15,121 Topics
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hi all, can anyone help for my problem. i want to count number of pages in a pdf file using java script. i dont know whether it is possible. so pls tell its possible or not. if possible means send me the code... advance thanks hidash. | |
Hi, how could one do this part... I got a form with image path and image url. I need to automatically save the path of the image that i have selected in the browse -> poped up dialog. to image url. Request pointers for above.thanks in advance. Hari | |
Hi All, I need the help of a real expert because I'm still having difficulty with this Ajax technique. I have posted before about this on another site forum, but no replies (sigh). The script below works with FF only when the alert is in the code, and doesn't work … | |
Hi! I don't know if this has been answered already and a search gave to many results. I have a website that is built with ASP.NET and that uses some javascript. When I run a debug on localhost to check for errors the ASP.NET code works just fine, but every … | |
Is it possible to make an entire [INLINECODE]<div>[/INLINECODE] into a hyperlink using CSS only, as can be easily accomplished with mouse events in JavaScript? I'm assuming it's too good to be true since CSS isn't interactive? Nevermind ... I guess I just answered my own question :( | |
how to disable the parent window when we open the child window. i have written this code but its working only one time.any one can help me s.html <html> <head> <SCRIPT > function popuponclick() { my_window = window.open("p.html", "mySelect", "status=1,width=750,height=450,resizable=no"); } </script> </head> <body> <form name="formSelect"> <P> <A HREF="#" onclick='popuponclick()' … | |
I am working on this program that will show interest in an account for each year for 10 years. I want to click on a button and it display the interest for each year for 10 years. The box shows up but the calcuations do as well. It all comes … | |
Hi Frnds, Can Anyone tell me, how can I , [B] Change the BACKGROUND color of selected text in TEXTAREA[/B] sanjiv | |
I am not a computer programmer but have an assignment that involves javascript. I need a program that will display the interest in a savings account if I deposit $1000 at 5% interest for 10 years. I need it to show the interest each year for each of the 10 … | |
not sure if i'm using the right term... i'm having a prototype built and i found that the programmer I hired isn't using php to show form errors. he's using javascript. there are 20 different forms in this app, from user profiles to submitting photos and videos. the site is … | |
hi everyone, I am in problem to get the array data from php to use it in js. $data[0]=88; $data[3]=44; $data[4]=2232; I want to use those data in js. Can anyone help me ?? | |
Is it possible to transform this into a html/dhtml/ccs [url]http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41gsdg45CIL._AA262_.jpg[/url] 41gsdg45CIL._AA262_.jpg I did this by right clicking on the picture and going on the properties I was trying to cut and paste so I can put it on myspace. ON the EditProfile So there is anybody? Is it possible or … | |
hi, i am new to java script but my code is not working...please do tell the error in my code <script language="javascript"> function validateform() { valid=true; for (var i=0; i < document.userdetails.elements.length; i++) { var element = document.userdetails.elements; switch (element.name){ case "cname": if (element.value.length==0) valid=false; break; case "address": if (element.value.length==0) … | |
can somone have timekill script for rapidshare the anti-waiting one please do answer | |
Hi Everyone, i wanted to know how i can have a script write some pre defined strings of text over a 40 second period with ocational pre defined second pauses. I would really appreciate everyones help with this as it is quite important. thank you :) The end result would … | |
JavaScript is not working on Internet Explorer 7. I typed a simple html program but the JavaScript is not running. Here is a simple program <html> <head> <script> function hello() { alert("Hello"); } </script> </head> <body onload="hello()"> </body> </html> If you have a solution please reply | |
Hi, I am trying to create a 'simple' admin page where certain (authorized) people can update data in the database or add new info to it. The issue i've run into is after i created the form and have all the fields how do i tell which one(s) the user … | |
i am using win xp and dreamweaver cs3 the spry menu extention and have 9 bottons on a hor row the bottons are all 25 pixels abart which makes the botton go to next line have tried css controls and nothing seems to work i have tried deleting the h1 … | |
Hi all, anybody could help me how to use asp.net ajax enable to play video(flv,wmv,mpg, or other format) ? i'm new in asp.net using asp.net 2.0, asp.net ajax extensions 1.0, and c# thx b4 | |
Hey suppose I have code like: <td id="something">I want to put stuff in here</td> How would I be able to put the value of a JavaScript array into the part where I want to put stuff. Say the value of the array at a position is hello, I would output … | |
I've been having some problems with a little piece of Javascript. I am completely new to the language, so bear with me. What the end goal is to have a few link on the left side of a table, when the user hovers over them, there will be a thumbnail … | |
Hey dude check this <dl class="song"> <dt>Angels We Have Heard On High</dt> <dd class="player"><a href="tunes/Angels_We_Have_Heard_On_Hi.mid" onClick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','50','50','no');return false">Angels We Have Heard On High </a></dd> <dd class="lyric_link"> <A HREF="javascript:void(0)" onclick="window.open('lyrics/angels_heard.html', 'welcome','width=300,height=300')"> View Lyrics</A></dd></dl> i am using those two function to open pop up windows on our holiday site but it does not … | |
Hi I want to populate my second drop-down menu based off of the value selected on my first drop down. Is there a function or a way of doin g this... P.S my code is in a JSP: [code=java] <% Vector theStates = WeatherDAO.getWeatherStates(); %> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; … | |
Hi All, When trying to change the bcackgroundImage of element useing javascript method style.backgroundImage="url(blue_link.gif) no errors found but the script can't find the image so what is the correct way to use the address of the image? Thanks very much in advance, Fred | |
Hi all.. I am having some controls in my aspx page.I need to write javascript for those controls for validation..For that i need to make the controls visible false in certain situation .I also want to make the controls to visible true in certain sitauations..Some one help me with javascript … | |
The following code snippet works in IE, but not Firefox The parts that access text boxes work great. I can see the selectedIndex's value for the two drop-downs, but cannot retrieve the text of the selected item for either drop-down. Specifically, the first alert displays the value of the … | |
Hi, Im new to javaScript. Im trying to fetch data from html table row to text box by clicking radio button. But i can fetch only the first row. Here iam attaching my code... JSP Code <table> <tr> <td>Select</td> <td>ID</td> <td>FIRST NAME</td> <td>LAST NAME</td> <td>AGE</td> <td>HOME TOWN</td> <td>JOB</td> </tr> <% … | |
hi i'd like to display a form on my page from a page on a remote website. I have permission to use the content on that remote site. I dont want to display the entire remote page, just the form. I have no control over the element names or ID's … | |
[B]Is there any standard code to capture ur current webpage as image .... I've found one in php but that requires copying of new dll files to ur server...So if u r hosting ur website on some other server...U can't achieve that!! Waiting for ur reply[/B] | |
Hello I am trying to add a 7, 14 or 30 day to our job posting online form. Right know I just have a start and end date drop down. What I have in mind is to do 3 radio buttons with 7 day, 14 day, and 30 day, the … |
The End.