409 Topics

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Member Avatar for StuartFirth

Hi, I think that this is quite simple, but I have lost the right code to enter at this point. My Mac won't boot past the UNIX command line and gives the following: /etc/master.passwd: Not a directory /etc/master.passwd: Not a directory -sh: /etc/profile: Not a directory -sh-2.05b# Then a command …

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Member Avatar for Funktar

omg i need help so bad. I've been working on a school project for what seems like an eternity and i'm close to deadline. Using FIFO's (i ahve to) to communicate between parent and child proc's. Right now I'm stuck on a read/write. fifomsg is a struct with int length …

Member Avatar for Dogtree
Member Avatar for peter_budo

Studying Computer Science on Unix platform is ussually fun expect days when you get stuck. And life get [B]tough[/B], this is one of my tough days. To make life easier with my c++ programming I wanted to use the [B]make[/B] tool under unix. I have 5 fieles : - student.h …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for sham

I read about Java being multi-platform language but could not confirm this. If I compile and make .cla files in Windows OS and then run these on Unix OS will run fine ? Or I need to install some components.

Member Avatar for paradox814
Member Avatar for ap39769

I am a new member of the free Unix sdf.lonestar.org. I tried to compile and run a C++ program I wrote, but it would not let me compile. I wonder if it's because I haven't paid the $36. Arpa membership fee yet. Does anyone know if this is the problem??? …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for jlw024

I am having a problem with my make I ran the make depend with no errors but when I ran the make it it gave me an error of ld fatal library -llog_mgr not found.

Member Avatar for mrb260478

Can somebody help me in getting cursor position using C++ Programming language on a UNIX operating system. :cool:

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for crq

hi there. i am new to C++ AND unix. this assignment that i have is really really easy, but the specifics of C++ and getting around in Unix is making it really hard and time consuming. i have a really small program that should be working, but i am getting …

Member Avatar for 1o0oBhP
Member Avatar for steve-parker.or

Shameless plug: [url]http://steve-parker.org/sh/sh.shtml[/url] A bourne Shell Programming/Scripting Tutorial for learning about using the Unix shell. Centres on the Bourne shell, but mentions when bash differs. Does not cover ksh/csh (considered harmful). Applies to UNIX and Linux.

Member Avatar for jifiii

Ok, for a lab I have to write the UNIX more filter in C, but I have got everything done execpt one thing. I only hvae it to where it can read 20 lines at a time. But what I want to do is if argv[1] == -Pxx where xx …

Member Avatar for nvanevski
Member Avatar for jifiii

Does anybody have a source code for the MORE filter used on Linux, because I am curious as to how it works.

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for sidhus02

Hi guys, I have a Compaq Pro system, and recently I have uploaded Unix and have done a prtionong of 2 GB in my HDD for UNIX. Howwvwer when ever I switch on my PC , it gives me an error of "Boot failure" and asks for a bootable Compaq …

Member Avatar for DMR
Member Avatar for jlopes151

As a long time Windows C++ developer I now find myself with the will/opportunitty to develop on the Linux platform. I'm intrested in multi-thread development, Socket, ODBC development. Thanks for any help James

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for Sphyenx

he recommended telnet, at freeshell.org, and sign up for a free account. then i was in there, but then he told me i need to know MS-DOS commands, which i dont, were can i learn these. I google it, but google well he dont like me! lol

Member Avatar for Sphyenx
Member Avatar for Mahen

hi everyone, I belive in daniweb and post my question so that everyone can help me. CAN anyone provide me with a link to a web that has a tutorial about: 1. Socket programming in win32 2. Porting UNIX C's to WIN32 THANKS :p

Member Avatar for FireNet
Member Avatar for Plano

Hello All, I am strictly a Windows Sys Admin. However, I would like to learn Unix to possibly find a new job in the future. Does anyone have any suggestion for me on how to get started. Any feedback is very much welcomed. Thanks

Member Avatar for Cain
Member Avatar for steelers_fan

hello everybody, I know of some websites were i can download unix. 1.) I was thinking is there a difference between unix and linux. After this post i will see if there are any sites that i can download linux from. 2.) is there a particular version of unix i …

Member Avatar for oalee
Member Avatar for priya

Hello everyone, iam a new one into this forum. Can anyone tell about what is the significance of programming c in UNIX

Member Avatar for alc6379
Member Avatar for MAD_DOG

Well I finished my Linux/UNIX class turns out that Linux/UNIX class was all on the programming side not the systems administration side. Shell Programming blah blah blah I got one week left thank god.

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The End.