10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for SI THU

hi! anybody help me please, i write shutdown code,it ok but when i convert exe file shutdown code is not work. my shutdown code is [CODE] shell "shutdown -s -t 30"[/CODE] please help me thanks

Member Avatar for KingGold171
Member Avatar for cloris

Am a final year student doing a project on a Library management system using rfid. My problem is, how am going to make the rfid system work with my vb6 program. i.e the codes required and probably the plugins i would need to have to make this possible.

Member Avatar for emond
Member Avatar for diamondw

Hi i created a code in vba. the requirements is that -input is 3 color bands from a resistor(in order) -and the output of the resistor in ohms -make function work for 3 colors.I am using vba. I came up with a code but it has my function highlighted in …

Member Avatar for diamondw
Member Avatar for yeeitsneo

hi . im making a vb 6 written project. were required to create a game. but the problem is i dont have any idea on what game to create. i want it to be as simple and as easy as possible. enough to give me an adequate rating. can anyone …

Member Avatar for BitBlt
Member Avatar for king_saqib

Hi to every one I'm creating a software but I have to expire it After 3days I'm am writing this code but it is not working if date(now) >=date(29/9/2011) then Msgbox "the software has been expired and unload Me End if Is this true

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for dwinn

Hello, I have produced some VBA in Access that creates a spreadsheet. I have also created an SQL query that retrieves records from an Access table. I have 48 tables (each table for a specific institution centre). I have created another bit of VBA code that creates a spreadsheet and …

Member Avatar for dwinn
Member Avatar for daniwaber

Can anybody tell me how to get the bios number or hard disk number or any other number which is unique for every computer in vb6?

Member Avatar for mb01a
Member Avatar for Capritarius21

When you are generating report in your application then everytime you run it then it will automatically create temp files. To avoid these junk files you have to kill the TEMP files. Code Syntax: KILL "Directory\Temp filename" Sample (delete all temp files): KILL "D:\OMI FILES\Project\*.TMP" Sample (specific temp file): KILL …

Member Avatar for Capritarius21
Member Avatar for Prasadbabu

Hi Friends, I created one database like credit card statement. Purchases all in one table. Debited all in another one table. I am trying to link two tables using with inner join. But its repeating the data depending on purchases record count. Table1 = Purchases Table2 = Received [COLOR="Green"]SELECT * …

Member Avatar for Prasadbabu
Member Avatar for kesen

[B]How to read the header of the text file:?:[/B] such as [I][B][INDENT] tab-size tab-stops indent-size line-length new-line use-tabs[/INDENT][/B][/I]need help. Thanks in advance. Senthil

Member Avatar for fizznur

I am creating a DataReport using the Data Report Designer (VB6) and using the following SHAPE command to create a hierarchical recordset. Dim cmd As New ADODB.Command Dim rz As New ADODB.Recordset With cmd .ActiveConnection = CN .CommandType = adCmdText .CommandText = " SHAPE {SELECT * from Relation where Institution …

Member Avatar for Capritarius21
Member Avatar for churva_churva

[CODE] Public con As ADODB.Connection Public cmd As ADODB.Command Public dept_rs As ADODB.Recordset Public gen_rs As ADODB.Recordset Public stud_rs As ADODB.Recordset Public sql As String Private Sub cmdExit_Click() con.Close End End Sub Private Sub cmdSave_Click() With cmd .ActiveConnection = con .CommandText = "student_table" .CommandType = adCmdTable End With With stud_rs …

Member Avatar for newbie26

how can i loop through a listview and export the subitems in a specific cell?? example: column1|column2|column3..... item1.1 |item1.2 |item1.3.... item2.1 |item2.2 |item2.3.... den in excel.... cell A1 item1.1 cell C3 item 1.2 cell A5 item 1.3 i need to place the subitems in a specific cell because i have …

Member Avatar for kccute

Hi guys i working on a project that open an excel document using vb6 but i encounter this. Run-time error 1004 : C:\aaaaa\aaaa\myBook1.xls' could not be found. Check the spelling of the file name, and verify that the file location is correct. This is the Code: Private Sub Form_Click() Dim …

Member Avatar for diamondw
Member Avatar for shelexelex
Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for abhishekkp

Hello I'm doing a mini project of student management system. i need to take the attendance of all the students and store it in sql server. plz help me i need to submit my project on 25th of this month. i am left out with only this form :( or …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for SpiritualMadMan

I have begun to wonder whether frequenting this Board and trying to answer pleas for assistance is worthwhile... I have posted several working solutions and there is no evidence that the requestor has even looked at them... If a "possible" solution isn't what you were looking for at least clarify …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for newbie26

how can i print specified number of records in using data report?? example, i enter number 5 in a text field. then, when i click a button, the first five records will be generated into a data report with their corresponding data and has it's templte per record. meaning, the …

Member Avatar for mb01a
Member Avatar for mrcodealot

Hello, I wanted to use visual basic macro in excel to pull search results from Google. Since I am not very familiar with how visually basic macro works in excel, I found the following code from a tutorial online. [CODE]Const GOOGLE_WEBSERVER = "www.google.com" Function BuildSERPURL(ByVal term As String, ByVal start …

Member Avatar for Joris Claassen
Member Avatar for IT_Student_604

, hello there.. can anyone teach me how to display picture using the Application.startup path?.. i don't have any idea about it. i want to locate the picture in my bin folder inside my debug folder as i selected the name of the candidate in the combo box.

Member Avatar for NetJunkie
Member Avatar for Bamboozled

I have the following VB6 code [CODE] Dim objdir As Scripting.FileSystemObject cfile="c:\workingdir\france\include" If DirExists(cfile) = False Then objdir.CreateFolder(cfile) End If Public Function DirExists(OrigFile As String) As Boolean Dim fs Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") DirExists = fs.FolderExists(OrigFile) End Function[/CODE] The folder C:\workingdir\france already exists and there should not be any permissions …

Member Avatar for Bamboozled
Member Avatar for gowans07

I currently user logon information stored in one file, i wish to be able to delete users from this file currently i am selecting the users from a lstbox which retrieves all the user names from the txtfile. [CODE]Public Sub CmdRetrieveUsers_Click() LstUsr.Clear CmdEditUsr.Enabled = True Open App.Path & "\Logon.Password Info.txt" …

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Member Avatar for androidz

hello everyone i have this error saying "requested operation requires ole db session object which is not supported by the current provider"..i wonder why this appears.i am using an ado and using vb6..can someone enlighten me with this problem..thanks

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for gowans07

Hi, I am trying to query a database to retrieve information about a product. Firstly the user must select a product from a Combo box, and what i want it to do is when they have selected a product for it to search for the items that are within the …

Member Avatar for hkdani
Member Avatar for nirnal

hi everybody i have two textbox and one combobox from database connection i want to make a login with three objects.. if textbox1 have this valui and textbox2 have this value and combobox have this value.. then it will check in to the dbms.. and if currect.. then login success.. …

Member Avatar for Netcode
Member Avatar for kccute

Hi guys ! I have big problem in my project i cant display the data of my database (.mdb) to my Data report i need some expert help to this. Im new to this im such a loooooser... plss help me Thanks in advance..

Member Avatar for abu taher
Member Avatar for hueikar

Hi. I am using visual studio with visual basic. I have create a combo box which data is from oracle. I want to know how to check the value in combo box is choose before i proceed to save the record? Thank you.

Member Avatar for hueikar
Member Avatar for coyanzz

pls any one can help making a simple converter from text to numeric converter, like if i input, one hundred three it will display it in numeric... thank you in advance ^^

Member Avatar for coyenzz
Member Avatar for daniwaber

Hi everyone, Can you tell me a way to get the file path (filename) of a file when I "open with" it with my program. I mean that if I open a certain file with my software, I should get the file path of the file. Please Help:)

Member Avatar for daniwaber
Member Avatar for saba kausar

helloooo please help me!!!!!!!!!i have project which is in vb6 but my teacher wants my project in vb.net please tell me what should i do and it is an 200 marks project please help me

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The End.