3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for CSharpUser

Hi folks, I’m struggling with what I thought would be a relatively simple process. In my last thread ([URL="http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/threads/379458"]http://www.daniweb.com/software-development/csharp/threads/379458[/URL]), I got your help with the placement of parentheses in a Linq to XML query. I thought it was all going to be easy from there. Now I am trying to …

Member Avatar for CSharpUser
Member Avatar for FooFan101

Hello, I am trying to pull the status and message passed back from the webservice, I have been looking for about a week and still at the same point as I started. This is the response I am getting back. [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"> <soap:Body> <AddResponse …

Member Avatar for CSharpUser

Hi all, and thanks in advance for your help. I am trying to write a Linq to XML query that will test attribute values in multiple elements and return the possibly multiple qualifying entries from a main element. The XML I'm looking at is basically like this: [CODE]<ContentList xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" …

Member Avatar for CSharpUser
Member Avatar for discovery-power

Hi All, I am writing a program that saves quotes for writers to an xml file. Well I save my data to the xml file, but when I go to load the document I get this exception thrown at runtime. System.Xml.Xsl.XslLoadException was unhandled LineNumber=2 LinePosition=1 Message="Stylesheet must start either with …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for Srcee

I'm writing an application in C#. I already have not empty .xml file but I want to add new values in it, without deleting some old. I have tried these codes: First: [code=c]FileStream docNewUser = new FileStream(@"C:\\MyApp\\MySubDir\\Data\\" + pr + ".xml", FileMode.Open); XmlTextWriter xmlNewUser = new XmlTextWriter(docNewUser, null); xmlNewUser.WriteStartDocument(); xmlNewUser.WriteStartElement("RootEl");//root …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for spanners

Ok, probably quite a basic question, but here goes: I'm creating a string that will hold the contents of an xml file that is being created dynamically. here's an example: $new_xml = "<?xml version='1.0'?>-<params>-<param><key>[COLOR="Green"]$clubName[/COLOR]</key><textValue>" [COLOR="Red"].$club_name[/COLOR]; Having looked at this, I've suddenly realised that the string part is still going to …

Member Avatar for spanners
Member Avatar for lolain

I am new to XSLT and am trying to solve the following transformation. I have an XML that looks like this... [CODE]<Groups> <Group> <GroupSelector>52</GroupSelector> <GroupDescription>Group 52</GroupDescription> <GroupValue>ABCD</GroupValue> </Group> <Group> <GroupSelector>27</GroupSelector> <GroupDescription>Group 27</GroupDescription> <GroupValue>PQRS</GroupValue> </Group> <Group> <GroupSelector>20</GroupSelector> <GroupDescription>Group 20</GroupDescription> <GroupValue>XYZA</GroupValue> </Group> <Group> <GroupSelector>15</GroupSelector> <GroupDescription>Group 15</GroupDescription> <GroupValue>MNOP</GroupValue> </Group> </Groups> [/CODE]There may be …

Member Avatar for mrame
Member Avatar for jaango123

The below xpath condition will give both the card numbers as output. How can I modify this to get the first cardnumber alone. xml attached /*/*/*/*/*/*[local-name()='cardNO']

Member Avatar for mrame
Member Avatar for masocha

l am writing XML to a file. Everything works fine, however if l view the XML source the first line is always indented. Cant seem to figure out the cause. Thankx in advance for the help

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for dandagopi

Hi i need to convert the xml to xml inut xml is [CODE]<associds> <associd> <associdentifierValue>12345</associdentifierValue> <associdtype>AAA</associdtype> </associd> <associd> <associdentifierValue>24688</associdentifierValue> <associdtype>BBB</associdtype> </associd> </associds>[/CODE] expected out is if child element value is BBB - i need to remove the whole element in associd. [CODE]<associds> <associd> <associdentifierValue>12345</associdentifierValue> <associdtype>AAA</associdtype> </associd> </associds>[/CODE] XSLT is given …

Member Avatar for iceandrews
Member Avatar for braj1999

I am working on RHEL 5. I have to build a web automation framwork using Ruby. when I am trying to read a XML file using Chilkat ruby I am getting following error. Ruby code where I am getting the error. require 'rubygems' require 'Chilkat' ... ... xml = Chilkat::CkXml.new() …

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Member Avatar for braj1999

I am working on RHEL 5. I have to build a web automation framwork using Ruby. when I am trying to read a XML file using Chilkat ruby I am getting following error. Ruby code where I am getting the error. require 'rubygems' require 'Chilkat' ... ... xml = Chilkat::CkXml.new() …

Member Avatar for uid1

I have the following XPath expression written in Java: [CODE] " pProbs = XPath.newInstance(/n-grams-sorted/n-gram[contains(.,"+content1+") or contains(.,"+content2+") or contains(.,"+content3+") or contains(.,"+content4+") or contains(.,"+content5+")]/@probability"); [/CODE] My problem is that not all of the contains() expressions return true. What I need is: If one of them returns 'false' (i.e.: there are no nodes …

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Member Avatar for Venugopal Ravi

Hi, I am using wordpress rss poster pro plugin for my site, it will work in a way that it will fetch feed from the site which we mention, but i want only to fetch posts which has only images. check plugin here - [url]http://www.wprssposter.com/[/url] it fetch unwanted post also, …

Member Avatar for Mapper99

What is the best approach to merge(join) XML data?: File#1: [CODE] <users> <user> <name>Mark</name> <id>100</id> </user> <user> <name>Fred</name> <id>100</id> </user> </users> [/CODE] File#2: [CODE] <users> <user> <id>100</id> <lat>50</lat> <lon>122</lon> </user> </users> [/CODE] Desired output (only keep records where a match is found): [CODE] <users> <user> <id>100</id> <lat>50</lat> <lon>122</lon> <name>Mark</name> </user> …

Member Avatar for ivan3510
Member Avatar for masocha

l am writing XML to a file. Everything works fine, however if l view the XML source the first line is always indented. Cant seem to figure out the cause. Thankx in advance for the help

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for jeraldmuthu

Hi i'm new to xslt the below code for getting chart in pdf after clicking the chart checkbox [CODE] <xsl:if test="$chartimage"> <fo:block text-align="center" space-after="8em"> <fo:external-graphic xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" scaling="uniform"> [B]<xsl:attribute name="src">[/B] <xsl:value-of select="concat(concat('url(',$chartimage),')')" /> </xsl:attribute> </fo:external-graphic> </fo:block> <xsl:if test="$chartPageBreak='true'"> <fo:block break-after="page" /> </xsl:if></xsl:if> [/CODE] bold coded setted attribute name through that they …

Member Avatar for f_atencia

Say I have the following XML variable: [CODE] var oResult = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument.4.0"); oResult.async = false; oResult.setProperty("ServerHTTPRequest", true); [/CODE] How do I get the encoding to display in the header section? For example: [CODE] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> [/CODE] when I run it in the browser? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Member Avatar for sim.sim

I bought a Flash Template. It externally loads images and integrates html and .js documents also. The example of the menu and its selections are built with this code: [CODE] <item name="GALLERY" deeplink="gallery" type="menu" content="" location=""> <item name="FILM ROMAN INTERSHIP" deeplink="aROMAN" type="page" content="gallery" location="aFilm Roman Internship.xml"/> [/CODE] Does anyone know …

Member Avatar for geekme

Hello, I have to develop a cloud with several stand alone apps .I would like to know what language is used to develop a cloud.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for anandunics

Hi All, I have problem while using prepared statements. i have a "Select" query in a xml & i m reading it through XML parser & supplying inputs throughs prepared statements. When i execute i am not getting desired results. Below is the snippet : String res=query (query is String …

Member Avatar for divin757

When I try to navigate to the service it shows me the methods like normal but when I try to see the wsdl I get a file not found error. I have created both the wsdl.aspx and the disco.aspx. They have been deployed into _vti_bin folder. I was able to …

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Member Avatar for samsons17

I am confused right now, and there will be test about ajax tommorrow.. And i bumped into this getXMLHTTP() function in one of the code that my professor gave me and i not sure what it does exactly.I mean because i also see in the other code, that people are …

Member Avatar for tgreer
Member Avatar for gurushankar

Hi All, I have to test a wsdl. I am using XMLHttp object in VBscript. I have to specify an operation in the script, I am not sure how i can do that. xmlObj=CreateObject(XMLHttp object) xmlObj.open "post",[U]ESDL File Location[/U],"False" xmlObj.SetRequestHeader "content-type",[COLOR="Red"]"applicatin/mentioned the application i need to access"[/COLOR] xmlObj.send RequestXML 'I …

Member Avatar for uid1

I am trying to run this XPath expression (that is, trying to count how many element content strings in my XML file end with letter-one-f ('a') or letter-two-f ('A'): [code=xslt]<xsl:value-of select="count( substring(.,string-length(.) -1,string-length(.) -1)=$letter-one-f or substring(., string-length(.) -1,string-length(.) -1)=$letter-two-f )"/>[/code] but I don't know how to refer to the 'current …

Member Avatar for uid1
Member Avatar for end3r

Hi, As the title states, I have a query that I use to concatenate all the rows into a single string and I use the XMLTransform method to accomplish that but I still need to add a new line separator within the XML string and so far I didn't find …

Member Avatar for end3r
Member Avatar for manish250

Hi all i am new to web service.I am getting this exception on my server which is RHEL 5.5 [B]error Failed to access the WSDL at: [url][/url]. It failed with: sun.security.validator.ValidatorException: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target. [/B] I have imported the …

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Member Avatar for SyedmAhmed

Hi all, As im new to Xml... what i want to do is.... I have a Large Xml File .. and i want to split the that xml file and Parse the xml in vb.net Can any one plz suggest me how can i do this..... Thank's in Advance Syed …

Member Avatar for Stephen Ravi

Hi, Here my requirement is revealing by seeing the input and output documents. Can you please help me to transform the input document to output as shown in the below by using the xslt. Input: <Parts> <attribute name = "order_number">515033</attribute> <attribute name = "orderseq">1</attribute> <attribute name = "orderstatus">1</attribute> <attribute name …

Member Avatar for captainSheepdog

Greetings all, I am a junior C#/ASP.NET web developer and have been working for about 3 weeks now. Recently, the graphics person here at work gave me a .swf flash file, an xml file that contained content for the .swf file and a content folder that contained slideshow images referenced …

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The End.