3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for php99

Hi, I have made a working program that collects data from a server then puts it into an array. I decided its time to move away from text files and on to XML. [CODE] Dim sr As StreamReader = File.OpenText(frm_Loader.jokes_dic) Dim input As String input = sr.ReadLine() frm_Loader.counter = 0 …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for Atomika3000

Ok, This is just annoying me now, i need to [QUOTE]Create a webpage with embedded JavaScript code that loads one of two files depending on whether the user presses the A key or the B key on the keyboard without refreshing the page. Is it necessary to use the XMLHttpRequest …

Member Avatar for gstephas
Member Avatar for richardtreier

I didnt knew where to post, so I randomly posted here ^^ please forgive me :twisted: Ok, ill make it short: nhn websites: e.g.: [URL="http://www2.ijji.com/downloads.nhn"]Ijji download[/URL] What is that??? i wonder if its an own language or something copied (e.g. php files with an other extension)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for tadchristiansen

I am trying to do the following in an xsl file: [CODE]ANSWER[@id = concat(local-name(),'_STYLE')]/@valueSrc[/CODE] The xml I am transforming is as follows: [CODE]<DECK desc="Deck" id="DECK1"> <ANSWER id="DECK_STYLE" valueSrc="USER" /> </DECK>[/CODE] The result of this gives me an empty string. However if I make a variable and use it like this: …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for wwsoft

hello , I am creating a map format for a game I'm making and I'm hoping to use xml. Can anyone tell me how to access elements using tinyxml ? or at least how create some sort of pain text parser ? Thanks in advance ! A Novice C++ Programmer

Member Avatar for wwsoft
Member Avatar for glenndr_15
Member Avatar for sandeep.handa

Hi All, I am working on application where i need to read flatfile and then i need to transform using XSLT to another flatfile.How can i achieve this. I am also thinking when we use XSLT 1.0 we can load XML in DOM and validate in SOM aganist schema and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for redstrykr

[b]Thread Split - [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread162300.html[/url] [/b] [QUOTE=alc6379;828001]What are you trying to load from? If you're trying to load the values from a database or an XML file, then you can use Databinding to bind the combobox to a data source, where you've added all of the choices in advance. [/QUOTE] I'm …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sinopa

Does anyone know how I can get this script to show all the entries in atom.xml? It only shows the top four right now. [CODE] google.load("feeds", "1"); function initialize() { var feed = new google.feeds.Feed("http://thedosblogger.blogspot.com/atom.xml"); feed.load(function(result) { if (!result.error) { var container = document.getElementById("feed"); for (var i = 0; i …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I've been doing some research on RSS and have managed to find out how to create a feed and where to submit it (feedburner.com) but I'm yet to find out how the visitors to my site receive my RSS feed automatically. Feedburner.com doesn't explain this and for the …

Member Avatar for iamnamja

Hi, I'm trying to connect to a web service using excel. I have currently no issues logging into the web service and also fetching data using one of the methods. But the two other methods, I get the error that states that it had run into an error restoring data. …

Member Avatar for CFROG

I'm working with Google API trying to plot multiple points on a map. I can't find really good documentation on how I need to do this so I'm sort of winging it at this point. Obviously what I have is not working. The map is displaying and centered where I …

Member Avatar for ceyesuma

Hello. I am building a XML reader class DOM. Does anyone have a link that has some code where the text from a JComboBox.selectedItem()("text") for example or any text is used to find a Node in a the DOM document and then work with that nodes siblings?

Member Avatar for ceyesuma
Member Avatar for ronpickard

I’m finding it very difficult to elaborately describe the page flows in a lengthy XML format which is very complex , does any software provide XML transformation to mould results suitable for user s to view?

Member Avatar for lar_56
Member Avatar for Bash23

Ok I'm trying use scrapy (python module) to get stats off [URL="http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?archive=false&seasonType=REG&statisticPositionCategory=RUNNING_BACK&d-447263-o=2&conference=null&d-447263-s=RUSHING_40PLUS_YARDS_EACH&experience=null&d-447263-n=1&season=2009&qualified=true&Submit=Go&tabSeq=1&d-447263-p=1"]Here[/URL] and I got the Xpath using Xpather plugin. [CODE]/html/body[@id='com-nfl']/div[@id='doc']/div[@id='doc-wrap']/div[@id='main-content']/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]/form/table[@id='result']/tbody[2]/tr[1]/td[2][/CODE] The prob is that the TRs contains all the players and TD inside TR contain all the stats. What Xpath do I use or how do I loop through …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for garea

Hi, I'm searching for an XML streamming parser, but I dont know wich one I must use. I have to parse very large files, and i need to use threads because i need to do some things before the parsing of all the file has finished (that's what a streamming …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for strunful

Hi there my first post :), i've started a project that transforms a table from SQL to XML, works like a charm.Now i want to transform from a XML file to database: 1)search if there is a database created(i've done that using try catch) if not create a database XMLReader …

Member Avatar for strunful
Member Avatar for janicita

Hi, I,m using clickAndWait to click on a button. But I got an error that says the button was not found. I guess this is because there is more than one button at the same level of the html code. selenium.clickAndWait("//input[@value='Réserver']"); The number of buttons is generated dynamically and the …

Member Avatar for nicolae
Member Avatar for k_manimuthu

Hi All, I am trying to get the maximum no of column in a table through XSLT code. Below i had placed the sample table format. Here column tagged as 'th' and 'td'. Some of the column having 'colspan' attribute. I am struggling how to add colspan value in a …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for Mapper99

Hi there, I am trying to delete XML nodes using PHP. Here is a sample of my xml file. [CODE] <users> <user> <fullname>PC1</fullname> <floor>4</floor> </user> <user> <fullname>PC2</fullname> <floor>3</floor> </user> </users> [/CODE] Here is my code so far: [CODE] <?php $users = new DOMDocument(); $users->load("officedata.xml"); $suser = simplexml_load_file("officedata.xml"); $count = 0; …

Member Avatar for disinfor
Member Avatar for komyg

Hi, I am creating a Web Service from a top down approach (WSDL first) and I am using a datetime element as part of a complex type. The XML Schema definition states that the format of the datetime element should be "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss", however my costumer has requested that we change …

Member Avatar for nimmyliji

Hi, How can i pass an xml file from python to flex 3..? Any one can help me...... with example code

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for premkumarnps

How to develop a highly available Web service community using Asp.net and mysql as Database server?

Member Avatar for reccaah

<validate> <keyword> <id>1</id> <name>Priya</name> <qulification>MSC</qulification> </keyword> <keyword> <id>2</id> <name>ram</name> <qulification>BSC</qulification> </keyword> <keyword> <id>3</id> <name>Roja</name> <qulification>MSC</qulification> </keyword> </validate> i need some php sample code that retrieve datas from above xml file for the particular id. please help me.

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for MacUsers

Greetings everyone!! First of all, I'm a python newbie; my apology in advance if I'm being silly with my question but I really hope some one can help me on this. I got myself a project (just to start) to read iTunes library .xml file - iTunes Music Library.xml - …

Member Avatar for Pupo
Member Avatar for prashantc13

Can somebody help me with the following problem, here is inputxml, xslt i'm using and expected output . actually i know it is because of unique generateid not getting generated this xslt failing to generate desired output but i don't know where that code should be inserted. InputXML [CODE=XML]<?xml version="1.0" …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for Broodmdh

I am attempting to merge two XML documents (using Pentaho Kettle), and I'm having trouble with my XPATH statement. In the first XML, I have a list of users and their user id's. In the second XML, I have a list of projects, each with an id that corresponds to …

Member Avatar for varun0703
Member Avatar for debbier

I'm using simplexml_load_string to extract a node from an xml filen xml file. It works most of the time, but not all, and when it fails, it gives the error: "call to a member function xpath() on a non-object" I suspect it's because the $menuXML isn't fully loaded? It is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for 54uydf

Hey everyone, I'm trying to import a table using xml file into my access project. First I exported the table the easy way and saved it on my desktop, and now I'm trying to write a vb code for a button on a form that will import it. I have …

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The End.