39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Clarkeez

Basically. I have this query that is executed on a form submit. [code] $add_proc = mysql_query(" INSERT INTO `proc` (active, title, desc, notes, link, tags1, tags2, tags3) VALUES ( '".$_POST['add_proc_active']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_title']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_desc']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_notes']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_link']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_tag1']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_tag2']."', '".$_POST['add_proc_tag3']."' ) [/code] Now. The form doesn't require you to enter all 3 tags. …

Member Avatar for Clarkeez
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Okay, I've been racking my brain trying to figure this one out but the more I try, the more I get stuck. I need to construct a multi-dimensional array as follows, so for each iteration there are 4 values added to the array. (there is a total of 6 iterations, …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

wt is wrong here ?? it usually gives me this error : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/a2354076/public_html/cats/programming/includes/topics.php on line 34 here is the code : [CODE] <!-- header ends --> <!-- content begins --> <div id="main"> <div id="right"> <a href="http://www.000webhost.com/" onClick="this.href='http://www.000webhost.com/326472.html'" target="_blank"><img src="http://www.000webhost.com/images/banners/468x60/banner13.gif" alt="Free Website Hosting" width="468" …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for CanadianGSX

Good morning, I'll keep this simple, I have a form that I need to populate with the contects of a MySQL database. I've tested that the 'gathering information' script works properly via a SELECT command. However, when I try to set the value of a text form field using the …

Member Avatar for CanadianGSX
Member Avatar for nukabolhi

Hi Daniweb, I am confused, how to explode the numbers from database. Simply I can Explode, but after explode I have to relate the numbers to another table. If any one not clear abt my problem, pls reply Eg: 1, 2 Relate to Basket, football [CODE] $sql1=mysql_query("SELECT impid FROM customer …

Member Avatar for nukabolhi
Member Avatar for Brianbc

I have a file(File1) in the root directory(Root). There is also a directory(Dir) in the root directory which contains File2. File2.php [CODE]<?php include'/*I need to include file1 here*/' // ?>[/CODE] How do I include file1 in file2?

Member Avatar for somedude3488
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hi all, I'm trying to figure out how to stop MySQL errors being displayed to the user. I have turned off all the necessary options in php.ini such as [CODE]display_errors = Off log_errors = On error_log = /path/to/log/[/CODE] I have even tried to override these settings using ini_set() in my …

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Member Avatar for sedalnas

Hi , i'm trying to add a hyperlink in the php code , the "href" of the hyperlink is the books names generated from the db but i want to the clicked link to show the relative book description and the book's image in another page but i don't know …

Member Avatar for cossay
Member Avatar for nukabolhi

How can I use explode function in php I already implode some data in mysql [CODE] // customer table cust_id, impid, 1, 1,2 // sports table sport id, sport name 1, football 2, basketball [/CODE] How can I explode and make a php/mysql query

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Member Avatar for MACKENZIEKE

I am working on a project with PHP and MySql. There are reports i am producing which are picked from one table in different row. I would like this reports in pdf or convert them to pdf when viewing on html. keep in mind the the report pages are produced …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Sorcher

Anyone know a snippet of this? I need to delete all files in a folder but not jpg,gif or png files. :sweat:

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for daviddoria

I have two pages, header.php and sidebar.php which I want to include on several pages using: [code] <?php include 'header.php'; ?> <?php include 'sidebar.php'; ?> [/code] However, there are two different issues. On this page [url]http://ewh.ieee.org/r1/schenectady/New/index.php[/url] , the included text is put BELOW the text on index.php, even thought it …

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Member Avatar for daviddoria

Currently at the top of every page I have this: [code] <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Schenectady Section of the IEEE</TITLE> <META NAME='url' CONTENT='http://www.ewh.ieee.org/r1/schenectady/'> <META NAME='author' CONTENT='Authorname'> <META NAME='email' CONTENT='author email'> <META NAME='expires' CONTENT=''> <META NAME='revision-date' CONTENT='6-Sep-1999'> <META NAME='keywords' CONTENT='Schenectady Section'> <META NAME='description' CONTENT='Schenectady Section of the IEEE'> </HEAD> [/code] If I move …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for sedalnas

Hi, I'm trying to use the array_unique method in php to get the unique values of the array but what i get is just one value and the other values deleted by the method , the values in the array are (Pro CSharp 2008 and the NET 3.5 Platform , …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for sainigks

Dear all, i have a php script to download list of files from server. it is working well, when i type the file address. but i want to get address of file from user. i have a html page where user select Folder and Sub Folder name to download file …

Member Avatar for Henzard
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello........ i want to do display all folder files using ajax. anybody tell me how to do this?

Member Avatar for Henzard
Member Avatar for shenbagam

I want the coding for image updating. i,e when the user uploding his images tat be automatically updated in mysql as well as in website

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for coxdabd

Hi, just starting out with PHP, etc. Seem to be picking things up quickly. Just want some advice on how secure things are e.g. entering email address into the database, etc. Look forward to some help and advice. [CODE]<?php error_reporting(0); $email = ""; $msg_to_user = ""; if ($_POST['email']!=""){ include_once "connection.php"; …

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for irphan

hi, i want to send email after redirecting on a page name email.php or it may be anything.when i redirect on this page amal should be send to user automatically.please send me a code for this please help me .thanks irphan

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for shenbagam

when i'm creating register form database was connected but cant able to store the values from form into mysql

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for kako13

I had been trying to make my WordPress blog Thumnails Clickable without any luck. Here is the code I am supposed to change: [CODE]<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="<?php the_title();?>"><?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?></a>[/CODE]

Member Avatar for design324095
Member Avatar for designershiv

$show =$_GET['id']; //if i put the id manually it works and the content get changes print_r($_GET); // Working $news_sql=mysql_query( "SELECT *FROM latestnews WHERE id = '$show' ");//i cant retrieve id here while($rsnews = mysql_fetch_assoc($news_sql)){ ?> my code <?php } ?>

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for designershiv

//my code $show =$_GET['id']; print_r($_GET); //out put comes like this Array ( [id_] => 1 ) //Please tell me where is this underscore comes from

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi can anyone help me. I have an issue of converting an array object to string.Here is my code [CODE]if(isset($_REQUEST['insert'])) { $data['first_name']=$_REQUEST['fnam']; $data['last_name']=$_REQUEST['lnam']; $data['reg_number']=$_REQUEST['rnum']; $data['date_of_birth']=$_REQUEST['dobi']; $data['date_of_joining']=$_REQUEST['dojo']; $data['name']=$_FILES['uploadfile']['name'];// i want to convert only this value to string $data['type']=$_FILES['uploadfile']['type']; $data['size']=$_FILES['uploadfile']['size']; echo http_build_query($data['name']); exit; $uname=str_replace(" ","_",$data); $tmp_name=$_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name']; $target_path="uploads/"; $target_path=$target_path.basename($uname); if($data['name']=="") { $db->query_insert('tbl_student',$data); header(''); …

Member Avatar for saadi06
Member Avatar for navi17

Hi, Client will have library of available themes I need to create a plugin in wordpress. which will search are available themes from client server and when anyone click on activate the theme it will copy all the files from client server to user server. can anyone help? how can …

Member Avatar for Frankey
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

ok so i am messing around with php trying to see what i can do to improve the way i make/do things. right now i am playing around with a query set that automatically makes the variables with the database information in it then to echo it later on when …

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Member Avatar for nicholaslee21

I cannot get this mysql update query to work. Please help. I am new at this.:) <?PHP session_start(); ?> <?php //it's getting the data from the post fine. I know this part is working. $ud_id=$_POST['ud_id']; $ud_fname=$_POST['ud_fname']; $ud_lname=$_POST['ud_lname']; $ud_type=$_POST['ud_type']; $ud_used=$_POST['ud_used']; $ud_sdate=$_POST['ud_sdate']; $ud_edate=$_POST['ud_edate']; if ($ud_id == "") echo " No record ID …

Member Avatar for orcaraheel
Member Avatar for yapaarachchi

I created a login system using php.And it can handle member profiles.But i was unable to upload profile picture.how can i do that???????

Member Avatar for yapaarachchi
Member Avatar for abelingaw

Here are the errors im getting. [CODE]Notice: Undefined index: address in C:\wamp\www\Insertrecord.php on line 24 Notice: Undefined index: status in C:\wamp\www\Insertrecord.php on line 25 Notice: Undefined index: religion in C:\wamp\www\Insertrecord.php on line 26 Notice: Undefined index: region in C:\wamp\www\Insertrecord.php on line 27 Notice: Undefined index: zipcode in C:\wamp\www\Insertrecord.php on line …

Member Avatar for abelingaw
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

i have been getting the error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '.', expecting T_VARIABLE or '$' and the line that has the issue is $ . $ [CODE] foreach ($fields as &$value) { $ . $value = $myrow[$value]; } [/CODE] all im trying to do is make a variable with …

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The End.