2,218 Topics

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Member Avatar for Drixoman

Hello guys, I need some assistance in data recovery. My hard drives "quit" on me...okay maybe it's partly my fault... So one day I noticed my computer's Internet was connecting/disconnecting by itself a lot while I was using my XP. I have a dual boot with XP and 2k. I …

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Member Avatar for hajji332

I have a new Seagate 7200.11 750GB SATA drive, its spec are 3.0Gp/s my system (Hp a630n) has 1.5 Gp/s drive in it now. Should I use the jumper to limit thoroghput to 1.5 or just leave it and allow the full 3.0? Are there any problems I might run …

Member Avatar for another guest
Member Avatar for another guest

ok this is puzzeling me,for some weird reason it takes ages to copy files to a pen drive but no such problem occures when copying files from a pen drive. and things work more than ok wiv those new phones which act like pen drives when you hook em up …

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Member Avatar for jamintyala

my computers motherboard has the sata conectors on it but it wont read them and then i went and bought a sata controller it says it is installed corectly but still no hard drive what do i do

Member Avatar for rexmo
Member Avatar for BstrucT

Hi Guys I have a Seagate HDD(not SATA) 80Gb but have major issues with it. Okay, when I am in bios I can see the HDD, it's size, everything. When in Windows(having drive as slave), it doesn't show it in 'My Computer', but shows it in 'Device Manager'. It doesn't …

Member Avatar for BstrucT
Member Avatar for DavidB

Hi, everybody. I am thinking about upgrading from my existing DVD player to a new Blu-ray disc player. However, I am wondering if it is as simple as just purchasing the player. I don't want to purchase the player and then find out my TV doesn't support the connections, etc. …

Member Avatar for kylethedarkn
Member Avatar for computerguy321

Hello, lately I've had a very annoying problem with my CD and DVD drives: at a random point, they just dissapear from my "My PC" flder, I can't use them. When I go to the hardware administrator, a ! sign appears next to them; I've tried updating their controlloers, but …

Member Avatar for tocalosh

im currently using webroot to erase m y hdd, i have started the gutmann method (35 passes) and it will take 13244 hrs and 13 mins.......................is there a quicker and easier method as im not sure i have 18months to sit by my pc, how many passes will it take …

Member Avatar for tocalosh
Member Avatar for xxx999

Hello guys, The problem: Windows XP won't boot up, it complains it cannot find a SYSTEM file on the HDD. So, I tried several things on this IDE Maxtor HDD: 1. Make it slave, and try to copy that missing file back to the HDD. No success since Windows won't …

Member Avatar for RMN

hello friends, my bad,i bought a new WD 160 SATA HD's and realized my Motherboard does not supp it AFTER opening the pack. so is it possible to connect the newer SATA HD's to the older mother boards? Motherboard-Intel D845GVSR OS-Windows XP PRO thank you

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for jhonster

Hello all. New to here. Used to build PC's years ago and was trying to fix my laptop. I repaired the power jack in the back that broke when the laptop was dropped. Caused it now to power up at all. Now the unit turns back on and goes through …

Member Avatar for jhonster
Member Avatar for Mark_D

I hope someone can help with this problem. I'll try to explain whats happening being as clear as I can! This morning my PC just hung after booting normally. I rebooted and it then kept rebooting. When I tried it in safe mode it hung at mup.sys. I've looked through …

Member Avatar for Meth0d
Member Avatar for teen08

hi, i hav a problem.. last friday, i cleaned my processors fan n graphic card fan...and after putin everythin back again, i tried startin back n it couldnt detect my hardisk!! it was sayin NTLDR is missng press ctrl+alt+del... and i checked my bios and it was sayin my master …

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Member Avatar for JuggaloRM

Why does my DVD burner Keep getting error's when verifying data with ISO's (image FIles)? I have a gateway 506gr computer that I reformatted and updated all the chip sets and so on.. it came with a Lite-On Dual layer dvd burner, When I would try to burn movies with …

Member Avatar for shalvinlawrence

i got this new 40gig usb 2.0 portable hard disk, i mistakenly dropped it and now it make a scratching kind of sound when i plug it to my computer and other computers, the computer doesnt read it at all. what can i do to fix the hard disk and …

Member Avatar for David Elder
Member Avatar for tocalosh

my mother left her job and kept her laptop and gave it to me. the problem i have is that it is locked, she can not remember the password so despite attempts at getting on it it just informs me that the domain is no longer available. at first i …

Member Avatar for loganzz72

Got a question about multiple HDD enclosures... I have 2-3 IDE HDD from dead computers. The drives worked fine when the comps gave out due to various MB failures. I dont like getting rid of drives due to personal info being on them and the fact that they are chock …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for Niklas

Basically I've been using my CD/DVD drive about every other week to burn a CD or two of my music. A couple of days I was going to burn another CD in Windows Media Player but it said that there was no Burning Device. I check on the "My Computer" …

Member Avatar for 4th&3wood
Member Avatar for riprose

I am moderately computer literate..but am confused..Can one run an 8cm DVD in the 12cm CD-Rom?:-/

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for belikemike

I have 2 hard drives in my pc. One is xp pro, the other win 98. I just switch ribbons & reboot to a HD. Both set on cable select. I would like to have them perminantly hooked up and when I start my pc, have a choice of which …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for MoniqueT

I have 55.55 Gb of unallocated space that I want to 'give' to my C:/ drive which currently only has 13.97 Gb of space and which I am constantly running out of space on. How do I add the 55.55 Gb of space to my C:/ drive? It looks like …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for dise652

When browsing some deal sites, saw this. seems pretty decent to me. [URL="http://www.dealstudio.com/viewtopic.php?t=36977&ru=290"]Sandisk 4GB SD Card $13 after rebate[/URL] When I search at amazon, Sandisk 4GB SD Card is [URL="http://www.amazon.com/SanDisk-Extreme-MicroMate-SDSDRX3-4096-A21-Package/dp/B000OFWJO6"]$46.90 shipped at Amazon[/URL] I think it's a great deal, how do you think of it?

Member Avatar for techniner
Member Avatar for Greymatter

I recently received an 80gig hard drive from my friend's dead dell computer and decided to see if it still worked. I dissected an external USB 250gig hard drive, found a parallel ribbon cable and cannibalized an old power supply for a parallel power cable. I connected the mess together …

Member Avatar for Greymatter
Member Avatar for jo2995

If I have a hard disk with more than 50% free space, will it become slower if I consume 30% more disk space? Why or why not? It never made sense to me that more free disk space would equal better performance as long as programs aren't running in the …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for Darkomen020

I have a Dell Inspiron 8100 that had a hard disk failure (read: locked spindle and fried motor due to spindle locking) and am in the market for a new one. I have seen the wealth of new and refurbished hard disks out there, all the form factors needed, and …

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Member Avatar for Brooklyndreams

Although my problem is similar to others discussed here, it's a bit different. I have two disk drives on my Dell 8300. They play CDs and DVDs fine. But, when I put a blank CD-R or DVD+R into the drive, I get (on the E drive) E:\ is not accessible. …

Member Avatar for bobbyraw
Member Avatar for GiddyupGilbert

I've looked at the manual and can't get a clue there. XP is not recognizing the Western Digital IDE HD. There is only one IDE connector and it connects to the DVD player which shows as a SATA drive in BIOS. There is a black (IDE looking) cable running from …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for jamsterfrog

Hi Im at a loss to a solution for my problem ..so here goes. Having played about with he registry entries for my drives, Ive suceeded in wipeing the registry entries for them :/ (attempting to boot quicker after pen drives being added and removed over a period) I now …

Member Avatar for jamsterfrog
Member Avatar for belikemike

Hi everyone, I have a seagate baracuda ide 120 gig HD. It was partitioned at 112 gig and 8 gig. I went to disk management to try to have all 120 on the one partition. I deleated both partitions and now I can only find, format or use the 112. …

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for JoHamm

This is the first time I've had to set up a RAID... and I wanted the OS on a seperate disk, so I loaded XP onto on a 160 GB, and then rebooted and configured a RAID 0 with three 500 GB drives... and it worked fine, and even shows …

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The End.