822 Topics

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Member Avatar for kc0arf

OpenOffice.Org, the creaters and maintainers of the open-sourced OpenOffice, have just released version 1.1.5 of their office software suite. The update addresses a security problem concerning a buffer overflow; there are other issues that are repaired since version 1.1.4, such as porting updates (OpenOffice was developed for Linux first, and …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Microsoft is currently reorganising itself into three main divisions, in an effort to streamline the processes of decision making and bringing products to market. The three divisions will be: [b]Microsoft Platform Products and Services Division[/b] Responsible for Windows products, corporate server products and MSN web services. [b]Microsoft Business Division[/b] Responsible …

Member Avatar for kc0arf

Massachusetts has a new state policy that requires state agencies to use an "Open Document" format in their business applications. Not surprisingly, propriety software giant Microsoft has filed complaints with the state concerning the policy. Back in 2003, the Massachusetts Office of Administration and Finance directed the state agencies to …

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for kc0arf

Last week, Intel announced a new chip design that promises less power use per unit time, along with embedded security and management functions. The goal is to provide a 3.5 times performance-per-watt improvement over today's single-core Xeon based server CPU. Intel's CEO Paul Otellini said that this new design goal …

Member Avatar for Catweazle

Nigel Page, strategist for Microsoft Australia, has clarified the hardware needs for effectively running the upcoming Windows Vista. Speaking at Microsoft’s [url=http://apcstart.com/teched/pivot/entry.php?id=6]TechEd[/url] conference, he indicated the following in response to questions asked. Vista, we are told, is much more graphics focused. There is a fundamental shift from bitmap images to …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Catweazle

Has the next major upheaval in PC hardware reared it’s head? Every once in a long while, a new type of component arrives which dramatically changes how we consider our computers. The development of components such as video capture cards and TV tuners have added functionality, but that functionality is …

Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I have a place called "31 GB Media" which is C: drive in MyPlaces. I wanted to copy a folder from it to Ubuntu. I have typed this line in terminal but "No such file or directory" is returned. [code]sudo cp -r /31\ GB\ Media/Test/FolderWithFiles/ /var/www/[/code] Where is the …

Member Avatar for ryuslash
Member Avatar for khakilang

Finally I install Ubuntu Linux on my old notebook and to my surprise everything works great even my with a new wifi adapter. I thought I need to do a lot of configuration to make it work. I couldn't be happier and it look Linux is here o stay in …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for shraddha_gupta

When I am taking input from file using Ubuntu as OS, DataInputStream is giving different values from the number in file. What to do about it?? I dont know much about file int, I also tried out using BufferedStream, Still getting some strange values. Please reply soon.

Member Avatar for harsh2327
Member Avatar for Anpippin

Hey I currently have Ubuntu installed on one of my PC's, and it's the only operating system on the PC, and was wondering how do I take off Ubuntu and install Windows XP to it? Whenever I try to install Windows XP it gives me some error that it can't …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for lirebel4lif

hey i just installed this freewear and theres no sound im not a coputer expert but i know a little can anyone help me on this i have an on board sound thanks my email is <EMAIL SNIPPED>

Member Avatar for linuxadore
Member Avatar for pandey.dip

Hi, I am using USb cdma modem to surf net in Windows. but I want to use same device in Ubuntu for surfing net. How can I do that? I tried but while scanning modems ubuntu displays the message that no usb modems were detected. Now please provide me the …

Member Avatar for cokotracy
Member Avatar for Devasena Prasad

Can anyone tell me how to configure wireless driver in ubuntu and knoppix?? In knoppix the eth0 is detected but then its asking IP address and subnet mask... will this be same as in windows....or different??

Member Avatar for Jakkals
Member Avatar for knowledgelover

Hi there, I am new user for ubuntu, which I liked and found more comfortable than windows, :) donno whether this is the right form to post my question, please let me know if not, I have installed ubuntu on my laptop, together with windows, I have devided the hard …

Member Avatar for uttara
Member Avatar for mahdi68

Hi I'm novice in ubuntu , i'm using NetBeans IDE for j2me programming but i have a praoblem : emulator do not work !!! when i'll run program dose not work and this message is displayed : [CODE]java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/mahdi/netbeans-6.7/mobility8/WTK2.5.2/bin/sublime.so: /home/mahdi/netbeans-6.7/mobility8/WTK2.5.2/bin/sublime.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32 (Possible cause: architecture word width mismatch) …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for momogogo

So I am installing various OS on my new iMac with the help of Fusion VMware. i sucessfully install Ubuntu using Fusion VMware and a mounted disk image of Ubuntu. The installation seems to have executed correctly since i can boot the virtual machine. However, since i am totally new …

Member Avatar for momogogo
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, My HDD is divided into 2 partition. I have Ubuntu installed on one partition and Win XP Prof installed on another. I obviously select one to boot my computer. Let's say I booted from WinXP and also want to use Ubuntu without restarting the PC. Is this possible. Do …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, Like many of the earlier users I am also facing a problem on my touchpad. I am new to linux. I first tried to use the xinput list and the below result shows no touchpad Virtual core pointer" id=0 [XPointer] Num_buttons is 32 Num_axes is 2 Mode is Relative …

Member Avatar for vishalkhialani
Member Avatar for shido641

Hi everyone, I recently got a project to do for a company. This project will determine whether or not i will get a job so i don't want to mess this up. I know what to do and what to install. I know Linux and its commands im not really …

Member Avatar for james chaco

I have windows vista home basic installed on my system. Now i need to format and reinstall vista. The problem is that along with vista i have Ubuntu linux installed inside windows (on other partition). So i am afraid that on reinstalling vista ,there would be a problem with the …

Member Avatar for khakilang
Member Avatar for book_worm

hi guys! i have a 2 GB flash disk and i want to format it either using GUI or CLI. can any one help please!? thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for hughv
Member Avatar for flockit

Hello, Please can anyone help me with a tutorial or something to run ubuntu server 9.01 on Virtual PC 2007. Help will be highly appreciated! Thank you! Regards, Akshit Soota

Member Avatar for mostafadotnet
Member Avatar for emiola

Hello forum members, Due to the very slow speed internet access I use, I find it almost impossible to successfully download and burn any linux installation live cd (especially ubuntu and fedora10). I have been reading studiously in preparing myself technically for server administration using linux for the past four …

Member Avatar for krnekhelesh
Member Avatar for xixpsychoxix

Yeah, probably a bad place to post this, but I'm desperate! I am trying to install GTK+ under Linux but have no idea what is going wrong!!! I see that i need like fifty million packages to install it, but i can't get this working! can anyone give me advice? …

Member Avatar for xixpsychoxix
Member Avatar for flockit

Hello, I had a few questions about Ubuntu 9.01 Server Edition. 1> How can I make my personal domain? 2> How do I make it point to specific whois or something to view details while a whois is done? 3> How do set up a website on the domain? 4> …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for cvrcak

I've ventured into Linux/Ubuntu world only a week ago by installing a Ubuntu server distribution on an old PC. Trying to do simple things such as change/edit some files on the Ubuntu server using Bitvise Tunnelier SSH client with built-in GUI SFTP. Tunnelier SSH client is running on a Windows …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for deepugtm

I am new to linux so I used to use both Windows Xp and Ubuntu.But due to problem in Windows,I re-installed Windows,but While re-starting the system, OS choice menu lost from Boot, Windows automatically opens, and ubuntu lost..,How can I find it..?

Member Avatar for james chaco
Member Avatar for marcosjp

Hi there! As a College assignment I must write a network scanner that will create a report containing all open ports and some network statistics etc. The code is almost done.. however, as I need to test it to see if its ok, I ve been scanning my own machine …

Member Avatar for coolbuddy059

I wish to run a .exe file in ubuntu for this I've install wine,but still I cannot run it.

Member Avatar for Darkflib
Member Avatar for b3ckm4n

I'm having trouble using SSH to gain access to my Ubuntu 9 machine (extreme linux neophyte). I have the Ubuntu server and OpenSSH installed, as well as Samba on one machine, and I'm trying to access this machine, via SSH, from my Mac--which is running OS X 10.5.6. I am …

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The End.