2,218 Topics

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Member Avatar for Slade

Hi, just curious. By going into DOS and typing oh say: [code] Format C: [/code] and then answering yes, does that make the format ntfs or fat32? Thanks in advance, oh and whats the useable memory loss after formatting in FAT.

Member Avatar for Thong_Ispector
Member Avatar for Matt909

Hello, I recently bought a 250gb hard drive to use in a disk caddy as a removable back for my other two 120gb drives. When I went to format it, I could only get 127gb. I found out that this could be due to my BIOS and unable to find …

Member Avatar for Coconut Monkey
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have two ide cables one an ata 133 and the other an ata 100 cable. How do you guys tell the difference between them visually. I having looking at them and they both look the same. Can somone please explain to me in detail(if it is of …

Member Avatar for Coconut Monkey
Member Avatar for Starage

Hello I have 2 maxtor plus 9 160 gig sata drives in a raid 0. I have windowsxp pro running on it. Today my array 1 only show the one drive in it and the other not. So my raid array is not functional. Could my one drive lost the …

Member Avatar for belama

Ummm, I dont really know whats the problem... I bought a new Bytecc Aluminum 3.5" HDD Enclosure and installed my 200gb ata100 drive in it. I plugged it in and the system recogized a USB Mass Storage. The drive is already formatted with over 100gb of stuff. I cant see …

Member Avatar for belama
Member Avatar for webbo

:mad: i have an asus a8v motherboard and i'm trying to set up xp on my new western digital raptor wd740 hd but xp doesnt recognise the hd. so is anyone out there who can tell me have i got the wrong parts, is there a strange install/setup prior to …

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Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

I have a friend that has an older hp n3350. It may be 3 years old or older, I am not sure. His hard drive is small and is totally full. He has put it over to xp which takes up a lot of the space but wants to keep …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for b105

It have a Dell D3000 CPU. I installed a secondary samsung SP0802N hard drive. I thought the problem stemmed from the new speakers i purchased but after troubleshooting i discovered that the problem only occurs with the adding of the additional HD. The speed is slow when i try to …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for alfhyde

I have a Maxtor 2B020H Master and a Fujitsu MPE3136AH slave HDDs. I had spyware adaware would not remove and eventually fdisked, formatted and reloaded everything. All is OK now but I cannot make it recognise the slave HDD. I have checked the bios and it says there are two …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for audin

Hi i have bought a 2nd SATA hard drive, but it wont work as both my SATAs want to be master, which i thought you could do with SATAs anyway. However, Windows just wont load with them both installed, it doesnt like having 2 masters. Any ideas? My PC spec …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for stimutacs669

ive got two seagate 160 gig sata150s hooked into my asus p45ad2 mobos onboard raid when i booted up even after i installed the drivers windows only recognized one hdd no raid at all only formatted the one drive other the bios shows two drives but says they are nonraid …

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for xanthamn

Last night I turned my computer off. It recognized all 6 hard drives. Today when I started it the BIOS and controller card recognized all my 6 hard drives but when Windows loaded it only showed 2, the ones connected to my motherboard. It didn't show the 4 connected to …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for kegman0002

I just got a 40g notebook hard drive and wanted to convert it to an external drive. I bought a case that you put the hard drive in and it will convert to usb for both connection and power. When I plugged it into my notebook (compaq presario) windows xp …

Member Avatar for kegman0002
Member Avatar for rcrevolution

Hey guys long time no see. anyways I have a problem. I am trying to back up my dvds with dvd x copy, the program decodes the dvds and gets rdy to burn them, then it doesn't. it ejects the cd and says writing error. I am using memorex dvds …

Member Avatar for rcrevolution
Member Avatar for jfountain02

Hello, everybody I am having problems with my computer trying to recognize a 80GB SATA HD. What lead up to the problem was I bought a DELL GX280, by I wanted to put my business's corporate license on it. And Microsoft says I can only do unless I reformat the …

Member Avatar for Coconut Monkey
Member Avatar for Goldfish691

Hello, I have a Western Digital Raptor SATA drive that one morning decided that it didn’t want to load windows anymore.... It would freeze about 2 or 3 seconds after the Window XP logo appeared and then would flash a blue screen of death at me and reboot. I tried …

Member Avatar for Goldfish691
Member Avatar for cj51

Hi – new user here with a hard drive problem. I currently have a 20 GB Fujitsu hard drive (MPF3204AT) with an ATA-5 interface. All OK until….. I recently bought a used 20 GB Seagate hard drive – with an Ultra ATA/66 interface and can’t get it to work. Other …

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Member Avatar for plough

I have installed a second WD Hard drive in my Dell Dimension 4100. I had to use the 40 pin connector originally on my internal Zip drive. I now have nowhere to connect the Zip to the motherboard as all four connections are used up, two for CD drives, two …

Member Avatar for plough
Member Avatar for unionman

just installed second sata hdd on my machine (jetway kocab board) but the machine wont recognise the second drive.any ideas?. the machine is running fine otherwise

Member Avatar for unionman
Member Avatar for #tbone

I have a DVD+RW/CD+RW drive in my laptop and just recently it has stopped reading blank dvds. It reads absolutly everything else; audio cds, blank cds, dvd movies, burned dvds, program cds, etc. I used the drive about a month ago and it worked great. I have not installed a …

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[url="http://cube.ign.com/articles/606/606538p1.html?fromint=1"]http://cube.ign.com/articles/606/606538p1.html?fromint=1[/url] [QUOTE] Sony has reportedly suggested using Blu-ray's disc structure and HD-DVD's software technology while Toshiba has suggested keeping HD-DVD's disc structure and applying Sony's multi-layer data-recording technology. [/QUOTE]

Member Avatar for zeroth

I´m trying to switch my CRX 160E DC burner to a new computer (W2Kpro). Trouble is that I lost the installation CD. The unit works fine with the generic Win drivers but doesn´t have the software to write. Sony site has no drivers listed, only CDExtreme update, which won´t run …

Member Avatar for Coconut Monkey
Member Avatar for jauer23

Hi there! I'm kinna new in all this stuff but i'll try to do my best! I have a Toshiba Tecra M1 Laptop and i wanted to exchange my current DVD drive for an slime DVD Writer. The writer is an official one from Toshiba but i didn't buy it …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for bongo

Hey, I have a toshiba laptop which has a dead motherboard. I bought a little caddy and took the hard drive out of it and connected it via USB to my new laptop. (Both laptops ran XP) It worked fine yesterday and I was able to access my old files …

Member Avatar for DougH@bellsouth

I have replaced my old hard drive (HD-O) with a new hard drive (HD-N) because the operating system was corrupt and could not be repaired without erasing HD-O according to Dell. HD-N now is working fine with MS XP. However I can’t get the computer to recognize HD-O (tested and …

Member Avatar for alan marsden
Member Avatar for Snipe

:sad: I am about to hall my hear out! Someone please Help. I have a new ASUS P5GD1 and a new SATA drive. The MB only has a Primary IDE controller (Blue), NO Secondary. It has a Primary and secondary RAID controler and 4 SATA controllers. I have 120mb Seagate …

Member Avatar for Snipe
Member Avatar for Tokyoprince

Hi, newbee here, I wish to fit an additional drive to my PC and make it the boot drive. The drive adverts seem to specify SATA or UDMA133, but I don't know which one to buy? My PC is over 2 years old and the XP Device Manager show my …

Member Avatar for Catweazle
Member Avatar for vegeoku

Ok i was rebuilding my computer, and got a 40gb harddrive from my friend for only $10, I was trying to set it up as my secondary slave drive, but I coulndt figure out how to set the jumpers. I just left them how they were and connected it up, …

Member Avatar for vegeoku
Member Avatar for mesoiam

Hello forum ppl, Im in the process of upgrading a computer. Heres the new specs: Athlon64 cpu asrock k8upgrade 1689 motherboard maxtor 80gig SATA hard drive. (along with other things that arent really related to the problem) when i tried to install windows xp with the third party SATA driver …

Member Avatar for Coconut Monkey
Member Avatar for ingeborgdot@yah

I needed to update my firmware to my dvd rw because of issues that were said to be causing problems with my computer. There was a firmware for a benq 1620 which is what my model was so I thought. I installed and now it screwed everthing up. My computer …

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The End.