39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for jsmiley77

Hello Everyone, I am new at this so please bare with me. :) I've been having such a hard time with my form. I am finally down to one last little problem. I cannot get my font size to display when selected. [U][B]This is in my HTML:[/B][/U] [code] <form action="processor.php" …

Member Avatar for Borzoi
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, Below is the data format which I am passing to php via javascript in json format. [CODE] {"name":"Secret","value": "checked","name":"OldSpice","value": "unchecked","name":"Degree","value": "unchecked","name":"Dove","value": "unchecked","name":"Axe","value": "unchecked","name":"Maxim","value": "unchecked","name":"Nivea","value": "unchecked",}[/CODE] I can access the data successfully using the code [CODE]echo $_POST['name'];[/CODE] I want to convert it to an array. I tried to use json_decode() …

Member Avatar for vishalkhialani
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

heyy . please tell me how to can i connect databases together . couz i am doing a project and i have to like some databases and get some information from at least 5 databases tables and display them in one page . can i do more than a connection …

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed
Member Avatar for ppetree

Can anyone tell me why this code is not working? It outouts 8 colons, one for each element but no data which means the [$i] is NOT referencing the array element [CODE] $geo_addr = array("number"=>1600, "zip"=>34208, "suffix"=>'', "prefix"=>'', "type"=>'parkway', "street"=>'amphitheatre', "state"=>CA, "city"=>'mountain view'); $count = count($geo_addr); for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { …

Member Avatar for ppetree
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

I have this short script that instead of displaying the images, displays the raw biary data stored in the blob. Where am I going wrong please? [CODE]<?php @mysql_connect($host, $username, $password) or die("Can not connect to database: ".mysql_error()); @mysql_select_db($database) or die("Can not select the database: ".mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for nishantp1

Hello, For the project I am currently working on, I have to display user's schedule from Monday to Sunday. My database design is as follows: [CODE]course(id(PK), course_no, credits, title, description) section(id(PK),section_no,course_id(FK),instructor_id(FK)) timeslot(id(PK),day,start_time,end_time) section_times(section_id(PK,FK),timeslot_id(PK,FK))[/CODE] Course has many sections. Sections has many time slots at which they are taught. A section is …

Member Avatar for kavkazi

Hi, I need to analyze a string and get the text between, before, and after the forward slashes.. The string will always look something like this, but will vary: $str = "I will go to the store with <# one/two/three #> people." Then I need to create a form with …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for rakibtg

How to make a php mailing form that will send emails to my email address by checking spam and if spam email send to my email address then it will automatically remove the spam email. How i can make this type of php form? Is this types of script are …

Member Avatar for rakibtg
Member Avatar for brown23

Hey Guys, How would I go about echo'ing a large amount of symbols (#"'~/\|*&^%!) in an echo statement without having to put a backlash at all the clashing ones, specifically " and '? [CODE]\"`+w\"`2x'`!_\"`%&+` S%`1a&`&Y+`%\\4`(&+`$N!1`+n(`&&\"`$#\"9`#1#`$R&`\"H6`2+#`)9!`\"C#`(;\"`/x!`0^)`+k\"`,T'`.w4`.>%`';(4B`!{!F`!-!` B!64`&U#42`\"6$`\"e\"`02%`-i'`#4#`)]$`$.;`+B*`3d)`#u0`)@#`#o*`#4&`$6!5`)Z-`\"k\"`&>+`)X#`&h\"`$S\"`) %`!x!`0;%`//\"`$j,`*?!`#k(32%3` 6!48`+U&73`\"\"#61`&u!`(J%` ,\"`%P\"`+_%7%6D`\"p#7`-W'3`,P\"`*?$`,,\"`3C#4`#!$`$l$`+w\"`3s/1`%]*`),%`*q\"`$T!`%w+7`! \"`/W'6F`#-!9`!u$`28\"`%!'`!()`-&\"`)/\"`%G(`&i$6C`$x$`'S\"7`%3!`\"8%`-8%`-t+`%!!6C` Q!`,o$`(J\"6D%7` V\"`'8\"`%n\"`)*$6A`!K!`2D\"`-t\"`!8\"`,?$`!1#D`\"i!`&2%` 9!`$S\"`#C)`# \"`\">\"7`)Q$`+Y\"C`!B!`%2\"`(e\"`($-`&M(`&C#F`$Q$`-P(`$P\"`#Q-`\"A\"`$CA`1e1` 5(`2GC0%2`&x!`'\"#`,i$`%D\"77`\"W!`%K!`$A.`/q+`(V\"`!J\"`,/\"`//%6E`$:#`.%)`\"u!`.d&`,K$`&F#`#V%`!z%`#2\"` &\"`&0!`3.&`2V%`)#+`\"t\"`.,\"` E!`(m&`3P(7`%l*`#q\"`-Q!`(#\"`&#1`1)\"` kC`#P+`$I2`-#\"`3<66`0H!`,|&6`#d#`$}.`)7#`#k%`&A\"`$t\"`#z\"D`1^#`,&%`*e%`$R2`\"K'74%1`%J%`\" %`&V%8`2c$`*Q'`%\\+`\"()`%J4E%3C%62`\"+#2F%3E%3C` \",`3A1`%D+`+V1`+7&`*6!`\"e\"`\"|#A`*)`-F#D`\"o!`*_\"`*D\"`% …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for CEVGames

I am not sure where to begin with this code or how to go about it. I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas as to where to start or ideas on how to accomplish this (If you want to help with sample codes I'd love that too, …

Member Avatar for CEVGames
Member Avatar for CEVGames

I have a log in system and upon logging in, I cannot get the page to redirect to the members section. I've tried a bunch of different methods, and none seem to work. Here is my current code, can anyone offer some suggestions please? [CODE]{ $username = mysql_real_escape_string($username); $password = …

Member Avatar for CEVGames
Member Avatar for Joe34

That's all of my code and you can see at the end there's a die function can you tell me what I did wrong? It's this die function.... [code] if(!$Query) { die("There was an error creating your product!"); } else { echo "Yes! Your product was created I hope " …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for ale89

Hi everyone! On the main page of my web page displays the latest tracks created, which shows the title of the subject, who did it, the category in which I believe and the facade. But now I would like to show your profile picture thumbnail which takes you to their …

Member Avatar for jegana

demo.php <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>My First Project in PHP</title> </head> <body bgcolor=tan> <h1><font color="firebrick">PHP MySQL </font></h1> <form action="success.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <input type="hidden" name="box" value="100000"> <table width="500" border="1"> <tr><td><b><label for='name'>Name :</b></label></td> <td><input type="text" name="Uname" size="20" /></td></tr> <tr><td><b><label for='mail'>Email :</b></label></td><td><input type="text" name="mail" size="20" /></td></tr> <tr><td><b> <label for='Updated_file'>Attachements:</b></label></td> …

Member Avatar for jegana
Member Avatar for javaProgrammar

Is there any way to [B]check and validate regular expression syntax before processing it[/B] in php. I've a scenario in which user input regular expression and my piece of code process user input regular expression, but validation is necessary before processing it and message if invalid regular expression syntax. such …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Xtremefaith

So I am new to PHP but I have put forth a lot of effort to research my answer before taking it to the community. So far this what I have: [CODE=php] <?php $id=$_GET['id']; include("config.php"); include("openDB.php"); $table = 'vendors'; $sortBy = 'Company/Name'; $query=" SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE id='$id'"; $result=mysql_query($query); …

Member Avatar for Xtremefaith
Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome

Hi guys, Can anyone refer me to some very basic and simplified MVC tutorial? Yes, I googled, and read a lot, also did try frameworks, but my goal here is to be able to write and understand the MVC code myself. I'm also new to OOP, so even with tuts …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for zlegend

Whats wrong with how this is coded to were it is allowing anything to be inputted without recognizing errors? [CODE]$errors=0; $error="The following errors occured while processing your form input.<ul>"; pt_register('POST','ip'); pt_register('POST','date'); pt_register('POST','Text'); pt_register('POST','URL'); $healthy = array("$", "%", "!", "<", ">"); $yummy = array("", "", "", "", ""); $Text = str_replace($healthy, …

Member Avatar for Dragonbaki
Member Avatar for ChrisATO

Hello, thanks for reading my thread. I'm still new to web development so I appreciate your help in advance. I am having a problem that I am sure many people have run across in the past. In my project, I have sidebar menus loaded based upon the user permission level …

Member Avatar for ChrisATO
Member Avatar for Cstonehouse

I know there are many other threads about this same error, but none have helpped me, here is my code: [CODE] <?php $mysql_id = mysql_connect('mysql3.000webhost.com', 'a2778852_556875', 'pendolino390'); mysql_select_db('a2778852_555676', $mysql_id); $result = mysql_query("SELECT personalexperience, sex, age, sexuality, FROM Personal_experience"); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo $row['personalexperience'], $row['sex'], $row['age'], $row['sexuality']; } mysql_close($mysql_id); ?>[/CODE] …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for luke noob

i have a field in my database with numbers like this....... ,27,,277,,4277,,677,,678,,6688,,8754,,123478, each number was updated (added) like this .. ,27, all numbers updated are unique, when i try to match ,27, i get ,27, ,277, ,4277, not just ,27, my code is like this... [code=php] $id = 27 $string …

Member Avatar for luke noob
Member Avatar for Sorcher

I really want this echo to not include people not listed as 1 in the row "activated" in my database. So if its 0 they wont show. [CODE] // Print each user while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) { echo " <tr> <td>{$row['username']}</td> <td><a href='{$row['website']}' class='example7'>{$row['website']}</a></td> <td align='center'>{$row['disabled']}</td> </tr>"; } // Close table …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for stephen_UK

I have a php script displaying muliple pages of records which has problems with the pagination of the web pages. When it loads for the first time I get 2 Notice: Undefined index messages - as shown below: Notice: Undefined index: start in /customers/swaag.org/swaag.org/httpd.www/SWAAG-DATABASE/VIEW_in_STEPS5b.php on line 210 Notice: Undefined index: …

Member Avatar for stephen_UK
Member Avatar for ryan-t

Hi, Trying to build my own simple-ish forum script, and i want to display 2 forum posts snippets inside each category on the default page. I thought i knew the code for it but when i do [CODE="php"] $cat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_cat")or die(mysql_error()); $catresult = mysql_num_rows($cat); for($count = …

Member Avatar for ryan-t
Member Avatar for joandong2

good day, i'm new to programming but i'm eager to learn, i have a problem, after i submit the number of quantity, the product will add, but then when i search again for another item, the page refresh.. i wanted to output all of the items in sales table so …

Member Avatar for joandong2
Member Avatar for rolandrogers

Hello - I am trying to get a looping date repeater to work but it is driving me crazy! It works for most dates but breaks for dates that originate in early November. I created a page that shows the code and the output for anyone to see what is …

Member Avatar for rolandrogers
Member Avatar for ravian48

Hi All, I am making website in php. I want to add funds to my account using paypal api. Please help me how i can do that? Regards

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for radovanov

Hello, I'm totally out of luck with creating a working patternt to match for my preg_match. What I would like to do is, create a pattern that will match sentenses in a bunch of text.. It should recognize a word that has a capital letter and take it as the …

Member Avatar for radovanov
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi, I am developing a web portal with login system . Users can view the pages with out login and if any one want to comment or rate then they must login. Everything working fine but my question is : I need to redirect the user to the previous page …

Member Avatar for mafhh14
Member Avatar for krishx343

Hi I am recently trying a rating concept in php. The project is, peoples will post the images of house and ask everyone to rate it as which is beautiful home. I've placed a 5 rating stars and doing all the vote captures. But i am confused in picking the …

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The End.