444 Topics

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Member Avatar for bulqr4eto

I need a BIG HELP, first I want to say Im REALLY BAD with PHP :D so basically I have a php script witch auto generate list of videos from a folder on my host with 1 media player http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/5915/snap20120703at155809.png - As you can see there are too many clips …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dartiss

Morning, I'm attempting to perform a preg_match against a regular expression to identify whether it's a YouTube video or not. I've got, I'll admit, the regular expression from elsewhere... \s*(https?:\/\/www.youtube(?:-nocookie)?.com\/(?:v|embed)\/([a-zA-Z0-9-]+)).* This appears to work fine. However, I'm getting the following error when I attempt the preg_match... WARNING: [filename].php:[line] - preg_match() …

Member Avatar for dartiss
Member Avatar for Khodz

Hey Guys! So... I left my PC back home when i went off to college and now that I'm back for summer, it seems that it has missed me because it doesn't work anymore. **First Problem:** When I tried to switch it on, it would start to boot (I'd see …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for moraira73

Hi, I was wondering if somone could let me know the best method of sending video by email? Is a specilist bulk mail service provider required or can video files just be compressed and sent by normal mail? What is the best software to use? Look forward to hearing from …

Member Avatar for brianrichard
Member Avatar for aishapot

Can anyone help me on how to create a video embed box? Like on Youtube, when you click on the share button there, there's the embed box.

Member Avatar for hughesadam_87

Hey everyone, Last semester my buddy and I made a tutorial on application programming in Python. This video uses the Enthought Tool Suite (ETS), a free powerful Python development toolkit, to build quick, easy and powerful GUI's. I see many posts on this site about Tk, wx, qt but haven't …

Member Avatar for hughesadam_87
Member Avatar for jbennet

Ive got a bunch of VOB (mp2) files from DVDs - far too many to transcode to, say, H.264 format), plus i dont want to lose any quality. I want to be able to stream these from my (linux) server. What software do I need?

Member Avatar for ikunu

Hi we know capturing a video is one task. But i want to make my video more like professional. One task i want to perform is : Suppose i want to introduce my team. So i want in this way : 1st memeber picture loads, then the picture gets in …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for ngagne

Hi guys, I've been a longtime reader here for a while, but this is my first post. I just submitted a game I've been working on for the past month, called Labyrinth of Zarus, to the Pokki HTML 5 game contest. I'm in the running to win a laptop and …

Member Avatar for ngagne
Member Avatar for TIM_M_91

Hi guys well what I want to do is play a video clip when my program starts. My menu has been set up to how I want it to look. I've researched how to do this but I cannot seem to find anything that I want. All I find is …

Member Avatar for TIM_M_91
Member Avatar for skatamatic

I got a USB video card to give my development computer another monitor without getting a new video card. I started getting a headache after thinking about how they work... The product (as advertised) uses USB 2.0 and can output 2048x1152 resolution with 32 bit color at 60Hz. A bit …

Member Avatar for zalia64
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi Frendz, I need a solution to stop an embed youtube video at a particular timestamp. Any possible way to do this?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for joehms22

I've got some terminal session log files that I'd like to record in a video file, anyone know a good way to do this? Preferably it would be scriptable and not need X to be running so the server could do it automatically to these logs as they arrived. The …

Member Avatar for navi17

Hello, I have embed swf file on following page. [url]http://jackdalysalescommunity.com/successful-registration/[/url] Pls check the video. Video is cut off. I have tried all the ways to make it stretch. Also tried Scale parameter but that also not working. Can anyone suggest me what is the best way to stretch the swf …

Member Avatar for tiggsy
Member Avatar for Smeagel13

Hi Guys, Is there a way to put home videos on the iPhone, without it being classed as a Film or Music Video in iTunes? I like to think of Videos, Films and Music Videos all as separate groups... Unless Apple considers films, movies and videos to be the same.

Member Avatar for lpsarsam

Hi guys! I was wondering if there is any software that allows me to use multiple computers simultaneously to convert video files into other formats (like network rendering). So I install the server on 1 computer and a helper on the other computer, connect them to a wired or wireless …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Andr3

Hey all! I have some questions about pythons capability of processing video fails. I would like to run and edit some files with pythhon. Can i use pygame or wxPython or do i need some other libaries? And does somebody have some example codes or helpful materials of video processing? …

Member Avatar for keroppi89

ello.. i cannot display the video or audio that i already upload in database..why and how should i do??

Member Avatar for veedeoo
Member Avatar for mah300274

I am looking to buy a graphics card and was looking at VisionTek Radeon HD 6950 Graphics card (only because this one should go pretty cheap) but it is currently bricked. This is the exact wording of the person, "This graphics card is bricked meaning a bios flash gone wrong. …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for kris kannan

hi, i want to know if there are any libraries for image/video processing in c/c++ with a compatibilty that it can later be adapted to DSP, without much difficulty. thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for kris kannan
Member Avatar for Sariscos

[ATTACH=RIGHT]21542[/ATTACH]Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg announced today that there are going to be a few changes to Facebook. The big story is that Facebook has teamed up with Skype to deliver video chat so that you can talk to your friends through Facebook. This is no surprise considering the partnerships Facebook …

Member Avatar for Dancing Bear 07
Member Avatar for manchurianCEO

Long story short, my little cousin turned on the computer, don't know how long it was on but when I found it there was no display. It's a compaq presario originally had windows ME but it was upgraded to XP. Since I plugged the screen to my laptop and it …

Member Avatar for jjos
Member Avatar for vivosmith

Hi, I am trying to figure out allegro, and so far, so good. But I ran into this one snag in this code: [CODE]const float FPS = 60;[/CODE]Does this set FPS? Someone on another forum said no, but it seems like that it is a predefined function that changes the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

I am looking for some experiences with embedding video's in my website. Until now I had only externally linked video's (which included their own players). Now I have to embed my own. So far I've seen HTML5, Flow player, JW Player and VideoJS. Any recommendations ? Added: Also found [URL="http://praegnanz.de/html5video/"]this …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for casey_sunako

Hello everyone.. Anyone knows how to convert video frames to an image using visual basic.net? I used VLC player to play the video file in the form but don't know how to convert the video frame to image when the user clicks wants to. Any help please. Thank you.

Member Avatar for blaze423

I was wondering if there is a way to record video from a USB webcam to a .avi file (including sound). I know how to view video and capture screenshots, but I'd like to be able to record a section of video. If there really isn't then is there a …

Member Avatar for ashely97
Member Avatar for cornedor

Hello I have converted a ogg video to WebM using VLC Player. If i embed my video's it doesnt work in firefox. Firefox tries to use the WebM format. But for some reason it isnt working. The video: [url]http://corne.testingserver.nl/school/weer/ot/assets/weather.webm[/url] My code: [CODE]<video id="vbg_video"> <source src="assets/weather.webm" type="video/webm"> <source src="assets/weather.ogv" type="video/ogg"> <source …

Member Avatar for JimPatrick

Hi Guys, We are having an issue with the video playing on our client's site. The video plays fully locally but not fully once set live on the any of the browsers, it plays just the first 15secs, then it stops. Can anyone share some ideas as to how we …

Member Avatar for sun-tzu
Member Avatar for megachip04

Hello, I am currently allowing users to upload videos via php $_FILES[][] and then converting them using ffmpeg. I am wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this than using php. I have read that ajax might be useful (that's what vimeo uses). Could anyone point me …

Member Avatar for Delfacto
Member Avatar for casey_sunako

Hi guys, I would just like to ask if it is possible to capture and record streaming videos from websites like youtube, dailymotion, etc. using vb.net? Are there certain streaming protocols that should be considered? I hope someone could help me. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.