15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for sasindu

After minimize the window disappear from taskbar and i can't set that again as it's looping...Is there any other way to minimize or fix that. watch inline code examples. from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk import time from ctypes import windll GWL_EXSTYLE = -20 WS_EX_APPWINDOW = 0x00040000 …

Member Avatar for Sarala_1

how to convert this code to python #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; int maxi = INT_MAX; int maxx(int a, int b) { return (a > b)?a:b; } void cal_Time(int total, int sum, int i, vector<int> v1) { if(maxx(sum, total-sum) < maxi) { maxi = maxx(sum, total-sum); } if(v1[i]) return; cal_Time(total, sum …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Kaaviya_1

I have a dataframe with 5000 records. I want the null values to be filled with: Average(All the Preceding values before null, First succeeding value after null) data: Date gcs Comp Clay WTS 2020-01-01 1550 41 9.41 22.6 2020-01-02 1540 48 9.50 25.8 2020-01-03 NAN NAN NAN NAN 2020-01-04 1542 …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for sasindu

> I have already created functions to handle that. But it's shacking when i try to move( After add more widgets). Can somebody help me with that. from tkinter import * from PIL import Image, ImageTk import time class modtk(Tk): toptitlebar = None maincanvaswindow = None resizeon = False dragging …

Member Avatar for Alexandramaria

I would like to build a software career and am looking for the best software training institution. Can you please help me to find one?

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for macroasm

Visual Tkinter is Python 2.6 GUI builder. Visual Python programming language for advanced Visual Python IDE that offers the possibility. As of December 2008 starting and writing fasting Editor. This software is using Scintilla editing component. <URL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for Titus_1
Member Avatar for Sponge_2

images = [createProductForm.productImageModel.data, createProductForm.productImageModel.data] for image in images: if image.filename == '': print('Image must have a filename') return redirect(url_for('createProduct')) if not allowed_image(image.filename): print('Image extension is not allowed') return redirect(url_for('createProduct')) else: filename = secure_filename(image.filename) file_path = image.save(os.path.join(app.config['IMAGE_UPLOADS'], filename)) print(mysql.format(file_path)) mysql.connection.commit() print("Hello yes!") print("images saved") If i were to convert the image …

Member Avatar for zeekie22

I am a developer who recently started working on my own, and I've come across some projects that I can't handle by myself (mostly in React). What resources would you guys recommend for finding / putting together a team of remote developers to join me on these projects?

Member Avatar for benjamin79
Member Avatar for Sponge_2

Hi, How do i store files into blob datatype into mysql via user input with python? def read_file(filename): #Convert digital data to binary format with open(filename, 'wb') as f: photo = f.read() return photo @app.route('/createProduct', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def createProduct(): createProductForm = CreateProductForm() msg = '' if request.method == 'POST' and …

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for Ian_7

Hi all, Have my below program: from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import messagebox class Application(object): def __init__(self, master): self.master = master qPlacement = IntVar() self.cc = ttk.Combobox(self.master, textvariable=qPlacement, width = 5).place(x = 5, y = 30) Button(self.master, text = 'Click Me', command = self.popCombo).place(x = …

Member Avatar for griswolf

I'm writing a utility that will likely be called by a script that uses `argparse`, but should be useable by any script. The engine object constructor needs a dozen or so parameters to tune its behavior. The question is: What is the best way to allow the caller to send …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Kelvin_11

I am good in different languages, that is: Java, python, C#, VB.NET, php, javascript I have been programming for a while now it's about 2 and half years but the issue is when I focus on one language I tend to concentrate on it more than the others which leads …

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Jacob_19

Dear software developers, We are researchers aiming to understand developers' knowledge needs and program comprehension. Our intention is to support practitioners in selecting tools that can facilitate developers' tasks. Moreover, we hope that our research results in the development of new tools that are customized to the actual needs of …

Member Avatar for misstj555

Hello. I am making a database using SQLite. Then I need to make an API with functions that returns information about that database. Then I need to print out a report. However, when I try to return an answer to a query using inputs, nothing is returned. I either get …

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for ppel123

Hello everyone, I am working on a project, which corrects user input (reads input stream from keyboard with keyboard module hook) based on some rules. I am trying to find the fastest way to delete and write the corrected word, after a user enters a wrong one. Currently I am …

Member Avatar for griswolf
Member Avatar for tony75

Hi Try to extract password from my chrome browser but I got this error below How can I solve this problem? Traceback (most recent call last): File "Chromer.py", line 13, in <module> password = win32crypt.CryptUnprotectData(website_data[2], None, None, None, 0)[1] pywintypes.error: (13, 'CryptProtectData', 'The data is invalid.')

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sunny81

I am trying to create a new function that will retrieve dates and claims for a desired year. I am stuck on the last bit of code. I need to use a return command at the end. I am thinking I need to append my list, but not sure. def …

Member Avatar for deepaksh
Member Avatar for Koos_1

Am still at school and am doing programming, and I choose these forum because it will be helpful for me in gaining the knowledge and experience on c++ and many other programming language.

Member Avatar for j.khurram
Member Avatar for davidmoffitt1

Following The New Boston on youtube, he is using is in an if statement and doesnt show any error, on mine I get a syntax warning and it asks if I meant ==, but still displays the output the way it should be.

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for AJAYSURYA

when i run the program i am able to delete the things in tree view . but in list it is not getting deleted. the program i have shown down is cart of my program . hence when i delete and open again it is showing my deleted row pls …

Member Avatar for NickLSC

Hi all, I am new to C++, I am studying a C++ code and would like to learn how to implement it in Python. I encountered the following: 1 unsigned short arr1[2]; 2 unsigned int * arr2 = (unsigned int *) arr1; I tried to write a C++ code to …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Rolland_1

Hi, could you please let me know what should I learn first about programing? I mean, may be I need to learn HTML, C++, Java, read a specific book, I don't know where to start and hope you can show me the way, please!! I would really appreciate it

Member Avatar for sonalid1701
Member Avatar for ZZMike

This is Python 3.4.2 The documentation says that s2 = s1.strip('a') will strip out all the 'a' in s1. When I run it, only the leftmost character - and only if it is 'a' - is stripped. The default s2 = s1.strip() takes out all whitespace. PS: I understand that …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for sahilmohile15

I have been trying to solve this error for almost 2 days have tried various posts from multiple places like github, stack overflow, and even daniweb. None have helped so far. So expecting atleast explaination for issue if you don't have answer. So here how I am creating database in …

Member Avatar for Gabriel9999

I have a Java installation and I have only access via bash. How can I check the Java version from command line.

Member Avatar for AlVest
Member Avatar for madDOGim

I solved a problem some day ago. In that problem you had to format an integer. I found it hard to solve. So here I am sharing my problem with you. Problem: Read an integer variable and print it in which the digits are separated into groups of three by …

Member Avatar for Koos_1
Member Avatar for Atharva_2

I have a list of tuples where each tuple within the list contains 3 elements. 1. Is the year in 4 digits i.e 2014 2. Month in integer i.e from 1-12 3. And another integer value which is the number of months needed to be subtracted. So if the date …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for bekcip

I am tring to create an IP locator which can show any IP location and registered country in python but I can not if there anybody to help me I would be happy thanks.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for nevin6969

In python how to write a program which takes a number of days from now - 100 days, and find in which month that future day is.

Member Avatar for amazingadmin
Member Avatar for tian_1
Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.