203 Topics

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Member Avatar for pheon

Hey, İm currently using ubuntu 12 as my os. İs debian good as ubuntu? worth to use? thanks for answers.

Member Avatar for androtheos
Member Avatar for suley04

can anyone actually tell me what the point is of using VMWare, and which version I should use if I want to run Ubuntu and MAC OS Lion? Also, if I wanted 2, could I use it 2 practice Network Security between the running OS's?? - obviously this is gonna …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for RXT3000

In seeking information and I'm willing to accept any ones help who has lots of patients for people who struggle with it I would like to learn how to design my own software and operating system. I need to know what I need to study and what software is required …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for Remdi
Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for iRamble88

[CODE=java]import java.util.Scanner; class Sum { private int value; public int get() { return value; } public void set(int sum) { this.value = sum; } } class Summation extends Thread { private int upper; private int lower; private Sum sumValue; public Summation(int upper, Sum sumValue) { if (upper < 0) throw …

Member Avatar for happygeek

How will Microsoft differentiate Windows 8 in an already crowded Windows OS user space? How about, for one, with the use of a photographic gesture security system for logging in? The idea of using a photo to identify and authenticate the user is not without some pretty obvious problems (ambient …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ilmkidunya
Member Avatar for inuasha

The title really says it all. For example if I had a music file and I wanted to have it play all the way through then how would I make it start another music file after the first is done?

Member Avatar for inuasha
Member Avatar for youngdream

what OS we need? All computer systems are only as dependable his or her operating system. It's the OS the engine from the digital gadget. Though we quite often place lots of emphasis on the makers of computer systems, we should also feel carefully by what operating system can be …

Member Avatar for vadriaan
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[URL="http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2332430,00.asp?kc=PCRSS03079TX1K0000584"]John Dvorak at PC Magazine,[/URL] a grand old curmudgeon who never pulls any punches created a wish list for Windows 7. It got me thinking about my own wish list, so here goes: [B]1. Don't Make Me Wait Forever at Boot Time[/B] Nothing aggravates me more than waiting for Windows …

Member Avatar for pacav69
Member Avatar for happygeek

So you want to work on any computer as you owned it, but without going through the whole remote access process? Thanks to an early-stage company established after the founders met whilst studying for PhDs in Computer Science at Cambridge University your wishes might just be about to come true. …

Member Avatar for javacle
Member Avatar for shacknetisp

I am creating a simple Operating System called OneFileOS, and I am wondering if I must use a special version of assembler, or if I can use the regular x86 version. Thank You.

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

I am working on a project and part of the instruction goes like this: "The whole system allows up to 10 processes currently stay in memory, only one of them is running on the CPU, while the others are in either the Ready Queue or blocked in the Disk queue. …

Member Avatar for BoBok2002
Member Avatar for Shinedevil

I would like to know what kind of CPU architecture I should choose for creating my first operating system. I personally would like to give it a go with trying out a RISC type CPU, but if it's better to try it out on an x86 or some other type …

Member Avatar for Shinedevil
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

Hi, This is my first project involving processes I am completely lost. I need to create 10 processes that run at the same time. I know that a process is a program in execution so I must write a program that executes 10 times. I used Win32 API to create …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Nirvin M

Is it possible to write an operating system with Pascal Language (Free Pascal)? If yes, how to get started? Kindly somebody help me!

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hey, Is there a way to play a system beep on mac os x in Java? I usually use the beep function in Toolkit class for my PC but I tried the beep function in Toolkit but it doesn't work on my mac. Any help? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for harinath_2007
Member Avatar for stillfly122

Hi guys. so i wanna code my own Simple Dos-like OS that boots to a prompt with the simple command of "Hello" which should load a message that says "Hello, World!". Would someone be generous enough to give me some source code that just boots and has the command "Hello". …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for Danarchy

I've found out from experience and Apple Care that I can no longer print documents or .jpgs that are taller than my 23" portrait/vertical oriented monitor or any other for that matter. Preview has been crippled in Snow Leopard so that it will not recognize that the image/document is taller/longer …

Member Avatar for jingda
Member Avatar for Zssffssz

Ok I have all the framework done. Programs I want it to do all linked up in another program Done. A c++ program to write to boot sector DONE. All I need now is a simple (less than a gig of text:) way to start the other program from the …

Member Avatar for Zssffssz
Member Avatar for alexander.v

Hi guys I am conducting a survey about the operating systems you use in programming. Can you please answer my survey? I need IT professionals to answer my survey as well. It will only take a minute. Here's the link: [URL="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dGNESDZ6NVVFdTM0SVU1blJzbFVyUHc6MQ"]https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/embeddedform?formkey=dGNESDZ6NVVFdTM0SVU1blJzbFVyUHc6MQ[/URL] thank you very much!

Member Avatar for rcaastro

This may be a PC 101 question, but I'm in the process of adding a second internal hard drive to my new XPS 8300, WIN 7 Pro x-64 pc. I have an external 2 TB HD that I use for backups. I do a lot of digital photography with Photoshop …

Member Avatar for rcaastro
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

Hey! I sorta, kinda want to make a REALLY simple OS that would be made in c/c++ (c++ hopefully). I realize that it would take a lot of effort, and I would need a lot of time. But I am willing to put forth the required effort and time, so, …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, My computer is restarting sometimes automatically, when i double clicking on media file or run a program etc (But not every time). Earlier, i thought, it was because of some strong virus. So, i formatted the c drive and try to installed OS(XP Prof SP-II) on my PC. …

Member Avatar for BBAD
Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, Recently, i got a problem on loading OS XP professional SP-II. I have installed the OS bringing my Hard Disk into another computer where with my Hard Disk's OS is running smoothly. But when i installing the same Hard Disk into my computer it is not loading the …

Member Avatar for vanzhyme
Member Avatar for altic

Well, i'm thinking there is many OS Server out there like Win**** Server, Ubuntu Server, Red Hat, Centos, etc. What i want to ask is the difference between all of OS Server that would make you want to use it, example for me Free and Easy to use is very …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Goalatio

This is my OS that I've been working on for almost 3 months now (not all at once.. in periods of a few days each time). Would anyone skilled in NASM mind looking at parts of it and give me their opinion on my code? Note that there are many …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for DarkLightning7

I have an interface built in javafx but it currently does nothing it just looks nice. How do you download files from the web in javafx or java? How do you create files on the users system in java or javafx? How do you place downloaded files in the created …

Member Avatar for DarkLightning7
Member Avatar for servooo

Hi, i have a problem with getline function in cpp program on os x Error: main.cpp:158: error: 'getline' was not declared in this scope i read that in os x are some issues with getline() function but i am newbie and i dont know what to do. is possible to …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for Techdavid

Every 2 hours my server will power down. I just recently installed the 2003 OS. I only used the first disc for the installation. There are no scheduled tasks and the power management settings are fine. Its not a heat issue because it will reboot immediately afterward. I would think …

Member Avatar for lasitha2005d

The End.