1,320 Topics

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Member Avatar for justinmyoung
Member Avatar for laura_ci
Member Avatar for flashadvise

Hello! Being new to this forum I havent throughly browsed through the individual threads but would appreciate it if someone could check the coding used for my Flash portfolio. I have compiled the pages individually and saved them under different file name suchs as creativeportolio, to identify them more easily. …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for virtualmisc

Hello Friends I have a large background image in a site. I wanted to know if .JPEG or .GIF is the best. Thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for mundee
Member Avatar for Reliable

does nay one use both interchangably? If so, for what reasons? Now that I'm exploring After Effects it seems there are some tasks much more easily done in After Effects that I could simply export to SWF

Member Avatar for J.M.

I'm looking for recommendations for 3D Technical Graphics tools suitable for creating business graphics such as the following... [URL="http://media.kayako.com/site/1/img/solution_chart_l.png"]Sample 1[/URL] [URL="http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_20VcSsPOS08/Suai8NUMCLI/AAAAAAAAAV0/YQSP3aF-Mzk/s320/ITIL_v3.jpg"]Sample 2[/URL] [URL="http://www.axiossystems.com/six/en/images/bestpractice/bp/ITIL3D.jpg"]Sample 3[/URL] I realize any of Adobe's products are *capable*, however, I'm interested in plug-ins and/or other products that could simplify the process. Thanks J.M.

Member Avatar for untitledking
Member Avatar for NeilA

Can anyone give me an idea on how to get a spokesperson overlay on a site like this [url]http://www.vdolife.com/[/url] I know how to shoot and greenscreen the actor but how is it overlayed? Thanks NeilA.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for moni94

Hi. I added a file called "sldata.txt" to my Silverlight solution (which I test in an ASP.NET site) in VS 2010. But when I try to access it using stream reader: StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("sldata.txt"); I get a SecurityException - File operation not permitted. Access to path 'chatdata.txt' is …

Member Avatar for scarar

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to convert a flash web site to make it editable, I also have the Photoshop file that it was made from but, I don't know how to edit the text or anything else. Thanks, P.S. If this is possiable I can …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for iamthwee

Hi guys, At the moment I'm looking to test pure actionscript 3.0 code, because one, cs4 takes ages to load and two, flash develop can be used anywhere. I've heard that flash develop is a free to use but I wanted to know how to install it. Any help would …

Member Avatar for rahularyan7
Member Avatar for jreddick82

I have a picture that I would like the plug at the end of the G grow when you mouse over it. I have tried making 3 images and am unable to make it work. Can anyone assist on what I can do? I am using CS4 to do this. …

Member Avatar for infinique
Member Avatar for Th3nutz

Hello guys, i'll go straight to the point here. I have some rectangulars one on top of each other and a list of colors next to them. I want the user to click a rectangular then select a color.

Member Avatar for Th3nutz
Member Avatar for Famous16

Hi all, I want to download latest software for graphics and multimedia. can anyone give me the exact URL where I can download the latest multimedia software. With Regards,

Member Avatar for Johnsmith1
Member Avatar for dominique7

Hi, I am new to streaming media. I mean, using them in the internet is simple, but I want to put some audio and video extracts on a web page. I couldn't really find a beginner guide, does anyone have a link? As far as I know, your web server …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Muhammad Khalil

Dear sir i need a [B]flash animation utility[/B] and built in many actions and more sample just rewrite and make the flv file, Muhammad Khalil

Member Avatar for deoshermes

Hey everyone, This is a thread about a rather complex SWF operation (for me at least is it complex) What is done: I have a main SWF file that loads some other SWF to be displayed in it and also loads 2 JPG's as the background of the buttons. There …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for sunspirit

Hi everyone, Can someone help me to figure out how to stream music out from my website (like a radio) where the client just has the ip address (like streaming into itunes for example. I want to stream from my website continuously into secondlife. Thanks for any advice you can …

Member Avatar for g2gayan
Member Avatar for untitledking

Hey everybody I am doing an Earth Day video for a school project in flash, and I figured out the snow effect and I have it inserted into my video at frame "411". Now my problem is, I cant get it to stop at frame "453" I have tried the …

Member Avatar for g2gayan
Member Avatar for BamaStangGuy

Anyone had someone design them a custom flash video player for their site? If so who did it and how much does it run? I am looking for someone to do this for me.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for sukhvir singh

could u please tell me about action script i wanna learn flash action script from where i can learn from begging please tell me..............

Member Avatar for g2gayan
Member Avatar for Reliable

I was watching a video on vector masks in Fireworks which displayed the ability to scale gradient masks with great simplicity. Unless I am missing something whenever I want to change a gradient mask in Photoshop I undo and redo the mask. Being able to simply scale the mask to …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for rhirde

hi I have to create ad in which 5-6 images will change in fixed time interval and for that i want to know how to create animated gif image in photoshop. pl. tell the steps to create the animated gif image in photoshop

Member Avatar for shironui
Member Avatar for shironui

I have a flash site I'm building, the only problem I'm having is the carousel I have for it does not stay on the frame its supposed to be on. I.E. I click on the link to the carousel, and it pops up and works normally, however, if I click …

Member Avatar for shironui
Member Avatar for Moirae

Hello, I'm working on a flip page gallery in Flash (AS3). I have this video tutorial from Cartoon Smart and one problem. How to mask a text box, is it possible in Flash using AS3? Cheers!

Member Avatar for Moirae
Member Avatar for snitch321

want to know what code snippet you could add to this code to stop my sound file from playing automatically when you enter that frame? code:[CODE]var mySound:Sound = new Sound(); var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); var lastPosition:Number = 0; var soundIsPlaying:Boolean = true; mySound.load(new URLRequest("Intro1.mp3")); myChannel = mySound.play(); offBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickStop); …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for mokaton

Hi all! I'm trying to build new social network for "House Management". Need to give an idea or designed logo. May any one help me? )

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for cambridge77

Added a image set with lightbox. I think all the paths are correct, but the thumbnails are showing! the lightbox itself works fine. Any ideas? [url]http://www.andytest.taupedesign.com/residential%20new%20construction.html[/url]

Member Avatar for Moirae
Member Avatar for graphicsnet

Could someone suggest the best software package to use for NON-web based multimedia on a Mac. I know Flash is the choice for anything web but what would you use to create interactive instructional material that will be burned to DVD?

Member Avatar for Reliable

Does anyone know to make those FLash ads that go across the whole screen and then end up in their destination at the end of the ad? I see them sometimes on MSN.com and Yahoo.com. If someone could do a tutorial on that i would appreciate it.

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for Cabman

I am making an 8 page site with d'weaver and the link colors will not show up as (I thought) I selected. One page had white text, turning to black on a grey background; Just like I wanted. GOOD!! The other 8 pages are white and purple? on the grey …

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The End.