2,570 Topics

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Member Avatar for Sabyre

OMG Optimization.... One of those things that is widely discussed but with no real specifics because everyones setup and situation is different. So I spent all day trying to find ways to accomplish this as our SQL server was maxed out. Let me do a bit of setup explination.... We …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for crazyvonzipper

Dear Daniweb members. I am having quite a troublesome time here with OleDb. What I am trying to achieve is to allow my users to connect to an uploaded Excel workbook, then to be able to select data from the sheets. I have a query designer in the front end …

Member Avatar for crazyvonzipper

HI. I have a situation where we need to pull data from multiple data sources into one dataset. Once we have the data in one dataset we would like to somehow manage to execute some sort of [complex] select query on the data in order to generate a new DataTable …

Member Avatar for Michael27
Member Avatar for cscheck

Hello all, Correct me if I mis-post or should have posted this somewhere else. This is my first thread here so bear with me. I have had a lot of luck just browsing other issues to get my problems solved in the past, but this time I am stumped. More …

Member Avatar for cscheck
Member Avatar for davesmith437

Hi All, here's the query.... $risk_section=$row_risk_category['risksectid']; mysql_select_db($database_auditing, $auditing); $qry_selfsites = sprintf("SELECT tblself.siteid AS selfsite, tblsite.sitename AS sitename, tblsite.address AS address, tblpct.pctname AS pctname, tblresultsnew.total, tblresultsnew.auditid AS auditid, tblriskcategories.risksectid AS risksectid, tblriskcategories.risksection AS risksection FROM tblself LEFT JOIN tblresultsnew ON tblself.auditid = tblresultsnew.auditid LEFT JOIN tblsite ON tblself.siteid = tblsite.siteid LEFT …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for iamnot

I am using mysql to fetch this result from the database.I need to caluclate the rank of a prticular user id from this result.What is the easy and smart way of doing it? SELECT a.UserId,d.AreaId,d.SubjectId, SUM( a.Marks ) AS sum, COUNT( a.Marks ) AS count, SUM( a.Marks ) / COUNT( …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for mrbarbarik

Hi all, I'm newbie in asp. I have a problem to delete the record on sql. I have one form for different users to insert data into sql where every user have are unique id, so it's possible to have multiple record with same unique id, then display the data …

Member Avatar for mrbarbarik
Member Avatar for ppstyle

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlAddGroup.InsertParameters["mem_email"].DefaultValue = Session["User"].ToString(); SqlAddGroup.InsertParameters["groupname"].DefaultValue = Txtgroup.Text; SqlAddGroup.Insert(); Label1.Text = "Group has been added"; } catch (Exception ex) { Label1.Text = ex.Message; } } <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlAddGroup" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:PadmaSMSConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [group] WHERE [sno] = @original_sno AND [mem_email] = @original_mem_email …

Member Avatar for atinobrian
Member Avatar for vbmanDan

Eventually i want to load names from a database to textboxes which are created at runtime. Thought i'd try just getting names into a listbox first though as i'm new to using databases in vb and for some reason nothings getting added to the listbox Heres the code iv'e got …

Member Avatar for daniel955
Member Avatar for JerrodYoung

ok, I have what I hope is an easy problem to fix. i'm try to query a db, store to a temp table, and then query the same db, inner joined with first query. please help. I'm currently getting "access cant find table/query" error. I've tried putting quotes around tmp, …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

Hi, i am trying to learn how to create login and register page on my own. But i am having any luck with it. can any one help me from start to finish? and by start to finish i mean just the login, register and database part, not the whole …

Member Avatar for Joshuamandrew
Member Avatar for Joemeister

Can you perhaps tell me why I'm getting this error? I'm trying to upload a image to a database through php and I'm getting this error the whole time in my picUpload.php These are the errors I'm getting: [CODE] Warning: move_uploaded_file(avatars/beetgejo.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: No such file or …

Member Avatar for jamied_uk
Member Avatar for poojavb

Hello Friends, Can anyone tell me how to find the list of SQL servers on the local machine...and not the network... I searched in google but everywhere its for the list of SQL servers on network....I just want my PC SQL server name.... Is it possible to get it? Thanks …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for webenveloper

Hello all, How many ways are there to put variables into a query? The reason I ask is that I cannot get "SELECT * FROM locations WHERE title LIKE '%".$input."%'"; The "SELECT * FROM locations" query only does give me the full table but using that input variable substitution (from …

Member Avatar for webenveloper
Member Avatar for PhilEaton

In my script, I have a table displaying the results of a SQL query. However, I am using the results as a sumamary, but the SQL is making the page display the table as many times as there are results (rows) in the returning SQL that are allowed because of …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for zhouy

Dear All, I want to create a dynamic website with a database. Visual studio 2010, dreamweaver CS5, sql server management studio and all other requirements are installed (like IIS 7). I set the IIS server configuration in dreamweaver cs5. I check simple ASP codes like <%Response.Write ("The time on the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for superjj

hoi I would like to learn how to work with databases. does anyone know a good tutorials or sites? because at this moment I know nothing about it. thanks in advance

Member Avatar for superjj
Member Avatar for theonlylos

I currently have a client who came to me asking me how to build a system for him where he can give varying levels of discounts to events based on the number of people who get referred via a unique affiliate link/cookie. The key stumbling block for this project isn't …

Member Avatar for cuonic
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hi! I have small problem, in my add.php is selection tag used to choose year, so in my edit.php has place for year too where i use selection tag too, but how can i show in edit.php that year in selection tag, that what i have choosed in add.php? With …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tjamesp

Hello, I have to appologize but I am very new to programing and web developemnt. I have developed a web site that will allow users to register and store their info in an database. I am using webmatrix to put it all together. I have no problem adding the info …

Member Avatar for liquidbroadcast
Member Avatar for thiemebr

Hi, I have a sql statemente but I don't want to display all info in the gridview (c# webforms). How to bind specific columns at runtime on gridview? Thanks

Member Avatar for ious
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

I was wondering if there is a way to open an SQL file and execute it from a c# application without prior connection to a database and also get the name of the default server that is used when SSMS is opened. at the moment i can open SSMS but …

Member Avatar for ChrisHunter
Member Avatar for Skate Bart

hey there, Here's my complete code for a delete button that deletes a record in a Heirachical Flex Grid. Dim rsTour As New ADODB.Recordset Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection Dim strSQL As String cn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & App.Path & "\Luckshan Tours & Travels.mdb;" & _ "Persist …

Member Avatar for Skate Bart
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hi! I have table of records of my database. I have too many rows, so i decidet to add feature what i dont know how to call english, but mybe it's call page numbering. So i need split my table after some 10rows and its will make after table Paga …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for devianleong

Hi, I'm new to PHP and I want to know how to prevent SQL injection? Any php features can prevent the SQL injection?

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for khizer03

Hello Everybody please help me out i am in big problem the problem is my organization people gave me the WEB Application to edit it (the application was written in the C# language and it is web application so it is designed in ASP.NET MVC3 ) and i have to …

Member Avatar for ckchaudhary
Member Avatar for blaaam

Hello! I have few problems. I hope you will understand me and can help me :) 1st - I have large input form, so if i press sumbit button then it makes large query thats slows down my page and database is overload, in form is somewhere about 180 colums. …

Member Avatar for blaaam
Member Avatar for mohitnarang01

Hi, I am in urgent need for converting sql procedure to postgre sql procedure.Please help me ASAP. CREATE FUNCTION sp_get_id_des (IN cellid INT, IN mcc VARCHAR(3), IN mnc VARCHAR(3), IN nwtype INT, IN mlac INT , IN mrac INT ) returns SETOF record AS' declare pscnt int ; declare cscnt …

Member Avatar for zilonox

Okay, I know some of you are looking at that title and thinking I'm quite daft because obviously I have to have a dataadapter if I have a bindingsource. And you're right, there is a dataadapter, but it's not exposed to me. I've taken over a winforms project (attached to …

Member Avatar for zilonox
Member Avatar for praveendasika

Hi all, I need some help in how to achieve this functionality....the problem is ... I have some data in my database.On clicking 'generate invoice' , It should gather the data from the sql server and publish it to a document which the user can send it to a company.Basically …

Member Avatar for bhagawatshinde

The End.