3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for shosoloza2010

Hi every one I have been given a task to investigate and come up with an integrated all-in-one mobile student information system where students can be informed of class changes by text, and inform their lecturer that they will be absent. Question 1 what would be the necessary hardware and …

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Member Avatar for indu_ss4

Hi! I want to find the xpath of an xml doument along with its index value in java. I'm using DOM parser to parse the xml document. Suppose if i consider this xml document, [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE folks SYSTEM "sample.dtd"> <folks> <person> <name>abi</name> <phone>999555-8888</phone> <email>b@xyz.net</email> </person> <person> <name>saran</name> <phone>213545697</phone> …

Member Avatar for indu_ss4
Member Avatar for manikandan_dani

Hi, How to edit the following xml file without losing elements. eg: [code=xml] <book id="b1"> <bookbegin id="bb1"> <para id="p1">This is<b>first</b>line</para> <para id="p2">This is<b>second</b>line</para> <para id="p3">This is<b>third</b>line</para> </bookbegin> </book>[/code] I try to edit the above xml file using dtd using jsp,servlet. but while i read the textvalue from xml, it return …

Member Avatar for manikandan_dani
Member Avatar for twistedphrame

Hello all, I'm having an issue with getting the ip address of a client accessing an xmlrpcserver, some of the time the code will work and then when I go to transfer the classes/methods (copy and paste) into my other file neither work and both have the same error: Server: …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for 2timphil

I am new at xml but have a little php/html/javascript knowledge. My question: how do I get my xml data to automatically refresh? I believe it's somewhere in the xhttp commands, but am lost. Any help would be appreciated. [CODE] <html> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="15"> <body> <h1>Test</h1> <b></b> <span id="audio"></span><br /> …

Member Avatar for Maverick27

Hi - can somebody pls. tell me how to use 'Span Tags' to increase Font size of TEXT in Red below ? Below is the original XML code. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <news> <settings linesColor = "0x424646" backGroundAlpha = "50" backGroundColor = "0x363B3D" thumbsBackGroundColor = "0x404546" thumbsPreloaderColor = "0xCCFF33" listItemIconColor = …

Member Avatar for macneato
Member Avatar for manofspider

Hi all, How to be professional in web development? any web technologies that we can use? Lists: Web Service, Web Cache, JSON, Ajax, Web Security, ... any thing else ? What books teach about these technologies all in one ? Thanks in advance!

Member Avatar for Brohm
Member Avatar for manikandan_dani

Hi, I am developing xml editor using jsp and servlet. In this case i am using DOM parser. using that i getting all the element, text, xpath form xml file with help of DTD. Upto this it will be working, and it save back into xml file. While save into …

Member Avatar for manikandan_dani
Member Avatar for gamestoenjoy

Hi, I am currently learning AJAX, and I want to write an simple example program (it is only for practice, it has no real meaning). The program sends request to to PHP and gets response from it, then it should write the response using message box, all should happen on …

Member Avatar for gamestoenjoy
Member Avatar for hangon

Hi, I have the following xml and I want an xsl that the out put should be only part of the input xml including all attributes, text everything. Input xml [code] <a> <b> <c id="k">test</c> <d id="y">test</d> </b> </a> [/code] Output [code] <b> <c id="k">test</c> <d id="y">test</d> </b> [/code] In …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

As mentioned is this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread255320.html"]thread[/URL] I intend to create a collection of functions that use only core functions (as the [URL="http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.strings.php"]String[/URL] functions) to maximal compatibility. (See the [URL="http://sites.google.com/site/xmlxslt4php/"]website[/URL] - anyone is invited to participate.) The first task will be to parse a string (containing the XML data), break it down …

Member Avatar for ShawnCplus
Member Avatar for Jarredpsmith

Hi Im working on an Actionscript 3 program where i will click through a tree structure of buttons and use the values of the particular set of buttons, to access its corresponding value in an XML file. As i click each button, I start forming a string eg. Click1 = …

Member Avatar for Jarredpsmith
Member Avatar for P00dle

I want to remove the JOB node with JOBNAME "One" from the following file: <SETTINGS> <SYSTEM> <VERSION>3.1<VERSION> </SYSTEM> <JOB> <JOBNAME>One</JOBNAME> </JOB> <JOB> <JOBNAME>Two</JOBNAME> </JOB> </SETTING> The code that is supposed to remove it looks like this: [CODE]try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.parse(new …

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Member Avatar for indu_ss4

Hi! i need to insert a new element in an existing xml document. for example, [code=xml] <details> <person> <name>Anu</name> <email>abc@yahoo.com</email> </person> <person> <name>thara</name> <email>xyz@gmail.com</email> </person> </details> [/code] In this document if i want to insert another element using Xpath, say,<publisher> in <book> node, how to insert it. I'm using DOM …

Member Avatar for AbhikGhosh
Member Avatar for justapimp

Hello all, I am trying to read value from a XML message fragment using C# and I am unable to load and read the document mainly because I don't enough experience working with xml data. I don't have the raw xml document on hard drive, so it is generated from …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for Alba Ra

Let's start with the problem: I am creating a XML-based CMS that has to run on the servers of French internet service provider and web host Free.fr. So I can't use SimpleXML as only a handul of [URL="http://wiki.free.fr/wiki/index.php/Fonction_php_active_free"]functions[/URL] are activated. I can only assume that it is the old [URL="http://fr.php.net/manual/en/book.xslt.php"]XSLT[/URL] …

Member Avatar for Alba Ra
Member Avatar for hpdp

Hi, I have the following XML <ext-link xlink:href="http://....com">www....com</ext-link> in my xslt, when I have ... <ext-link xlink:href="{@xlink:href}"> .... When I ran it, it gave me error " namesapce error : namespace prefix xlink for href on ext-link is not defined. I tried to use "xlink\:href", it didn't work. How to …

Member Avatar for hpdp
Member Avatar for papayaparadise

Hi, I tried searching it up but I can't see to find an answer. What is type[B] xhtml:flow[/B] in an XML document? If anyone could also provide an example, that would be awesome - thanks!!

Member Avatar for mk123

I'm having difficulty writing my xml schema (.xsd) file. My xml file contains a recursive element para which in turn has mixed elements within. The element para contains either text only or it contains 0 or more sub-elements para and/or it contains 0 or more element footnotes or/and it contains …

Member Avatar for mk123
Member Avatar for papayaparadise

Hi, I'm trying to generate an XML file with the following lines looking like: [CODE=XML]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Platform xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.ord/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="theschema.xsd">[/CODE] Platform is the root node. I need xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation for XML validation against the schema. I've tried the following code (where xmlDoc is of type XmlDocument): [CODE=C#]XmlElement Platform = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Platform"); Platform.SetAttribute("xmlns:xsi", …

Member Avatar for David_k2

Hi All, First time post :) I am having a problem with sorting a for-each loop. I need to sort the data based upon a date given by a child element that has a certain attribute, confused ill show the code: XML FILE: [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <IssueViewXMLExport xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns:ss="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet" …

Member Avatar for David_k2
Member Avatar for some_one_

Hi, Need some guidance as this is new territory for me. I have an XML/XMI file representing a UML diagram. I need to transform it into a file with a different XML structure. I believe I can use either XSLT, XPath, or XQuery to achieve this... or maybe something else …

Member Avatar for rrusin
Member Avatar for coolguy20

Hey Guys, I appreciate any and all help. I'm trying to print out the results of a query I've made to another server using the nusoap client. I'm successfully sending my XML Array to their WSDL web service and they are sending an XML response back. <RESULTS><TEXT>Success</TEXT></RESULTS> However all < …

Member Avatar for mitcrellim
Member Avatar for Aish_V

Is it possible to populate a treeview by reading the nodes of XML? It is for web application. Without using swing is there any other method? If so.. Please share with me.. Thanks in advance Aish

Member Avatar for sacarias40

Hello, it has come time for me to be able to accept a credit card/multiple credit cards on a website. I ask you guys to guide me in the correct direction to doing this. I do not want to use pay pal or a payment gateway. Thank you, much regard!

Member Avatar for studentcredit
Member Avatar for deepakrao.tech

Hi, I am trying to write a soap client to connect to the hosted webservice of GlobalWeather. But i am getting lot of execption. I am posting the client and exception. If someone has as sample client code to connect to Globalweather that would be helpful. [CODE=java]package samples.hello; import org.apache.axis.client.Call; …

Member Avatar for rudz
Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for mvujica

I am quite new to XSLT and I want to add unique index to elements types to transform something like this: <item1> [INDENT]<item2>[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]</item2>[/INDENT] [INDENT]<item2>[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]</item2>[/INDENT] </item1> <item1> </item1> into: <item1 id="1"> [INDENT]<item2 id="1">[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3 id="1"></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3 id="2"></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]</item2>[/INDENT] [INDENT]<item2 id="2">[/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3 id="3"></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]<item3 id="4"></item3>[/INDENT][/INDENT] [INDENT]</item2>[/INDENT] …

Member Avatar for mvujica
Member Avatar for emime

Please help, no way to solve it :(( ... [COLOR="Red"]Given this input:[/COLOR] [CODE]<p class="Absatz">SIT_RTSPECIFICATION Input</p> <p class="code" style="font-weight: normal;">structure ('ENTITY_NAME': "SIT_RTSPECIFICATION",</p> <p class="code" style="font-weight: normal;">'STR_RTSPEC_ID: "specification ID",</p> <p class="code" style="font-weight: normal;">'STR_RTSPEC_NAME: "specification name",</p> <p class="code" style="font-weight: normal;">'STR_RTSPEC_DESC: "description",</p> <p class="code" style="font-weight: normal;">'ENTITY_CONTENT': sequence(</p> <p class="code" style="font-weight: normal;">structure ('ENTITY_NAME': "SIT_RTSPECIFICATION_PROPERTY", 'STR_PROPERTY_NAME: …

Member Avatar for Stearmandriver

Hi there, This may be a dumb question, but I was wondering: is there any way to determine the address of the raw xml document that serves data to a web page? I'm interested in incorporating the Washington State ferry schedule information into a widget on my site, and it …


The End.