203 Topics

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Member Avatar for SaberExcalibur

I really need your help on this. What is deadlock? Can someone explain to me in the simplest form what is deadlock in operating systems. How can a process be deadlocked or not. pls. give me examples of resource allocation graph then explain .. I've been reading about deadlocks quite …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for Drpills

Hello, I am new to the community (well my first thread anyway). I was just wondering which programming language would be the most effective to run a light weight process watcher, and when it detects a particular process to start a another wait loop, which, when the process ends it …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for William Duffy

Hello everyone, I am currently employed by a cell phone provider and i am looking for a place to spread my knowledge and help those who need help. I know alot about phones and thier operation and the systems they opperate on. if I can't answer your question ill use …

Member Avatar for aabi

hi,.,.. i knwo its sound too fasicinating (about title)... and u might b thinking i would be a some kind of rocket programmer or hve gr8 skill over various programming languages ,,.... :icon_question: but unfortunately i dont fall in any these category ,.. actually i'm a student of computer science …

Member Avatar for Elihu5991
Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter

Hi everyone, I'm creating my own OS from scratch, and I'm first producing an installation CD so that I can easily install my kernel on a hard drive. So far, I've written a CD-based bootstrap loader in NASM that finds a program within the root directory of the CD, loads …

Member Avatar for lee.j.baxter
Member Avatar for newsguy

So now we know that Microsoft is pushing out the release version of the latest in the operating system line-up, Windows 7, starting this week on the 30th April [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4283.html"]according to official sources[/URL]. However, we also know from various news reports that many existing Windows users are not exactly head …

Member Avatar for SaintThomas
Member Avatar for requimrar

Hi, I'm new to this forum and would like to ask a question relating to C#. I am trying to make my custom OS, and shutting it down, but I am encountering a problem. Here is what I have so far: [CODE]using System; using Cosmos.Compiler.Builder; namespace CosmosBoot1 { class Program …

Member Avatar for JoshuaBowden
Member Avatar for bettersaid

someone knows how to launch an app in mac?? [CODE] import os class LaunchApp: def launch(self): os.startfile("/Applications/QuickTime Player.app") s = LaunchApp() s.launch()[/CODE] this code works on windows and [CODE]os.system('gnome-open ' + /path)[/CODE] on linux but in mac, it returns this error "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'startfile'"

Member Avatar for nathan099
Member Avatar for emorjon2

hello anyones! I'm trying to create a boot sector using assember. I have compile it into a bin file and put it into the memory stick. when I'm start the computer and press f12 and shoose my memory stick, it may write hello world on screen, but nothing happend! X( …

Member Avatar for sDJh
Member Avatar for bettersaid

Is it possible in python to open all files in a directory? this only opens a particular file: [CODE]import os path = "/Desktop/directory/file.odt" temp = os.system("open " + path)[/CODE] how about this? am i doing it right? [CODE]import os mypath = "/Desktop/directory" temp = os.listdir(mypath) temp = [os.path.join(mypath, i) for …

Member Avatar for redyugi
Member Avatar for SpyrosMet

Hi everyone The question i have is: Do i necesarily need to have a mac computer to be able to run mac os or can this be done on any computer other than mac? I'm asking because they are insanely expensive. P.S. A virtual amchine is out of the question. …

Member Avatar for tmkramer
Member Avatar for happygeek

What do you get if you combine a computer company with a group of Vegans and someone who used to present a popular children's TV show? The less than obvious answer is a Linux computer designed especially for old people. But there you have it, and according to the press …

Member Avatar for demdd
Member Avatar for bettersaid

i need help in controlling mouse click in python. Example would be 'clicking File menu --> Save Us--> Save' on its own. I have this code for launching an app, for example a textfile. but i dont know how to control its mouse click. Advice please. [CODE]import os class LaunchApp: …

Member Avatar for bettersaid
Member Avatar for Brian Perrigan

Hey guys I've tried searching the internet for an answer on this and have come up short. I was hoping someone that does this could help me out setting it up. I want to write C++ using Mac OS. I tried going the Xcode route but found Xcode to be …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for khess

There's a lot of buzz on the Internet today about some "leaked" [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] slides concerning Windows 8. But, like the [URL="http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9178753/_Don_t_get_excited_about_Windows_8_says_analyst"]Computerworld article[/URL] on the subject says, you shouldn't get excited about anything in those leaked slides. You're likely to end up disappointed. If any of you can remember back to …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Steve Jobs of [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] has declared that [URL="http://www.microsoft.com"]Microsoft[/URL] Windows is in terminal decline. No really, that's what he's said at the [URL="http://allthingsd.com/d/"]All Things Digital[/URL] conference in LA. And he's had backing from people like Dreamworks, who now access the Internet through an iPad. OK, we'll take it as read that …

Member Avatar for pogson
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

At the end of May, [URL="http://www.computerworld.com.au/article/304693/has_asus_all_given_up_linux?rid=-219"]Computerworld reported[/URL] that [URL="http://usa.asus.com/"]Asus[/URL], one of the early Netbook success stories had all but given up on Linux Netbooks. This was telling because the [URL="http://usa.asus.com/products.aspx?l1=24&l2=164"]Asus Eee[/URL] (of which I own one) has a very nice, simple-to-navigate interface. It starts up fairly quickly and has long …

Member Avatar for finito
Member Avatar for khess

This post is a summary of a conversation I had the other day with an acquaintance of mine. It started out with him asking me what I do for a living and ended up with me having to choke back tears of laughter. I hope you have the same reaction …

Member Avatar for libbylab
Member Avatar for khess

I recently upgraded a friend of mine to [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL] 9.04 Desktop for his five-year-old [URL="http://www.acer.com"]Acer[/URL] laptop with 512 MB of RAM. I removed Windows 2000 after backing up his precious documents, pictures and browser favorites. I installed the latest stable version of Ubuntu, restored all of his settings, Internet connection …

Member Avatar for private_nubi
Member Avatar for maf5693

I am building a new OS as a learning experience, and after trudging through intel architecture manuals and osdever tutorials I still have no idea how to write a keyboard device driver- using BIOS calls and interrupts is outdated and I have no idea how to directly interface the keyboard …

Member Avatar for maf5693
Member Avatar for CobRalf

Hello everybody! a few days ago, i read this post in the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread257510.html"]Advanced and Intermediate Projects[/URL]-Thread: [QUOTE]Create an operating system prototype/emulator in Python. You might research into various operating systems to get an idea for what to implement. Things you can implement: A login. A shell system. A explorer system …

Member Avatar for CobRalf
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Sometimes you see something and you really, really hope it's a hoax. Take this story on Slashdot, which confirms if true that [URL="http://apple.slashdot.org/story/09/10/23/1456221/Apple-Seeks-Patent-On-Operating-System-Advertising?from=rss"]Apple has applied for a patent to put advertising into its operating systems[/URL]. I really, really don't want adverts when I switch my computer on. Actually that's not …

Member Avatar for coullone
Member Avatar for danielwtn

I recently purchased a Sony 4 GB micro vault flash drive(model #: USM-4GL) and quickly discovered that it would not connect to my computer. When I plug it in, my computers beeps like it would normally but I cannot find my drive in My Computer. I have managed to open …

Member Avatar for renemain

My Dell Dimensions 8100 main hard drive is dieing. I have a second hard drive installed already recognized and with plenty of gigs(60 or 80). The problem is I've never had a computer that started with a different OS. Do I install Windows Me First and then Windows XP?? or …

Member Avatar for gerbil
Member Avatar for maddogsprofiles

Hello, I just upgraded my laptop to windows 7, my computer stats are as follows: [CODE]Toshiba Satellite P205 Laptop, Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, Intel Core 2 Duo x2, 32 Bit Operating System 3.00 GB RAM, 200 GB Hard Drive[/CODE] I have been a long time user of …

Member Avatar for wyogie
Member Avatar for ehsun7b

Hi I'm using [B]NetBeans + GCC[/B] in Linux and also [B]NetBeans + MinGW[/B] in Windows. I need to run an OS Command e.g.: [ICODE]java -jar myjar.jar[/ICODE] I prefer [B]not[/B] to have the terminal/cmd window. It works fine in Linux, but in windows, it ends up in opening a [B]cmd[/B] window …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for khess

Mark Shuttleworth, founder and financial backer of [URL="http://www.ubuntu.com"]Ubuntu[/URL], urges the Linux Community to "build a better desktop than Apple." Shuttleworth made this statement this week at OSCON (O'Reilly's Open Source Convention). He added that interoperability with Windows is of very high importance. Sounds easy enough. Let me get right on …

Member Avatar for donkey_pasta
Member Avatar for rahul8590

Well i have been following the google OS (where in work is still going on ) for a pretty long time and when i have been through their whitepapers where they mentioned about SPDY protocol (which is an extension of TCP/IP and not to mention pretty faster than the conventional …

Member Avatar for vaultdweller123
Member Avatar for fallopiano

Hi all. Just today I had been on the computer for some hours. I turned it off, and then on again, and got an error saying that the NTLDR is missing. I did my research and apparently I need to restore my XP Home Edition with my Windows XP CD. …

Member Avatar for fallopiano
Member Avatar for Bob1256

You can make a os in vb. But a os need's medim or high level coding e.g c++ or c I'm am working on a os in vb it is going pretty good I have the main menu sorted out the log in nd user and login and shutdown and …

Member Avatar for QVeen72

The End.