2,935 Topics

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Member Avatar for stockton

I have the following Stored Procedure which works for one client but not another:- [code] ALTER PROCEDURE spIssueScannedTickets @iEventID int, @MemberNum nvarchar(12), @BatchSize int, @FirstNumber nvarchar(12), @LastNumber nvarchar(12), @SlotsBalance int, @TableBalance int, @BonusBalance int, @UserID int AS DECLARE @Result int SET @Result = 0 BEGIN TRANSACTION if (@SlotsBalance>0) INSERT INTO …

Member Avatar for hdmnp

Hello all. When I run the statement: select regdate,description,machine_id,machine_nm,status from iris_log.dbo.tb_log_info where regdate like '%23%' I get the result: 2009-01-23 08:05:06.000 Administration Software is Closed. Operator's Name:admin But if I do: select regdate,description,machine_id,machine_nm,status from iris_log.dbo.tb_log_info where regdate like '%-23%' the result is null... why?!?! TIA, -hdmnp

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for ebyong77

hi i need to know how to query a number of count on a particular table let say i have [B]emp_id[/B] and [B]emp_name[/B] field. on my table their are 2 records. the result looks this: rowcount | emp_id | emp_name 1 1000 albert 2 2000 leah is it possible? thanks, …

Member Avatar for ravinder007
Member Avatar for Raju5725

i have only one coloumn in a table i want to dispaly all the datas in a row.Name of the table is student which contains only one coloumns slno Student Slno 1 2 3 4 5 I want to display them as slno 1 2 3 4 5 Thanks in …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for phuynh77

Hi All, I plan to have a website that has database connect to it. On my database, I want to display vietnamese characters (Input and output). How can I add vietnamese collation on my MS SQL Server 2005 developer edition? I am looking forward your help. Thanks.

Member Avatar for dickersonka
Member Avatar for phuynh77

Hi All, I plan to design a website that uses for online news or magazine. I am having MS SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition. Please help me how to design a database. Please let me know where I can obtain information to design it or db diagram. Thanks.

Member Avatar for chris5126

Hi guys, Very new to sql and my question is prob very basic. I have a table desing shown below. I will using a c# program to add new rows to the database but i only want to add a new row if the hostname doesnt currently exist in the …

Member Avatar for chris5126
Member Avatar for rockdays

Hi, I have a table above 8.000.000 records. I am running a query like "select * from table where id=1093203". And the query turns in 24 second. This example i tested in SQL Server 2000 v8, Windows 2003 sp2. I am running same query in Windows Xp + Sql server …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for nschessnerd

Hey, so i have 4 tables i need to join together. basically this is how it looks table j: | id | uid | cid | text | | 1 | 3 | 1 | blah| | 2 | 1 | 3 | blah| table u | id | name …

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Member Avatar for agrothe

Note: I debated whether this should go in ASP forum or SQL Server forum and I think it belongs here. Ok, I have a classic ASP web application, a custom intranet, which has been used in 7-8 different installs, 3-4 different servers with no issues. It uses a SQL Server …

Member Avatar for agrothe
Member Avatar for cVz
Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for LakshmiVaidhyam

Hello all, i have SQL 2005 installed. i have written a table-valued function getdepartments() which is as below: [code] CREATE FUNCTION getdepartments() RETURNS @departments TABLE( DNAME VARCHAR(25), DEPTID VARCHAR(10), DBONUS DECIMAL(7,2)) AS BEGIN INSERT @departments SELECT * FROM DEPARTMENT; RETURN END [/code] i need to invoke this statement from java …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for vuyiswamb

Good Day All i have a table that carries a Field that has data like this [CODE] 10101010101010[/CODE] Now the Function that adds this 1's and 0's is working like this. If its selected insert "1" else "0", So if i can interpret the above if will be [CODE] 1 …

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I'm new to SQL Server. I just installed SQL Server 2008 Express. Then I opened Management Studio, right clicked on Database and created a new Database. Then I expanded Database, right clicked on Table and created a new Table. Now, my question is, how do I add data to …

Member Avatar for Geek-Master
Member Avatar for mhbd

Hi All, We have a local MS SQL 2000 database which is daily updated by the users. We have a remote MS SQL database under windows based hosting. Now i need to update all existing data from local MS SQL to remote MS SQL database. I also need to find …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for chinni1

Hi , I want to retrive the xml data into my database table. The xml file is from outside of application.so i want to retrive that xml data into database with in some temporary table Thanq

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for rapture

Hello all, I have been tasked with figuring out a way to automate a form letter process that currently is done mostly by hand with a lot of copy/paste. We have letters that need to get sent out based on our internal system. Someone now looks up the items in …

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Member Avatar for pace59

I noticed that my backup of my 2005 sql server didn't work over the weekend. I don't really know where to start as I haven't dealt much with servers. But I can tell you this.... SQL Server agent has a big red circle through it for not working on the …

Member Avatar for pace59
Member Avatar for RichardMcCarty

I'm new to T-SQL and trying to program a simple query: Table1 Location ID Flag Table2 (many to Table1) Location ID Code Select Table1 Location_IDs where the count of Table2's Code=value is 0 Thanks for your help!

Member Avatar for sknake
Member Avatar for doedlmann

Hello everyone! I can`t find a solution to the following problem in SQL Server Reporting Services 2005. I created a table which has multiple columns. It can happen, that some columns have the same values for multiple rows, only the most right column has different values. For example Column 1 …

Member Avatar for doedlmann
Member Avatar for Xessa

Hi. I tried dragged and dropped an SqlDataSource and then click "Configure Data Source". From there i start a new connection and select my server. Under "Select and enter a database name" listbox i can not see anything. So i try to attach a database file "NORTHWND.MDF". When i try …

Member Avatar for Xessa
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i want to create a trigger for update in mssql. in my trigger i want to know which row was updated how can i achieve this info ?

Member Avatar for Doron_
Member Avatar for michael123

I have a table in MS SQL DB, the data was recorded with redundancy, is there an easy way to remove all but keep only one, for example: [ICODE]id name age dept --------------------------- 1 alan 20 A 2 william 23 B 2 william 23 B 3 mike 30 C 3 …

Member Avatar for Doron_
Member Avatar for wuz

Hi all, I was thinking of using Triggers to take care of my history tables. Two questions remain: 1) Transaction Scope I handle complex Operations in my DataAccessLayer (C#,ASP.NET) with Transaction Scopes. For example: [code]private void InsertFamily(FamilyDTO) { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { try { InsertFather(); InsertMother(); InsertBrother(); …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for chinni1

Hi I want to know how to write storedprocedure when search creiteria is Present. Here the query to give the list of "select ID, Salesmennummer , Salesname Commision, Areacode from sales_master Areacode Salesmennummer Salesname Commision 1 1000 Rams 200 2 2000 Johny 1000 I Want to search above list by …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for avinashpatil

Hi All i have problem in insert statement in which one string returning me value as g's and because of that s is gets separated. and its giving me eroor as Incorrect syntax at s. [code]strSQL = "Insert into HeaderInfo(yAxisLabel , xAxisLabel , zAxisLabel , yAxisUnit , xAxisUnit , zAxisUnit)" …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for renvilo

Hi guys, I need some help please. I am new to SSIS. I created a SSIS in BI and when I run it it works fine (All it does is to run a select statement to get data and save it into a flatfile. The server I'm accessing is on …

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i have a table which contains a datetime type column. i want to create a stored procedure that gets a surtain month and year as parameters and returns all the rows with the date column in the month and year range i sent as parameter. for example if i …

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for emilio

hi i'm trying to edit gridview rows. the grid columns are template cplumns. i added the commandfield buttons for update. i wrote a rowupdating event: [CODE=asp]MonthTable.Rows[e.RowIndex]["FirstEnter"] = ((TextBox)(MonthGridView.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[6].Controls[0])).Text;[/CODE] on runtime i get this error: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.LiteralControl' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox'. what have i done wrong ?

Member Avatar for emilio
Member Avatar for ukbasak

Hi, How to connect to remote server with storedProcesdure sp_addlinkedserver where the server has an instance SQL2005. suppose the servername as 'SrvName\SQL2005'. Also please provide the procedure how to delete a remote server from sysservers table. Thanks, Ukbasak

Member Avatar for Ramy Mahrous

The End.