409 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tinnin

I've been using Linux for about half a year now but I'm definitely not taking full advantage of it as my knowledge regarding it is weak. I've seen some recommendations for the book "Unix Programming Environment by PIKE ROB KERNIGHAN BRIAN W. (1984)" but I can't help wondering if such …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for sushants
Member Avatar for ndanielrr
Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel

Hello, I am creating some sort of cPanel, and I want people to be able to log in using their Linux user. I installed the PAM extension, but it's functions aren't recognized/return nothing. Installing it using the `pecl` command does not work (some ./configure errors, I am not really in …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel

Hello, I am sharing my webserver with a few people and I am trying to create some sort of an admin panel for them. It has to be able to change Apache VirtualHosts and reload Apache. Now I can make the config-changing PHP code, but there are 2 Apache-related problems. …

Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel
Member Avatar for asa88

I am having trouble having redirection working with the ability to hit enter and remain in the same shell. My problem is if user types: ./a.out < foo.txt (where foo.txt contains a command like date) I want to execute that command and exit the shell.However,if the user compiles the code …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Amy Rami

Hey I am a new unix student, please help me in this Exercise " Write a C code to represent a file system tree into an XML file. The XML is an exact representation of the file system nested files and directories that starts with the root directory “/”. The …

Member Avatar for Amy Rami
Member Avatar for GraficRegret

I need to convert the `UNIX_TIMESTAMP()` output into a readable date and time for output in a table. Anyone know how to do this? or am I in the wrong area again?

Member Avatar for GraficRegret
Member Avatar for daniel36

i want to compare dates stored in database in the format yyyy-mm-dd by changing it in unixtimestamp in the mysql query.for this my query is $bquery="SELECT * FROM rt_booking WHERE rt_unit_id='".$_POST['unit_id']."' AND (SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(str_to_date(rt_start_date,'%Y-%m-%d'))>=".$my11." OR SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(str_to_date(rt_end_date,'%Y-%m-%d'))<=".$my22.")"; but it is giving syntax error.

Member Avatar for daniel36
Member Avatar for silvercats

Is TCP/IP protocol set of all the devices like Windows,Mobiles,Linux,Unix,MAC OS same?identical? I mean is the TCP/IP protocol's source code in each OS same?no changes at all? 2. If we connect different types of PC running different OSs like, Linux,Mac,Windows or mobiles that run Symbina,Andorid,Java OS etc..(let's assume phones can …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for microlifecc

I have been trying to install Fedora on my laptop which came pre-installed with Windows 8.I need fedora coz i have a course on Unix shell programming dis semester.But i haven't succeeded coz the bios is kind of different from the earlier ones.can u guys suggest me some way i'd …

Member Avatar for microlifecc
Member Avatar for ckjaseem

Hi , Can anyone tell how I will send the local time zone to the server and so that I can convert the unix time(coming from the database) to the local time and display it on the clients side using php (In short I dont want to use javascript when …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for Fredszky

Firstly, i'm really new to all this bash/unix/c stuff so i will probably get some words meanings wrong here, but anyway: Im trying to make a client pass simple shell commands to the server, which executes them. They communicate locally on the same machine through a socket. I can make …

Member Avatar for nmaillet
Member Avatar for professor123

Hie all l have an Hp Proliant ML110 G5 and l have installed Unix ScoServer 6 but it is not giving the GUI when i press CTL+ALT+f2, so l can l in the command line configure that so that l can get the GUI for either a standard crt monitor …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Dolby779

Hello all, recently got a piece of coursework I completely know nothing of. It is shown below: Your task is to write a file archive utility similar to that of the Unix tar program. This program will be a command line program (i.e. there will be no graphical user interface). …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for santosh.malghani.3090
Member Avatar for daniel36

How can i get result between two date from database where date is in unix timestamp.How can i use WHERE clause to get result.I required in a project.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for programmer12

Hi, I am trying to create a way where Javascript can do a loop between two Unix Timestamps to print out the dates and some html. I have created a way for this method to work in PHP. However, I need this same method to work in Javascript. Working PHP: …

Member Avatar for programmer12
Member Avatar for jealii.jealii

I'm creating a password protected Volunteer Database and everything is going well. I have created a 'password protected' form before entering the hidden database(seperate form). How though am I able to prevent a 'user' to find out the password by going through "Build Event" in Access?

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for jpreem

So Im using our university servers through an ssh connection. I have a bunch of files in a directory which I would like to run through a perl script. So I thought this simple script I concocted should do the trick. I have used similar script on my home computer …

Member Avatar for TylerD75
Member Avatar for amnakhan786

Hi, i am relatively new to programming. i am trying to use an open source library found by google search. the readme file tells to write make on commandline, as a result i got an exe file sample, but now i am trying to chk the output and the usage …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for hwoarang69
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

i write alot of program in C. and it really helpful if i write them in unix or linux. so is there a way for me to use unix or linux without downloading onto my computer? may be i can download unix, linux on CD or some program that let …

Member Avatar for ORAfreak
Member Avatar for shreya19

Which command is used to copy all files having the string chap and any two characters after that to the progs directory?

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for harpoon35

Hello, I was trying to combine some commands but having a little trouble. In a single command I want to call the script dvdcoll2 and accept input from dvdcoll1. Then I want to put stdout into dvdcoll3, and stderr into dvderror. How do I string together four commands in a …

Member Avatar for Watael
Member Avatar for vishankparikh

Q-1 Write a shell script in Unix that lists files from your current working directory · By modification time when called with lm · By access time when called with la. By default, the script should show the listing of all the files in the current directory. Q-2 Write a …

Member Avatar for sbesch
Member Avatar for pepsi123

I keep receiving these error messages: Applicant.cpp:25:6: error: prototype for âvoid Applicant::setDeposit(char)â does not match any in class âApplicantâ Applicant.h:12:7: error: candidate is: void Applicant::setDeposit(bool) Applicant.cpp:29:6: error: prototype for âchar Applicant::getDeposit()â does not match any in class âApplicantâ Applicant.h:13:7: error: candidate is: bool Applicant::getDeposit() Applicant.cpp:71:5: error: prototype for âint Applicant::addPoints(int)â …

Member Avatar for pepsi123
Member Avatar for professor123

how can you use the **HISTORY** command in **UNIX** or is there an **Alternative command** to view your previous unix commands.

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

not sure where to post this but the problem is that i cant seem to compiler a program in unix. i am using unix: SunOS unix2.its.albany.edu 5-10 Generic_142900-06 sun4u sparc SUNW, sun-Fire-V440 1-create file emacs hello.cl(l = lower case L) 2.write program in "COOL" class Main { i : IO …

Member Avatar for hwoarang69
Member Avatar for hwoarang69

not sure where to post this but the problem is that i cant seem to compiler a program in unix. i am using unix: SunOS unix2.its.albany.edu 5-10 Generic_142900-06 sun4u sparc SUNW, sun-Fire-V440 1-create file emacs hello.cl(l = lower case L) 2.write program in "COOL" class Main { i : IO …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for mmcdonald

Sorry people but I'm really struggling with this and I don't know why... but still. I have a stored unix timestamp. [a] I have the current timestamp not in unix format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) [b] I need to: 1) convert the current timestamp [b] into a unix timestamp 2) I need …

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The End.