46 Topics

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Member Avatar for Mayank23

how do i acces a persons webcam with php, such as the one from chatroullette

Member Avatar for cuonic
Member Avatar for dstuff_2

Hello dear friends! [I][COLOR="Green"]At the outset, excuse me for my easy english, but am from pl[/COLOR][/I] :S I would like to put an image from a webcam from this page: [url]http://www.sunny.org/webcam/[/url] on my own site and that it worked just like there. Unfortunately, here is a problem, because on the …

Member Avatar for debayanmitra

I want to capture a still picture in any format like .png,.jpg,.bmp etc. using a webcam. And want to save that in directory. Please help me.

Member Avatar for jlego
Member Avatar for alphahr

[B]Is there an application that allows video IM in Linux, specifically Ubuntu. I have Empathy and Pidgin but the video features in Pidgin were turned off in a previous version because of some sort of copyright infringement. I have searched, but have not found an application that does video. My …

Member Avatar for Chronister
Member Avatar for bben95

Could somebody please help me to add a function to this script in which the image to test if the server is up has a timeout, so it shows an error message to the user instead of just loading forever. The current function of the code is: Attempt to load …

Member Avatar for navachaitanya

hi every one i need help i want make a form in vb.net and using web cam to save picture in ms access or in a folder please please can any tell the complete code thanks in advance please please help me....

Member Avatar for iqlas

[COLOR="Red"]could any one explain me this code pls[/COLOR] [CODE] Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class Form1 Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form #Region " Windows Form Designer generated code " Public Sub New() MyBase.New() 'This call is required by the Windows Form Designer. InitializeComponent() 'Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call End Sub 'Form overrides dispose …

Member Avatar for jackabascal

I have A webcam Class and have it so the image in my picturebox displays the live webcam feed. When I click the "Capture" Button, I would like to save the current image being displayed on the picturebox. How would I do this?

Member Avatar for nick.crane
Member Avatar for danielair

Okay, I'm creating a webcam capture program that will take pictures and record video. The picture part works perfectly but I can't get the video part to work. No matter what I try it won't save the AVI file Heres my code [CODE] OOption Explicit On Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Public Class …

Member Avatar for Oxiegen
Member Avatar for michtan

I use picture box to view web cam, it works. But i wan to add another transparent picture box on top with upload a picture transparent background circle . So when i open web cam there is a circle on the web cam. Is that possible? How to make picture …

Member Avatar for trpsjt2008
Member Avatar for neo-samol

Please help me. Now i'm using VB.NET to update my project. I have webcame but i don't code for capture Image from Webcam Please help me.

Member Avatar for ananthsp
Member Avatar for rahuluttekar

I'm building desktok application in .NET that uses web camera device I'm using DirectShowNet Library . i want to capture the image when user clicks the snapshot button available on webcam.and then dispaly the image in picture box.pls help me out iam stuck with this issue. Do you know how …

Member Avatar for pauldani
Member Avatar for opsryushi

Hey everyone, I'd really appreciate some input and suggestions on this issue. My friend (who lives across the state from me) recently got a [B]Microsoft LifeCam VX700[/B] webcam (I know, it's a cheap piece of crap. That doesn't mean it shouldn't work.) She's running Windows Vista, dial-up internet connection, and …

Member Avatar for rahuluttekar

I'm building .NET application that uses web camera device I'm using DirectShowNet Library . i want to capture the image when user clicks the snapshot button available on webcam.and then dispaly the image in picture box.pls help me out iam stuck with this issue. Do you know how to do …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for timhysniu

Hi there, I'm working on a multimedia project that involves capturing images from a web cam, analyzing pixels and playing some audio. I got a hold of some sample code that plays audio and reads images using DirectX, but I was really disappointed with the stability of the application overall …

Member Avatar for Diamonddrake
Member Avatar for hardeepbhullar

Hello To All, Can any one help me ? I want to implement peer-to-peer video streaming using WPF.

Member Avatar for quicktpgo

The End.