409 Topics

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Member Avatar for PriteshP23

Hello, I have one query with timestamp. I got below error. select users.login, FROM_UNIXTIME(AVG(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ticket_history.create_time)-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(ticket.create_time))) from ticket_history_type inner join ticket_history on ticket_history.history_type_id=ticket_history_type.id inner join ticket on ticket.id = ticket_history.ticket_id inner join users on users.id = ticket_history.change_by where ticket.create_time BETWEEN '2014-10-01' AND '2014-10-15' AND ticket_history.name ='%%new%%Fermeture réussie%%' group by users.id *`error: function …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for quontra123
Member Avatar for srivardhanms

Hi, I want to write a sniffer program which sniffs the packet from a Unix socket. Is it possible? I have written a small server and client programs using unix socket (sockaddr_un). Now I want to write a sniffer program which sniffs the packet from the socket. Am not able …

Member Avatar for srivardhanms
Member Avatar for aziz32882

Hello everybody, I am so much glad that I found such type of topic in this forum.I don't know why I love Linux operating system rather than programming.may be my job is on this department thats why I used to love linux server. Just share to you :-).

Member Avatar for aziz32882
Member Avatar for scomrade

Hi, just to find out if any of you gurus have been coding in C in a UNIX environment with a Raima database? Will want to lean on someone for guidance

Member Avatar for amavikmukherjee

[Click Here](null)Hello dani. I know how to write to a file using redirection. But I am unable to write a record to every new line. I want it this way alex amsterdam 800 7 But I am ending up putting everything in a new line, I mean the fields or …

Member Avatar for txernobill
Member Avatar for scomrade

I am unable to write a text file from a windows PC to a folder in Unix. I am told I have no permission. I can see the unix server from network and browse to the folder but I cannot write to it. The permissions of the folder on the …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for MatthewYeend

Basically, I need to make a database viewing page and an input pag...‡ The input page must take the First name, Surname, and the age. This should be sent to a script on your server via either a GET or POST, and inserts them into a MySQL database table. This …

Member Avatar for been.coerced
Member Avatar for dinamit3

I have this string " țara " which contains a character ț which is stored on 2 bytes. When i do in linux : hexdump -C file that contains the string it shows : 00000000 c8 9b 61 72 61 |..ara| 00000005 It is normaly to view c8 and 9b …

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for RikTelner

2^64 / (1024^2) = 17.592.186.044.416MB = 16 exabytes 2^32 / (1024^2) = 4.096MB = 4 gigabytes 2^16 / (1024^2) = 0,0625MB = 64 kilobytes 2^8 / (1024^2) = 0,000244140625MB = 0,25 kilobytes = 256 bytes **How the heck you guys managed to do anything on "computers" which had maximum of …

Member Avatar for RikTelner
Member Avatar for SuperKingGT

Hey guys! I'm in the process of writing a bootloader and I'm having trouble printing out memory information, using 16 bit nasm I know INT 12h stores the low memory information in AX but I can't seem to print it out correctly. I'm currently trying to print it by converting …

Member Avatar for SuperKingGT
Member Avatar for pravej

Hi, Is there any way in C++ to select and read the last modified file from a unix directory? Let say the o/p of the ls -t is : abc.txt myfile.txt .... .... last_file.txt I want to select this last file ( can be of any name) and read the …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for PriteshP23

Hello, I have one "**tar.Z**" file. Objective is to unzip it by shell script and check the date. * archive: filename_20140103_1540.tar.Z #!/bin/bash cd $REP_DATAS/path u=$(date +%u) if [ ${u} -eq 1 ] ; then dateQ=`date --date='-3 day' +'%Y%m%d_%H%m'` else dateQ=`date --date='-1 day' +'%Y%m%d_%H%m'` fi tar xvf filename_"dateQ".tar.Z > error: > …

Member Avatar for PriteshP23
Member Avatar for Jokatech

A program which has the main process as Director process, which reads a file containing marks of all quizzes of all sections and creates x number of Manager processes. Each Manager process will take care of solving for a section. Each manager process will create y number of worker process …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for D33wakar
Member Avatar for D33wakar

This is a simple echo server that I've written while learning sockets programming. Compile the server and run it. You can connect to it using telnet like this: telnet localhost 1337 Disconnect the client by typing "/quit" without quotes.

Member Avatar for alaa sam

hey everyone I was wondering if there is any tool that I can use to draw a Wi-FI coverage map in linux ?? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for tsttst
Member Avatar for smdjilani

I have unix ubantu softwere.when I run any php filE in my firefox i got only a pop up window where to save the file ? what should i do?

Member Avatar for AARTI SHRIVAS
Member Avatar for AlWreikat

I want to write a C code that reads billions of integers from a text file. Each integer is of length 10 digits (e.g. -2311872000). then I build a linked list to store these integers.how could I do that ?

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for krystosan

I hav amde this alias : test='python -m nose.core --tests $1 -s --with-coverage' this runs but gives an OS Error saying: $ test test_filterList.py nose.plugins.cover: ERROR: Coverage not available: unable to import coverage module ....E ====================================================================== ERROR: Failure: OSError (No such file /Users/sanjeevkumar/Development/python/-bash) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File …

Member Avatar for krystosan
Member Avatar for broj1

Hi I have just replied on a post that was posted 43 years ago. My reply was also 43 years ago. I had that feeling that time just flies lately but this might be a little too fast. Or is it just some issue with unix time. This is the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for singularity~

How can I open an application on a specific workspace using the terminal in UNIX? **** I cannot use any external addons like Devil's Pie ****

Member Avatar for harde_1

Im trying to add Total function and isMono functions to this code. Did total already Need help with function ismono which returns whether a tree is mono (all the elements are unique aka no element appears more than one time) or not. Please this is the original program #ifndef T_H …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for harde_1

Hi, I need a function that will take a tree as argument and return the number of ints that were typed and a correct call. would it just be preorder? like below. Please. Thanks #include "t.h" void preorder(tnode * t){ if (t == NULL) return; cout << t->info <<endl; preorder(t->left); …

Member Avatar for harde_1
Member Avatar for asrsmunna

Hi Can anyone explain me the following command. This may be a minor one, but, please do explain in detail. CHKTRANS=`echo ${0} | grep '/transforms/' | wc -l`

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for Linuks
Member Avatar for vasvigupt
Member Avatar for adishardis

Two questions, How do I create a unix timestamp from a date variable derived like this: `var myDate = $(this).data('date');` the format is like this: 2013-01-01 and how do i then create a new unix timestamp for 90 days later than myDate? Thanks

Member Avatar for adishardis
Member Avatar for ing

Hi. I have a noobish UNIX question. I have a password-protected section of my website for testing (named 'sandbox') and I'm trying to write output to a plain text file in that directory. But I'm getting the following error due to permissions settings. `Warning: file_put_contents(testdb.txt) [function.file-put-contents]: failed to open stream: …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for sudipta.mml

Hi all I want to login a machine remotely and doing some operation on the remote machine and then exit the remote machine by a unix shell script. I can login these two machines without passward. How can I do that? For example, my script is on machine1. that script …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for neha.jubair

The End.