39,388 Topics
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hi, so i've been looking for a string matching algorithm that gives me a "rating" based on how close the 2 strings match.. luckily, i googled and read this article: [URL="http://www.catalysoft.com/articles/strikeamatch.html"]how to strike a match[/URL] here's the original java class code [CODE=java] package strike_a_match; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStreamReader; … | |
how to store checkbox values in database in php | |
[CODE]<?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","" ); mysql_select_db("test",$con); $sql="select image from image"; $res=mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); $i=1; while($i < mysql_num_rows($res)) { $image_id[$i] = mysql_result($res, $i); echo "<img src=\"".$image_id[$i]."\">"; $i++; } ?> [/CODE] I'm using this code to display the image from mysql but images are shown like this M¢—‡¤6n幆J1³ŒªÌF·æFLùp1 `‘ã:ÃDVNÒ–¢QSgWñg€?´‘íx3²ûEùÝ ô.l%·ËìÈŒÿAzH'óÀËË€XƒÍ«L²GçÚ›9ást¸°äŒëŸ]˜¦21ŒÖ|¸E^®ÏJOXX&æàߣéü6bêæ¬Öò7aúQ¡·÷9;Ó-ˆ )ôdx¹cüÖlÒ'j( q1ÌnéW4Ó÷dÇå©uF … | |
could anyone provide code for me how to search data using column name. example: if i have 2 columns called [B]NAME,ID[/B] then i select [B]NAME or ID[/B] and enter the keyword to search. would greatly appreciate your help! | |
I have learn to make website using php and mysql from tutorial book And I have some problem and I don't know how to do with it. :X If anyone know about solution to fix it please help.... Here is my code [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> … | |
[CODE]<?php require_once('upper.php'); require_once('database.php'); echo $error_msg=''; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $LoginId=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['LoginId'])); $Password1=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Password1'])); $Password2=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Password2'])); $Name=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Name'])); $Age=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Age'])); $BloodGroup=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['BloodGroup'])); if(!isset($_POST['Sex'])) { echo 'Please enter Sex<br>'; } else{ $Sex= mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Sex'])); } $Qualification=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Qualification'])); $ContactNumber=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['ContactNumber'])); $Email=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Email'])); $Address=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['Address'])); $AboutYourself=mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc,trim($_POST['AboutYourself'])); //$countCheck=count($_POST['checkbox']); //echo $countCheck; //$checkbox=$_POST['checkbox']; //$countCheck=count($checkbox); if(empty($LoginId)){echo 'Please enter Login Id';} elseif(empty($Password1)){echo 'Please enter Password';} elseif(empty($Password2)){echo 'Please confirm Password';} elseif($Password1!==$Password2){echo 'Password didn't … | |
hello all, i need html table to be inserted in php code..i tried this but i am getting some problem with it so can anyone help me.. Thank u.. [CODE] $messageproper ="\n\n" . "Name: " . ucwords($_POST['name']) . "\n" . "Email: " . ucwords($email) . "\n" . "Message: " . … | |
How to retrieve and display an image from MySQL using php? ![]() | |
I have recently been getting a parse error that reads : Parse error: parse error in C:\wamp\www\Jumble.php on line 20 Anytime I run an HTML program on my wamp server and it is regarding a php file called Jumble.php which is supposed to arrange the data entered into the HTML … | |
Hi I'm new in php.I have created a Form to insert data into the database its working fine. The other is to show all records from the database its too fine. I don't know where to start, Want i want is to edit one record at a time when i … | |
OK, I know this subject has been covered extensively, and I have read numerous threads on this and other forums. Problem is that the more I read, the more confused I got. I would simply like to know, for my particular application, what is the best way to handle the … | |
There are function and class templates in C++. They can operate with generic data types. There's some ifnormation on it. [URL="http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/templates/"]http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutori al/templates/[/URL] This is a compile-able example from the site linked above: [CODE] #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> template <class T> T GetMax (T a, T b) { T result; result … | |
We have an oscommerce cart installed on a client's site. It uses authorize.net, and clients are seeing an error after submitting their order. The order however is going through. This is the error: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/altovine/public_html/oscommerce/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet_aim.php:921) in /home/altovine/public_html/oscommerce/includes/functions/general.php on … | |
Hi all, Thanks in advance. I am writing this in great detail. So dont panic looking at the length of this message. I have a page called retrievefieldex11.29.2.56.php. Fields that need to be considered for this problem here is the ID field (name = usersubmit) the Key(name = key) field. … | |
How can I make a timer that counts down from 60 seconds and after that directs me to another page Please help me Thank you ! :) | |
Hello sir(s) I m having problem with " and ' in my contect. say I hav submitted below sentence to save in mysql [B]my father's boss told me " you can join our company".[/B] I used [B]mysql_real_escape_string() [/B]. when I retriev from sql data. It shows [B]my father'\s boss told … | |
I was recently posting information and using $_GET to move between pages. However, becasue of security concerns, I have to change this. How do you pass a SESSION variable to a new page from an array. Here is what I used to have [CODE=PHP] while($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo '<a … | |
Hi I'm new in php.I have created a Form to insert data into the database its worrking fine.The other is to show all records from the database in table form with Edit/Delete link in the end of each record its fine and I can delete a record but i have … | |
hello I'm trying to figure out how to compute the difference between 2 dates excluding weekends.I browsed the web on how to compute the difference between two dates and i somehow was able to understand it but i could not figure out how to compute the difference if I do … | |
I have quite an issue in creating a multi level menu in php by extracting the category details for the menu from the product database. My table was created as follows: [code=php] CREATE TABLE products ( id int(11) unsigned NULL auto_increment, pid varchar(100) NULL default'', description text NULL default '', … ![]() | |
Hi All. I am building a project assuming that there is a mehtod for intercepting incoming and outgoing mail from a mailserver. If it is not possible please let me know, I am new working with mail servers, so any material that you could provide would be greatly appreciated. I … | |
Hello All - I need some help. I've got a page that lists events (fairs, seminars, etc.) that have been registered by the user, I would like to find a solution that will list these events and next to them include the number of people that have registered to attend … | |
Hi, i am new to php and i have lots of doubts since i'm learning it on my own, any help/advice/suggestion is very much appreciated. i have gone through many threads, but they dont answer to what i'm seeking. if i missed any thread which answers to the point, please … | |
[CODE] <?php require_once('upper.php'); if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { //This is code in which we can choose the type and size file uploaded or upload anything. We can declare the path of folder or can do without it. if($_FILES['uploaded_file']['size']< 200000) { /*if($_FILES['uploaded_file']['error']>0) { echo "Error occurs".$_FILES['up_test']['error']."<br/>"; } else{*/ $Title=$_POST['Title']; $City=$_POST['City']; $Content=$_POST['Content']; $Date=$_POST['Date']; echo "Uploaded … | |
Hi Friends, I am come with a new query in jQuery. I have a listing form in which the details showed , the View more Details is implemented using Ajax. When Click "+" sign there is a loading image show First then the Result show there ... It's all working … | |
This is pretty detailed, but here goes. I have a user registration/log in system in place. I have no issues at all registering users or logging them in. My database contains 5 tables. As follows usersystem [INDENT]Fields: username password email total qid[/INDENT] q1 [INDENT]Fields: username answer rank value[/INDENT] Tables q2 … | |
Testing only one character of first alphabet of kannada [URL="http://tlt.its.psu.edu/suggestions/international/bylanguage/kannadachart.html"][B]ಅ[/B][/URL]. function htmlentities is not returning &# 3205 Here is my complete code. [CODE]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>UTF8 to HTML Entity</title> </head> <body> <?php $str = '&# 3205;'; // remove space in … | |
Hello all, This isn’t a strictly MySQL issue, it has to do also with PHP Apache and cPanel but I believe the core is MySQL so I decided to post it here. Recently I had a SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections issue. I use PHP PDO for the connection and … | |
I get the value in the database and click on the id field how i past(get ) this field to other location can anyone help me | |
Hi guys! I have a website in PHP that runs centered of the browser. i want to design it such that it covers the whole page of the browser e.g. ([url]www.gmail.com[/url]). Does anyone have any templates or links that can help me out on this one? |
The End.