279 Topics

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Member Avatar for chintan_1671

I have a button which starts processing. I want that when ever a button is click from page1.aspx .. a count down timer should start and displayed on page2.aspx. I am thinking of using iframe to join 2 pages. Please let me know your suggestions. Thanks

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for chintan_1671

I want to run a function just for specific time (say 10 min). After specific time it will return successful if it is able to execute the function successfully or unsuccessful. The function does a large amount of data processing and updating the tables. I want to stop executing that …

Member Avatar for chintan_1671
Member Avatar for Bliksempie

Hi everyone, I have an issue with IE7 not responding as it should after a log-in to a website I built for a client. This same problem also affects the add to basket or add to wish-list functionality, the checkout process, and all other Ajax requests. Here is a breakdown …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for Chosen13

Hello, I have a PHP Login Form and it works fine, but users with Fiddler2 (Web Debugging Proxy) have the ability to hide their PHPSESSID Completely. What is a good system that I can use to prevent this, as anonymous users can cause trouble on the website.

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for lionaneesh

These are my 2 pages index.php:- [CODE]<?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head> <title>Enter Your Name</title> </head> <body> <form action="hello.php" method="post"> Wat's U'r name : <input type="text" name="name"/> <br/> <input type="submit" value="Next"/> </form> </body> </html>[/CODE] hello.php:- [CODE]<?php session_start() ?> <html> <head> <title>Hey <?php echo $name; ?></title> </head> <body> <?php $_SESSION['name'] = $_POST['name']; …

Member Avatar for lionaneesh
Member Avatar for nick3592

hi i have done a header redirect to stop from the resending data in most browser but seem to have a problem with showing messages after that's done. After the user finishes doing something he or she gets redirected and there[s a message in a session either error or success. …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for bouhbob

Hi, I am pretty new to php, but I am loving it! Finding out what's wrong, and finding the solution. But this time I can't find it! You can see down there a copy screen of the website I'm doing. There is a menu to the left "Clothing, Bathtime..." When …

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for Dartz654

When a user logs in, it redirects them to a page that prints their account name, thus showing that they are logged in. But if they leave the page and come back they get logged out, and if they refresh the page they get logged out. I don't know why …

Member Avatar for Dartz654
Member Avatar for Towlie

I want to be able to access whatever the user types into my testCreation.html in a session created in testCheck.php. I then want that session to be accessed by testView.php. I can't seem to get to that point so any help is grealy appreciated. testCreation.html: [code=javascript] <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > <head …

Member Avatar for edup_pt
Member Avatar for Rick The Mad

Hi, I am creating a web application that will be accessed by several different users who need to be coupled and to interact. More specifically, I would like to let both of them call the same servlet instance and make the servlet start his operations only when both users already …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for tokenjoker187

I am trying to use the session start function but everytime I try to use it, it gives 2 errors: [QUOTE] Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/form/send.php:11) in /var/www/form/send.php on line 12[/QUOTE] [QUOTE]Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started …

Member Avatar for tokenjoker187
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi all, I have been doing some reading into security with PHP session data and I have changed a few things around in my script - For example - I am now using $securecode=sha1(uniqid(rand())); as before I was using $securecode=md5(uniqid(rand())); As reading through daniweb has taught me that sha1 is …

Member Avatar for Zagga
Member Avatar for dnanetwork

how do you measure the size of session in (KB, MB....) how can you say my session object is consuming ? space in (Kb & MB) is there any limit to session size ( Some guy said 2GB :) ) Adapost help..!

Member Avatar for dnanetwork
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi All, I have JSP and Servlet that need to "talk" to each other. Actually I need to get record from database, fill it in JSP file. I have created Servlet that does the query and gets the result. I need those results to be shown on JSP file. In …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Chammarox

Hi All the members in DaniWeb :cool: I need to know how to end a created session when user log out from the web site..I have created a web-site for my assignment..and i put Sessions..Each time user log in to system it create session object and identifies the user.. What …

Member Avatar for paslanmaz
Member Avatar for realnsleo

Hi everyone!!!! i have a problem with storing session variables from a file called through ajax. i have a page with a form which i submit using ajax. the page is called add.php, when you hit submit, the form is sent using $(post) to a file called addaction.php where i …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for David Mac

The users of my web application are complaining that the 20 min default timeout is too short and they don't want to have to keep logging in. I have tried changing the timeout from the default 20 mins but whatever I set it to it seems to have a max …

Member Avatar for David Mac
Member Avatar for rukshilag

hi - i have coded a seacrch box and its results are displayed in a tabular form. i have also a print button which when pressed shud create a pdf based on that table that is displayed. for this i have a separate page called pdf.php. i am using ezpdf …

Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

hi all im looking to use a select mysql query - but im trying to query the database against a users logged in sessions. I have the sessions working correctly but I am unsure how to included the session data in my sql select query. here is my users session …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for Blaine Tuisee

I have been running this application for some time and have just recently begun to receive this error message. I would be eternally grateful if someone could shed some light on what causes this error or it's possible sideffects. [CODE]04/27/2010 00:06:16.016 [ERROR] com.ghd.domain.GHSessionFactory.createSession(GHSessionFactory.java:129) - An open thread session is being …

Member Avatar for Asimina

i have this php code below: i want to display users that are online . if they are not active the next 20 min then there name will not be displayed and there status will be turned OFF in th database table tng_users field status but i also want all …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for CoolAtt

hi all, i want to use curl to automatically login on behalf of a user & get the SessionID for that user. i will configure php to store the sessionID in the url instead in a cookie on the user's browser. once curl has login on behalf of the user, …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for gptArun

Hey All, How to get current user login values ? There is any Session variable or somethings like that ?

Member Avatar for Ramesh S
Member Avatar for CoolAtt

Hi All, I have [B]roundcube webmail,phpBB forum & wiki[/B] hosted on one machine using [B]apache virtual hosts[/B]. The problem is i have to log into each of the services(mail.domain.mu , forum.domain.mu ,wiki.domain.mu) to get access. All of the 3 sites uses LDAP for authentication and hence a user provides same …

Member Avatar for lll_ari_lll

hello friends, i am a newbie in php.. doing project for my college. doing it with a lot of help with this site n some others but stuck in the login page, it seems either there is some problem in databse connection or session registration.. when i put username n …

Member Avatar for lll_ari_lll
Member Avatar for ronaldpaul

In my project i wanna use the last_insert_id() to be stored in a session variable and after that i wanna use that session variable i.e., the value of last_insert_id() in another page. How can i carry the last_insert_id() to some other page using session or storing it in a session …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for karamjeet2004

i want to send value to another jsp page from sessions i add the attribute session=true in both jsp pages but i am getting error during running mode can u find any errors in code [B]try123.jsp[/B] [CODE]<% String val=(String)session.getAttribute("itemValue").toString(); %> <TD>IMAGE NAME</TD> <TD><INPUT TYPE=text NAME="img" VALUE="<%=val%>"></TD> </TR> <tr>[/CODE] [B]try.jsp[/B] [CODE]String …

Member Avatar for javaAddict
Member Avatar for dylank

Hey guys at DaniWeb! I have spent a lot of time debugging this PHP/AJAX page, and it finally (sort of) works. Index.php can read and write to processLogin.php so I have a page that can log you in without refreshing the page. However, I cant figure out how to set …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for :Francis:

I have a web application that I upload an image to, the image is subsequently saved to the server's temp folder and displayed via a webhandler on the aspx page. the code for the aspx: [code]<img src="PreviewImageQualityHandler.ashx" alt="Picture not loaded" runat="server" id="imagePreview" />[/code] The code for uploading the picture and …

Member Avatar for jpegny

Hi, I'm using visual studio 2008 and it's built in development webserver, with C# as the codebehind language. I'm trying to make a simple webapp in which you click a button which sets a session var (that part is working) and in the pageload i'm checking to see if it's …

Member Avatar for Ramesh S

The End.