49 Topics

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Member Avatar for theharshest

I am new to Django. When I tried creating a template, I got the following error. Please help. [CODE]>>> from django.template import Template, Context >>> t = Template("The name is {{name}}") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in <module> t = Template("The name is {{name}}") File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\django\template\base.py", …

Member Avatar for Enalicho
Member Avatar for theharshest

Hi Friends, I want to learn web application development. I have good experience in C programming language and no other language. Can you please suggest me where to start with? I have already dived into Python a bit, so I searched the net for some good framework and got Django. …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for yuvalm2

I am about to begin working on a program serving simultanuously a handfull of non-technical clients. I am still trying to select my user interface, and would like your suggestions, given that my main program would be written mainly in Python. I would suppose that most of the actions requested …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for nagtan3

Hi, I am developing a website, I Have to get the google map on the basis of a particular location which i would get from an object of the database. This ill use it from the template language. For example: [B]person.address[/B] is what ill refer and i should get the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for DimaYasny

Hi All, I am trying to start writing a wiki-ish CMS I've been contemplating for a while now. the content will include pics, html content, and should be stored in a database (the current pick is postgres) A few questions for the more experienced folk 'round here: 1. how do …

Member Avatar for andrewtrench

I have a foreign key linking two models. One is called ZumaDirectors, the other ZumaConsolidated. For some reason I cannot access fields on ZumaConsolidated from ZumaDirectors using foreign key. I can do this without a problem on ZumaDirectors with a foreign key linked to another table. I want to be …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for saransh60

hello friends i have just completed the python reading from book called "how to think like a computer scientist Python" ..Now i want to dive for Django framework for web development is that book(how to think....)is enough or should i polish my python skills first.....Please note that i have no …

Member Avatar for ssharish2005
Member Avatar for oooooops

I have been trying to learn Django (and Python). I have a form that can have up to [I]n[/I] elements. Each of those elements has 3 parts to it (a TextField, a TagField and a Checkbox). The form init looks like this [CODE] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): notesAndTags = kwargs.pop('notesAndTags') …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I normally only use Linux (Ubuntu) for software development, but I want to test an app on Windows with IE before I make it live. I have Windows 7 Ultimate installed, as well as Python 2.7 and Django 1.2.3 I appended C:\Python27\Scripts to my PATH, and .py to PATHEXT. …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for ChaosKnight11

Hi, I have started a new app in my current Django project and I want to make the new app use its own database. I have found this solution on the web: [URL="http://www.eflorenzano.com/blog/post/easy-multi-database-support-django/"]Django Multi-Database support[/URL] but it seems more like a hack than a supported solution. Do you think this …

Member Avatar for chalasesha

hi all, i just doing Django..tried the first example in Django book...i encountered problem at admin page. it says that admin is not defined. i followed each step in tutorial and i am able to run django server also. pls help me to solve it. i am adding error output …

Member Avatar for sureronald
Member Avatar for pratz

Hello, We are trying to use Django with couchdb, is this a good idea??? It is going to be a health software, so is it better to use couchdb. Also we are going to use wtforms. Will this make a good combination for a complete software. Any more suggestions will …

Member Avatar for pratz

Hello, I am learning Django now, I was wondering how can I use Python Module in django as an app. Example - if I have an python network module, how can I use this module in Django as an network app? Is this possible? If possible then please let me …

Member Avatar for znake

Hi, I've just started learning python (and programming overall) and I would like to ask for a little help from you, guys. What fascinates me (and you may think it's weird) is programs which simulate human's action/behavior (bots), so I wanted to ask if anyone could show me some good …

Member Avatar for ste_a47

I'd like to implement a functionality in an app of mine, but I don't know how to go about it. What I want is this: I have a model class that uses imagekit to save its images, and I'd like to have the users being able to update the images …

Member Avatar for Namibnat

I am new to working with Django, and have found it really fun and interesting to develop with. But I have been trying to upload it to a hosted server and just not getting it to work. I have followed the instructions they give, but just not getting it to …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for Tech B

I'm going to start learning web development useing Django. I'm following the tutorials on their site and when I run "python manage.py runserver" i get a traceback saying: [code] Traceback (most recent call last): File "manage.py", line 11, in <module> execute_manager(settings) File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\__init__.py", line 362, in execute_manager utility.execute() File "C:\Python26\lib\site-packages\django\core\management\__init__.py", …

Member Avatar for tls-005
Member Avatar for bharatk

I have a form in which I can input text through text boxes. How do I make these data go into the db on clicking submit. this is the code of the form in the template. What do I give in form action? [CODE]<form method="post" action="[B]what do I put here??[/B]"> …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for Kruptein

I do php coding for some time and want to learn something new. After some researsh I ended up with 2 languages/frameworks but I can't choose between them. I'm a python programmer so python Django might be easier to start with. But I don't know a well-known website which is …

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The End.