3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for zifina

i have few xml files in my project.i used "advanced installer" software to create exe setup files.i have included the xml files in PROJECT->BIN->RELEASE ->RESOURCES folder. after installing the project setup,when i run the project, i am able to view the xml file details ,but i cannot add new content …

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Member Avatar for jeraldmuthu

This is the code generating xml to feed into Javascript How to convert javascript output of the image to swf format using JAVA.. [CODE] package com.info.chart; //Contributor: i18n : Pedro Casals Fradera (2006/06/22) import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Paint; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import …

Member Avatar for Elektrikz

Hey guys! I started learning Python 3 four days ago and I wrote a little command line RSS Reader (~120 lines) using the [URL="http://feedparser.org/"]feedparser module[/URL]. The rss reader currently has a menu, and also receives command line arguments (run the script with "-h" or "--help" for more info). It has …

Member Avatar for Elektrikz
Member Avatar for artemis_f

I am trying to attach an XML Schema to a document as mentioned here: [url]http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2099/word_2007_attach_xml_schema/[/url] However I am having trouble attaching the schema(s) in question. I am wondering if anyone can shed light into possible reasons this is happening. The XML Schemas I am trying to attach are these: [url]http://www.ddialliance.org/Specification/DDI-Lifecycle/3.1/XMLSchema/[/url] …

Member Avatar for dimasalang

hello.. just want to ask if it's possible to save html form field values in an xml file without using any server side script like ajax or php. i just want to use javascript and i want to do it offline witthout using any server like tomcat. is it possible? …

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Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

Hi, I am providing a snippet of a large code, this snippet intends to dynamically insert a list of filenames into a <select> element on pageload, the filenames being read via Ajax from a XML file kept in the same folder as this one: [CODE] <html> <head> <title>hi</title> <script src="https://www.google.com/jsapi" …

Member Avatar for dhimmar

Hello Highlly Tinker Guys, I want XPath of Each Node in XMlFile in Vb.net Below Is my Code on button click event [CODE] Dim szXMLDoc As XmlDocument=New XmlDocument() szXMLDoc.Load(Server.MapPath("ChurchFolders.xml")) '------Code to find xpath for each node----------- [/CODE] The ChurchFolers.xml file is As below [code=xml] <xml version="1.0"> <folder id="parent" path="~/MyChurch"> <folder …

Member Avatar for vijay_myl
Member Avatar for jeraldmuthu

In this class for each case i'm generating XML (XML creation code is in last) in Xhtml i added javascript [CODE] <tr> <td align='center'> <div id="chart1Div"> This text is replaced by chart. </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var chart1 = new FusionCharts("Charts/MSColumn3D.swf", "ChId1", "600", "600", "0", "1"); chart1.setXMLUrl("Charts/test.xml"); chart1.render("chart1Div"); </script> </td> </tr> …

Member Avatar for tshad

I am using VS 2010 and am debugging my XSLT on one of my XML files. This works fine. It splits so I can see 2 files at once - but that will only show me 2 files at once. 1) XSLT file as I walk through it 2) Either …

Member Avatar for tshad

I need to find a way to carry a value I get from a template to another template. Both templates are on the same level. I thought I could use variable or param to do this but I cannot make it work. I tried finding a way using Google but …

Member Avatar for Duki

Hey everyone, I've never used eclipse or java, and I have an assignment that is expected to use the XML encoding/decoding functionality. I've searched google a bit, but can't really find a good example. Does anyone have a link to some snippets or something that I could go by?

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, I have a list of posts which I want to share with my group of workers. I use an rss reader to read them personally. how can I share it with them. I tried google reader but it does not show all the posts in the shared option. Also …

Member Avatar for canwin

I have a xml file.I can get it's data using 19 table but i want to get relationship and print data in one table

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Member Avatar for jeraldmuthu

Hi i have generating xml file for chart(fusion chart). that chart having swf format file for each chart. i'm creating xml in case statement( case 1 for horizontal bar xml(file),case 2 for verical bar xml(file)) i have created that file by giving straight path it is not servlet it is …

Member Avatar for caseyl89

So I have this code so far to parse some values from many XML files. What I can't figure out is how to declare the folder that i need it to open. I need the code to open up a folder on my c:\ that has lots of xml files …

Member Avatar for Mullaly

Hi, I am a newbie to C# and OOP.. I need some advice regarding my requirement.. 1st Part: There are persons who use mobiles, of many subscribers and also have many numbers in each subscribers. If we consider the XML tags it would be [CODE]<Persons> <PersonName1>XXX</PersonName1><Subscriber1><SubscriberName>ABC</SubscriberName> <Numbers><one>123456</one><two>123456</two>....<twenty>20</twenty></Numbers></Subscriber1><Subscriber2><SubscriberName>ABC</SubscriberName> <Numbers><one>123456</one><tow>123456</two>....<twenty>20</twenty></Numbers><Subscriber2> </Persons>[/CODE] Like …

Member Avatar for DILO3D

I describe my problem with following simple example. [CODE] function show(str) { if (window.XMLHttpRequest){ xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest(); } else xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function() { if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200) { document.getElementById("txtHint").innerHTML=xmlhttp.responseText; } } xmlhttp.open("GET","data.php?q="+str,true); xmlhttp.send(); } [/CODE] here,i am getting some responsetext or result from data.php file through my request. In my …

Member Avatar for Sorcher
Member Avatar for jashbela

Hi, I have error message . Please help me. 17 Attribute value "001" of type ID must be an NCName when namespaces are enabled. I am attaching file <!DOCTYPE cataloge [ <!ELEMENT cataloge (DVD)* > <!ELEMENT DVD (title?, genre?, rating?, viewerrating?, summary?, year?, director?, runtime?, studio?, actor? ) > <!ELEMENT …

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Member Avatar for balu_mtx42

Hai all, Please help me to compare two xml files using vb script or java script. example of xml file [CODE] <table name="uninstall_software" numRows="0" remarks="" schema="dbo"> <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="0" name="swtitle_id" nullable="false" remarks="" size="10" type="int"> <parent column="id" foreignKey="c_uninstall_swtitle_id" implied="false" onDeleteCascade="false" table="software_title"/> </column> <column autoUpdated="false" digits="0" id="1" name="machine_id" nullable="false" remarks="" size="10" …

Member Avatar for gwmbox

Can anyone provide me with an example working xsl contact form, nothing fancy just an example form that I can test and learn from. Thanks GW

Member Avatar for rouse

I am writing some learning code to convert an XML file to a JavaScript array. So far I can convert from XML to JSON with this: [code] <?php $xmlStr = simplexml_load_file("xml/galleryXML.xml"); $jsonStr = json_encode($xmlStr); ?> [/code] I don't know and can't find a way to convert to a JavaScript array …

Member Avatar for rouse
Member Avatar for mmmathur06

Hi All, I have a xml something like this [CODE]<addres> <country>xxxx</country> <city>xxxx</city> <name>xxxxxxxx</name> <street>xxxxxxx</street> <!-- like this n number of element can come --> </addres>[/CODE] Out of those all tag any of tag e.g. <name> I don't want to produce in out put xml for exp. output should be like …

Member Avatar for mrame
Member Avatar for Lyandor

Hey guys, is there a way to get a node's name and assign it as a value to a variable using javascript? Here's an example structure of the xml. [CODE] <list> <student id="101"> <name>John Smith</name> <DOB>07-09-1987</DOB> <address>123 ABC street</address> </student> <student id="102"> <name>John Doe</name> <DOB>05-04-1986</DOB> <address>234 DEF street</address> <address2>345 GHI …

Member Avatar for caseyl89

Hi so i'm working on a project in c#. I have hundreds of xml files and I need to extract 6 values from each of the xml files and somehow display them on an excel datasheet. Here is an example of the xml file: [code] <XAxisCalib> <Max>288.93</Max> <Min>-48.08</Min> <MaxS>200</MaxS> <DfTHt>0</DfTHt> …

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Member Avatar for glfnute

I am having a bit of trouble fighting through a namespace issue. I have the follow input document [CODE]<?xml version="1.0" ?> <ns:CustomObject3WS_CustomObject3QueryPage_Output xmlns:ns="urn:crmondemand/ws/customobject3/10/2004"> <ns:LastPage>true</ns:LastPage> <ListOfCustomObject3 xmlns="urn:/crmondemand/xml/customObject3"> <CustomObject3> <AccountExternalSystemId /> <AccountId>ADOA-3CN5XR</AccountId> <AccountName /> <CreatedBy>Olga CLEMENDOT, 09/08/2009 13:59:17</CreatedBy> <CreatedDate>09/08/2009 13:59:17</CreatedDate> <CustomObject3Id>ADOA-3I66LA</CustomObject3Id> <ExternalSystemId>ADOA-3CN5XR</ExternalSystemId> <ModifiedBy>VĂ©ronique CHINA, 06/22/2010 14:34:53</ModifiedBy> <Name>ADOA-3CN5XR</Name> <Type /> <ModifiedDate>06/22/2010 14:34:53</ModifiedDate> <stZ_DS1_ACCOUNT_CUSTMO>SIM35200031</stZ_DS1_ACCOUNT_CUSTMO> …

Member Avatar for dknochen
Member Avatar for Kasraeian

Hi Everyone, I'm beginner and currently I'm working on simple application on VB Express 2010 and I want it to save some data in XML file. The XML file is going to look like this: [CODE] <XML> <Info> <X1>some data</X1> <X2>some data</X2> <X3>some data</X3> </Info> <Info> <X1>some data</X1> <X2>some data</X2> …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Roelof Wobben

HEllo, I try to follow this tutorial : [url]http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/XSLT_Tutorial_-_Basics[/url] Im using xmlcopyeditor as IDE. So I typed the first example. Do a xml transform and I see these message : Cannot transform: Error at line 7, column 12: Failed to parse QName 'xsl:' Anyone a idea how to solve this …

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Member Avatar for R3ap3R

Hi there! I am busy creating a desktop application with Windows.Forms to display Twitter XML data inside a textbox on a form. The XML structure looks like this: [CODE] <statusses> <status> <text>...</text> <user> <name>...</name> </user> </status> <status> <text>...</text> <user> <name>...</name> </user> </status> </statusses> [/CODE] The problem is that with my …

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Member Avatar for vickyjaioswal12
Member Avatar for ktimov1

I have an XML file that is displayed on a DataGridView driven by a dataset. I am having trouble setting up a filter where a user can enter information in a textBox then have the DataGridView filter to find results. The XML File is displayed on the DataGridView using this …

Member Avatar for rakesh_pooja

The End.