261 Topics

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Member Avatar for Que336

I am having trouble getting this example to work. I posted exactly like it is put on the google documentation but it just won't work for some reason. Some please help me, am I doing something wrong. The link to the documentation is https://developers.google.com/youtube/iframe_api_reference#Getting_Started The code I am using is …

Member Avatar for Que336
Member Avatar for berben11

Hello Everyone! I just wanted to point out a helpful hint based on an error I ecountered while installing the 'Worldtool' for the Sim 3. If you try to install this with the copy of the 'Steam' version of the game, you will run into this weird error with it …

Member Avatar for OBVA VAs
Member Avatar for aesthetic9

Well my first example of a well made video is right here:http://www.youtube.com/user/WereJustIdiots?feature=g-all-u Made by Werejustidiots on youtube,they portray funny character but in a proper manner.Make Sure you subscribe to see more examples.

Member Avatar for cybasic
Member Avatar for shcha

We are a Japan-Korea based software company that focuses heavily on virtualization technology and cloud system. We are currently looking for global partnerships to expand our marketing channel. Although we have strong sales channel in East Asia, we have limited knowledge and resources on other regions. Could anyone give us …

Member Avatar for TwijoO

hi, eventually this program should be able to automatically upload an image to a youtube page. (origionally the idea was to add a gamertag alongside the channel name so people could see current gamerscore etc...) I have coded a lot of it and one part which i thought to be …

Member Avatar for TwijoO
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Is the press release dead? Earlier this month, Esther Schindler [URL="http://tinyurl.com/6e5rmu"]wrote in her You’re the Boss blog [/URL]that “PR is broken. Social media might, [I]might[/I] glue some of the parts back on.” To test this supposition, I spoke to David Meerman Scott, who is the author of the bestselling book …

Member Avatar for Sarahhankin
Member Avatar for Lefian

Hello all! I would like to ask for some help/guidance on how to achieve the following: I am currently working on a website where I have an image and next to it a jquery youtube player (http://badsyntax.github.com/jquery-youtube-player/index.html). Both of them work fine and are placed next to each other. However, …

Member Avatar for jacob21

hi, I am trying to add autoplay in my playlist.When player loads it automatically plays all videos inksn loop. Thanks Need Suggestions. link: http://flowplayer.org/demos/plugins/javascript/playlist/youtube.html Code blocks are created by indenting at least 4 spaces ... and can span multiple lines <script> $(function() { $f("player", "http://releases.flowplayer.org/swf/flowplayer-3.2.9.swf", { clip: {baseUrl: 'http://happylandings.in/demo'}, autoPlay: …

Member Avatar for Dingo001

Hi I have a PHP error that only occurs when I have a new router attached. I will post the complete code here but it works fine on one router but not another. I have put the problem on a forum for Hardware people but have had no replies. To …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for zacharysr

Does anyone know how to use youtube's api? I downloaded it from [URL="http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/articles/php_client_lib.html#php-path-installation"]here[/URL] But i cant figure out how to use a form to send a link to it and get back the name, keywords, html, description and thumbnail link..... Does anyone know how to get this info from youtube …

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for actfray

[B]Whenever I am on YT, I can only seem to watch a few videos before the site stops allowing me to connect to any others. I will click on a few vids without any problems, and then I'll click on another one, but the page never opens (The videos play …

Member Avatar for Vinnode
Member Avatar for MicroD

Hello guys. I'm wondering is it possible to stream mp3 songs from some site with java? I tried to find something but allways everything what i found was only for reading mp3 songs from local disk. If you know feel free to answer me. - Regards, David.

Member Avatar for RicardoE
Member Avatar for bala.subramania

Hi Guys, I am happy to be part of our group here.... I need some clarifications in Ip Camera Streaming.... I have a webpage ie displaying live camera streaming video and control buttons(left,right,up and down) in one aspx page. My problem is when i click any one of the button …

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi Frendz, I need a solution to stop an embed youtube video at a particular timestamp. Any possible way to do this?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for happygeek

I know that Apple has been expending a lot of hot air telling anyone who will listen that the new iTunes pricing regime is a good thing for consumers. I know that it reckons that for every song which is ramped up to the new 99p (here in the UK) …

Member Avatar for Decidebay
Member Avatar for buynsell

After bunch of searching on google I end up with posting new thread for help, I am trying to login to youtube using webRequest/Response but no success, it is returning source code which tells that "Your browser cookies disabled ..." etc. Attaching my code and can someone tell me the …

Member Avatar for Chesy

From last week, when I wanted to access and download "Flipboard" from the app store via my iPod touch G4, suddenly the above error message appeared again and again. After that even other apps could not be viewed in the app store. After a few minutes apps others than "Flipboard" …

Member Avatar for king03

We are having problem with our code regarding file streaming. here is our code: [CODE]//Nava //Maganito //Ocampo //Lazo //Manata //CS133/BC2/PROJ #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cstdlib> #include <cctype> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void display(); void input(); void equate(); void calculate(); void lineChecker(); double num1=0; double num2=0; double …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for happygeek

So here's the thing, it is now some 10 years since the first iPod was launched and the way we listen to music changed forever. One of the things that changed, if you are anything like me, is that your iTunes database became the centre of your musical life. Unfortunately, …

Member Avatar for Deucee002
Member Avatar for ubertuber

I’m interested in creating a video fingerprinting system for viral videos. Basically, it would track the videos across all the major video uploading sites. Naturally, this entails creating a huge database of videos, and this would result in lots of processor time being used, which is expensive. So naturally, I’m …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Hello, recently I had a bit of bother with a [URL="http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/nch.com.au/comment-30961538"]software[/URL] with practically destroyed my registry. After resetting my registry to zero (using the repair files) I started reinstalling my software. Owning an iPhone I am obliged to install iTunes (as I don't want to jailbreak my phone). Using the …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for freebanana

I would like to automatize this process: Upload in private mode all selected videos on YouTube channel, then embed it on a private blogspot blog with the setting: no related videos, play in HD, custom width of 1500 by 1150 (or just custom width X where X is width and …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for scarcella

Hey Guys, i am having trouble placing this image over a youtube video, I want the .youtube_hat to be displayed over the youtube video in the top corner. So could anyone please help me!! The HTML [CODE]<div class="youtube_area"> <div class="youtube_hat"></div> <div class="youtube"> <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="450" height="258" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/B-1Xqnx-KCw?rel=0" frameborder="0" …

Member Avatar for lps
Member Avatar for hugo17

[B]So, what do I do? What do I like? What are my hobbies? [/B] [CODE]Name: Johnny Nickname: Johnny Height: 183 m Weight: 75 kg Hair: Brown Eyes: Green Location: Zurich/Swizterland Age: 20 Hobbies: Listening to music, all kind of sports - mostl likely - soccer, biking, hiking, jogging, ..., going …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for happygeek

Kid Rock, The Beatles, AC/DC and Garth Brooks would make for a bizarre and unlikely concert line up, yet they share something in common: they are the last men standing as far as making their music available on iTunes. In the case of Kid Rock, he is apparently refusing to …

Member Avatar for scottksmith
Member Avatar for JD321

I have a Flash CS3 movie containing menu links. It works fine in IE, Chrome, Opera and Safari, but not in Firefox. Hovering over the menu, the graphic moves but then flickers repeatedly, and pressing the menu button does not take you anywhere. I read earlier posts here and learned …

Member Avatar for casey_sunako

Hi guys, I would just like to ask if it is possible to capture and record streaming videos from websites like youtube, dailymotion, etc. using vb.net? Are there certain streaming protocols that should be considered? I hope someone could help me. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for VanessaRyan

Music sharing with Facebook friends just became easier, and if that isn't enough to distract you, how about a game of Internet pinball? Two manufacturers are banking that these innovations will keep Facebook users entertained 24/7. Facebook users that subscribe to [URL="http://www.thumbplay.com/"]Thumbplay Music's desktop app[/URL] can combine it with iTunes …

Member Avatar for VanessaRyan
Member Avatar for kingsonprisonic

Hi, all I am trying to create a software where video files play continuously using a timeline like Windows Movie maker or Pinacle Studio. So i have no idea how to maintain the time line. Will i use Timer Control for that or any other methods are available. I dont …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for scarcella

Hi guys, i was wondering how could i embed my youtube cannel's latest youtube video. I dont want to have to go and update this every time i upload a new video. Thanks, Marais

Member Avatar for Database Shardi

The End.