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/tablekit.js"></script> <body> <div id="mainmenu"> ... </div> <div id="content"> <table class="sortable resizable"> <thead><tr> <th class="sortfirstdesc">ID</th> <th>Date</th> <th>Time</th> </tr></thead> </table> </div> …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Thoaren

Hi, I'm pretty new in Javascript. I searched alot but didn't find any answer to my problem I have. What I want to do: - I have a cell A1 - I want the script to make a new cell B1 - After that I want the script to make …

Member Avatar for Graphix
Member Avatar for player_d

hey, i have a table with 10 rows: id | name | age | class. i need to make the headlines clickable for sorting . ex: if i press the "id" column then it will sort the rows descending and ascending. i need it to be most simple. it is …

Member Avatar for xylude

I am making a little forum and while trying to add the quote post functionality have come across a problem that has me stumped. Here is my js: [CODE] function addQuote(text) { var tArea = document.getElementById('forumReply_message'); tArea.value = text; } [/CODE] Here is sample HTML (one that doesn't work): [CODE] …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for moobaa

Hi all.... Ok, so I've got 3 components, all working independently: 1) Simple HTML page 2) PHP Script (which produces 3 arrays) 3) Javascript (which processes 3 arrays) Now, I need to hook them all together through the HTML. The PHP should be called on the loading of the page, …

Member Avatar for NettSite
Member Avatar for aparnesh

How can I remove the URL information that is printed at the bottom of the page when a Web page is being printed ? Can this be done by Javascript or any programming method ?

Member Avatar for arvindreads
Member Avatar for sassenach

Hi, I am new with jQuery. I copied an open source code for sending a contact us form using jQuery. You can see the form at Website at the bottom right side yellow box. The input fields are as follows: Name, Email, Tel, Comments. This is my JS file the …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for blur_guava

Hi everybody, I have this File Upload control, whereby the user is granted a limit of 5 uploads. And so, the user clicks on "Attach Another File", and decides to attach a file ONLY in the first File Upload control. My problem is, I want the user to be able …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for iAmLast

[B]FIREFOX and CHROME script problems?? [/B] in my code is a simple script that shows an error message if input value didnt meet the requirements. [U]the example is[/U] [I]register_form [/I] - name of the form [I]username[/I] = name of the input type text requirement is string must be greater or …

Member Avatar for alex.tepes
Member Avatar for PierlucSS

I'm currently working on some ajax polling stuff and I don't want do pass through all the process if nothing has changed in the xml file I'm using for my asynchronous process. However after each polling I want to set the value DateTime.Now, but cannot do it with [CODE]Request.Form[ "lastPoll" …

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Member Avatar for nl18663

Hello, i want to use jquery to make a fade in/ fade out menu / sub menu structure. the structure works, the only this is that when i hover from the topic to the corrisponding submenu the submenu fades out and back in. how can i stop that? the function …

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The End.