409 Topics

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Member Avatar for meinatari

Please forgive me, I know *VERY* little about C... I can hack out enough to do what I need to do for the most part but I'm absolutely lost on a project I need to finish. I am writing a wrapper for common RHEL commands so that our helpdesk technicians …

Member Avatar for meinatari
Member Avatar for techbrain55

hello there I am new into scripting . What is the use of unix shell scripting with oracle and how can I combine oracle with unix shell scripting? Any replies regarding this would be great. Thanks in advance, Techbrain55

Member Avatar for chris5126
Member Avatar for julichrist

hi, i'm newbie in python. i want to connect to MS SQL SERVER 7 on windows server, from Linux Slackware using python. I have install unixODBC 2.2.12 and FreeTds 0.64.. everything works fine include the tsql. but i don't know how to configure the odbc in odbc.ini and freetds.ini... need …

Member Avatar for julichrist
Member Avatar for Imti
Member Avatar for abhey_1998

Hi, I am in need of writing a shell script to read, database table and email the results to a list of users. Please let me know if I could provide further info. Please assist. Thanks, -Abhey

Member Avatar for abhey_1998
Member Avatar for alex05

I have to write a script called trying. The script takes a full path (like /users4/st/jdoe/prog.c) as an argument and displays the path and the file name. For /users4/st/jdoe/prog.c, the path is /users4/st/jdoe and the file name is prog.c. I know that I can use grep for it, but it's …

Member Avatar for msr_viz
Member Avatar for carobee

hi, i am runnning a php script where i try to decompress a file and the untar it. the file in suppose x.tar.gz. so in my php script i call system command system("gunzip /home/trial/x.tar.gz"); now to untar i use system("tar xvf /home/trial/x.tar"); now the error creeps in. i am able …

Member Avatar for DimaYasny
Member Avatar for RohitSahni
Member Avatar for ithelp

Every time I reboot my laptop it gets new static ip address, I login to unix servers using ssh, every time I have to manually export DISPLAY to actual ip address, is there any way I can automatically get the ip address of machine from where I am logining in?

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for dalebert

I have a simple function that I wish to perform in a .NET program. I am currently working in C# with .NET version 1.1, but any .NET language help would be useful. I want to be able to send a remote command to a UNIX or VxWorks computer form a …

Member Avatar for dalebert
Member Avatar for madankumar

HI I would likt to create input files for testing, format is like this INPUT Format DISP NUM BYTES Desc 0 4 CODE 4 10 EMP NO 14 3 AGE 17 1 SEX which will be used for creating flat files ( data in excel file). OUTPUT file should be …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for Ratte

I am writing client and server programs for a simple FTP. I am allowed to use chdir, getcwd and getenv. What would be a correct procedure to expand a user provided path correctly using these functions, assuming of course the user supplied path is stored in a c-string? Thank you.

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Ratte

I am writing a server function and an error message is defined as: [code] #define UNKNOWN "Unknown" [/code] I have a function: [code] void search(int sockfd) { FILE *file; char arg1[MAXLINE], arg2[MAXLINE], title[MAXLINE], line[MAXLINE]; file = Fopen (PATH, "r"); while (true) { if (Readline(sockfd, title, MAXLINE) == 0) return; Fgets …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for still_learning

I am very very new to all of this stuff. I have been given a username and password, and I try to run this command: mysql -p -u username < filename But everytime it prompts me for a password, and does not let me type anything in. Please let me …

Member Avatar for bigattichouse
Member Avatar for RohitSahni

Hi All, I am working on a situation suppose i am calling one exe(C++ code) from unix shell script now i want that 2 values in that unix script which this c++ code will get from some URL. Any Idea how can i get those 2 values from C++ code …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for guru bhai

hi everyone, I would like to thanks for replying me in my first thread, and now i am confused about unix, i mean what is the defference between the linux and solaris, how do they are related with unix, and which one is better. where can i find free downloads …

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for guru bhai

hi there, i have some knowledge about Unix and now i wanted to choose Unix admin to start my career. i wanted to know all the basic info about unix. like what are the version's and types of operating system, which one will be best for me. because presently i …

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for DataSheetLinux

Hi There, New to Linux/Unix, wanted to adopt UNI/Linux System Admin as profession. Have been DBA/System Admin for some time. where can I take a UNIX System Admin course/training to get on the road fast? Thanks for any advice. Data Sheet (The Linux/UNIX learner)

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for wizzyoo7

Hi there, I have heard so much about Unix but still know so little. 'Its an operating system that puts me in control' is about as far as i got. What are the potentials? What would i need to do to my windows Xp laptop to run Unix? What kind …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for kogorman

In my current Unix/C++ application, I need to pipe a file through the sort(1) program before reading it. The input is large to huge, so in-memory sorting won't work. I'm used to using fork(2), pipe(2) and exec(3) in my C programs. I know I can do the same in C++, …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for samirs79

I have comma seperated values in a flat file, example below: [B]RStndrd,Mer,1902 PAR GRN,ParentGroup,[/B] I am interested in getting the third parameter from above, ([B]1902 PAR GRN[/B]) in a variable called MyID...i am using the command below to get the third variable [B]MyID=`echo $line|cut -f3 -d ","`[/B] but using the …

Member Avatar for pheeror
Member Avatar for kxh29

Hello All: I am attempting to do a loadtest on a process which is "suspect"... Does the following code generate multiple instances....???? [code] for ($i=0; $i <= $iteration; $i++) { printf(" Executing Iteration:==> %d\n", $iteration); system ("master_menu &"); } [/code] As you can see, I run the execution in background. …

Member Avatar for KevinADC
Member Avatar for shahnazurs

Freinds, i couldn't able to use backspace in the solaris OS! whenever i do it is printing character like ^?. So what i does is just executed command like stty erase ^? then it is working. Can we have some permanent solution for that? my shell is C shell, i …

Member Avatar for karenjones
Member Avatar for arvind

hi there... im relatively new to the world of unix and to the Dani Web community too... I am interested in the memory management techniques followed in the UNIX OS. when i read thru a document related to that i came upon a paragraph, which im not able to decipher... …

Member Avatar for eXceed69
Member Avatar for ssimkhan

I'm trying to do an assignment to implement a unix shell and run commands using java. commands include read file, copy file, remove file and find substring in a file. I have managed to create the file and try out all commands individually but I've failed to run the threads. …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for squinx22

hi, Is it possible to run a gedit command in the terminal that will create a text file automatically and save it in my desired file extension? For example, if I run: gedit file.txt by default, it will open a null document named file.txt. But all I want is to …

Member Avatar for thekashyap
Member Avatar for Sturm

The linux and unix threads seem pretty dead. For the sake of centralization, why not combine all linux and unix questions into one category?

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for hoanginlove81

This site is useful for Unix Solaris learner. You can find many tutorials from here [URL]http://www.learning-solaris.com[/URL]

Member Avatar for nanosani
Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, We have a UNIX DecAlpha here at work, and I need to change the IP on it. Could someone tell me how to do this through command line? Thanks! :mrgreen:

Member Avatar for jay.smith

The End.