3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for luckyads

I have a very basic question. I am populating a datagrid from an XML file, ie. binding datagrid to XML The datagrid has 4 template columns - ID (label), Episode Name (label), Part A (checkbox), Part B (checkbox). [COLOR="Red"]What I want to do is remove the nodes "<name>" from the …

Member Avatar for luckyads
Member Avatar for sureshchinta

I have the following xml file and wanted to generate another xml file. While using the xml:element to create elements on the fly, the xslt debugger is throwing an error saying expected Qname. How can I get away with this. xsl code: [code] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"> <xsl:output …

Member Avatar for sureshchinta
Member Avatar for lahiru17

I am new to java. im trying to create a report from a table called users, in the database called userDatabase. I dnt know how to connect and get the required output! If u can please give a an example coding that can be used to connect this with my …

Member Avatar for lahiru17
Member Avatar for alternat1

Hi, I am trying to get a count of the number of times the word "Development" appears in the column - this is a multi - choice column which means the word "Development" can appear along with other words. When I do the below, <xsl:variable name="Development" select="count(/dsQueryResponse/Rows/Row[normalize-space(@Project_x0020_Type) = 'Development'])" /> …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for pushparaju

Hi Guys, How can I convert XPath without namespace and prefix to the XPath with namespace and prefix. For Eg: I have a XML file like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <ns0:mt_test xmlns:ns0="http://hvpar"> <RECORD1> <FIELD1>1</FIELD1> <FIELD2>2</FIELD2> </RECORD1> </ns0:mt_test> and I need to write XPath Expression to check whether FIELD1 contains value …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for aneeshmm

i use the following code to write sql data to xml file. [code]SqlDataAdapter ad = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT name AS [@label], salary AS [@value] FROM Employee FOR XML PATH('set'),ROOT('chart')", cnn); cnn.Close(); DataSet ds = new DataSet("chart"); ad.Fill(ds,"set"); XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument(ds); doc.Save(Server.MapPath(Request.ApplicationPath)+"\\t.xml");[/code] i get the file as [code=xml]<chart> <set> <xml> …

Member Avatar for Andyyy

Hello Developers, [code] <p class="abc-srch-Metadata"><span class="abc-srch-URL"><a href="http://www.abc.ac.uk/pub/xyz.aspx?e=20" id="CSR_U_2" title="http://www.abclondon.ac.uk/pub/xyz.aspx?e=20" dir="ltr">http://www.abclondon.ac.uk/pub/xyz.aspx?e=20</a></span> - 13KB </p><span class="abc-srch-Icon"><a href="http://www.abclondon.ac.uk/pub/pqr.aspx" id="CSR_IMG_3" title="http://www.abclondon.ac.uk/pub/pqr.aspx"><img align="absmiddle" src="/_layouts/images/html16.gif" border="0" alt="File with extension: aspx"></a></span><span class="abc-srch-Title"><a href="http://www.abclondon.ac.uk/pub/xyz.aspx" title="http://www.abclondon.ac.uk/pub/xyz.aspx">ABC Publications Listing </a><br></span><div class="abc-srch-Description">Alcohol and the <b>lime</b> in perspective [/code] Can any one help me out with the xpath for retreiving title "ABC …

Member Avatar for mlohokare
Member Avatar for jake88

I've parsed an XML and now I'm trying to write into some elements that are text nodes. What is the best way to go about writing into these text nodes? Ex. <tag>insert texty text here </tag>

Member Avatar for seebharath

How do i read an xml file with unmanaged c++?? is there any built in classes with VS 6.0 i.e with unmanaged code.. Please help..

Member Avatar for jake88
Member Avatar for shers

Hi, I have done some code to display a form with a treeview. The initial folder in the treeview is given in the Project Properties Settings. I did this with the help of some brilliants here in this site like LizR. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=159402&highlight=file+path+in+xml"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=159402&highlight=file+path+in+xml[/URL] My intention is to allow the client or …

Member Avatar for shers
Member Avatar for Andyyy

Hi all, My first post here and looking forward to learn a lot from other experienced developers in daniweb. Is there any way i can copy a image from the html web page and then change its dimmension to thumbnail and place it with a search result. For instance, you …

Member Avatar for Andyyy
Member Avatar for bullockpasha

I created a courses.xml file and I want to find the answers for following queries.I am new to xml so I want to know how I can do it.I want to use Xpath or Xquery. Here is the queries i want to find: 1-How can I find find the TA …

Member Avatar for bullockpasha
Member Avatar for suprakash444

Hi, I am trying to transform an XML string to HTML page using xslt. But I am getting the following exception : The stylesheet doesn't contain a document element. The stylesheet may be empty, or it may not be a well-formed XML document. My code is as below : Test.html …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for luckyads

Can I make a dynamic XMl which looks like this? [code=xml]<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <CMS> <Episode1> <partOne>1</partOne> <partTwo>1</partTwo> </Episode1> <Episode2> <partOne>0</partOne> <partTwo>0</partTwo> </Episode2> <Episode3> <partOne>0</partOne> <partTwo>0</partTwo> </Episode3> </CMS>[/code] If yes please guide as I am using Datatable as node. Thanks, Aditi

Member Avatar for viiids

I am trying to send a request to a server and expecting to get back XML script. Will it be saved in response text only ? if yes its somehow not working [code] <html> <head> </head> <body> <script type = "text/javascript"> var name=""; function note() { name=first.query.value; } document.write(name); function …

Member Avatar for luckyads

Hi Folks, I have this XML which looks like this I have to pull this XML on the datagrid and should be able to insert, update and delete data from the datagrid. [code=xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <CMS> <episodes> <episode eNumber="1" ptOne="1" ptTwo="1" /> <episode eNumber="2" ptOne="1" ptTwo="0" /> <episode eNumber="3" ptOne="1" …

Member Avatar for adam291086

I have this script and it was working a couple of weeks ago. Now when i run it nothing is printed out other than white space. WHY??? [CODE]#!/usr/bin/env python from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import os import urllib def find_text(element): if element.text is None: for subelement in element: for …

Member Avatar for adam291086
Member Avatar for jake88

Hey, I have a template xml file that i am passing a pointer to into a function. In that function i need to read and write into the template and pass it as the output file. What is the best way to go about reading and writing in the template? …

Member Avatar for jake88
Member Avatar for ronjustincase

is there any tool which will generate XSLT for converting from XML to fixed length Text format.I mean is there any IDE(which work on MAC) which will let us drag and drop the contents of XML and set some properties and give us the XSLT code. iam not lazy to …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for isotope

Hi everybody, I'm trying to read a Microsoft Word file, exported as microsoft xml, with PHP and simple_xml but I can't figure out how to do it exactly. Only things I managed to do are: [CODE] $tempXml = simplexml_load_file(file.xml); $xml = $tempXml->asXML(); print $xml; [/CODE] If I print before the …

Member Avatar for isotope
Member Avatar for ub_old

Hi all. I have string contains xml content. I use dom xml parser. Below is my parse code. DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc=builder.parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlText))); It works but very slow. too slow. If i write xml to file and parse from file like builder.parse(filePath) then …

Member Avatar for sillyboy
Member Avatar for freshfitz

I am pulling info from zillow and google maps my problem is if a person enters their streert number with out the street I get an error cause google does not have the coordinates in the xml. How can i first search the xml for coordinates my code [CODE]<CFOUTPUT> <cfset …

Member Avatar for pavan.xsl

Hi Friends, i m using this format to convert amount to currency <xsl:value-of select='format-number(current(), "#,##0.00")' /> 100,000.00 -i m getting the out put like this but i need to get1,00,000.00 can any one help me out on this issue please .... Thanks in Advance pavan

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for learningxslt

Hi All, I have a stylesheet with a identity transformation template and an element specific template. However, when I ran the below stlyesheet over a xml file, only identity transformation is invoked. My element specific template isn't. There is a target namespace for the schema that defines the elements. I …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for learningxslt

Hi All, I have a set of elements to be added to an existing XML document. I would like to write a XSLT tranformation for this. My requirement is that I need to check whether the element is already there in the XML file. Only if its non existent, I …

Member Avatar for fpmurphy
Member Avatar for luckyads

Hi All! I want to pull XML with attributes in a datarid with 3 columns viz. "Webisode 1" "Part A" and "Part B". How can I do it? It's urgent! The XML is as follows : [code=XML] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Webisodes> <webisode name="Webisode 1" PartA ="1" PartB="1"</webisode> <webisode name="Webisode …

Member Avatar for luckyads

I have generated an XMl which goes like this - [code=xml]<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <users> <user> <name>aditi</name> <password>A802CEDA2B04377E3265FC30C3D7CE9F4FADBEA0</password> <firstname>aditi</firstname> <lastname>aditi</lastname> <usertype>1</usertype> </user> <user> <name>aditi</name> <password>A802CEDA2B04377E3265FC30C3D7CE9F4FADBEA0</password> <firstname>aditi</firstname> <lastname>aa</lastname> <usertype>1</usertype> </user> <user> <name>aditi</name> <password>6C8C90F3860019AB48FDFC3F7541291B333B7B4B</password> <firstname>aditi</firstname> <lastname>aa</lastname> <usertype>1</usertype> </user> </users>[/code] Now, I want to login using this XML, so it should search for the …

Member Avatar for sedgey
Member Avatar for davidi

Hi, I've tried to find an answer to this everywhere but to now avail.... I have an XML/XSL file that displays a webpage. The XSL has : [I]<!--Refresh the page every X seconds--> <META http-equiv="Refresh"> <xsl:attribute name="content"> <xsl:value-of select="//PageRefreshOverride"></xsl:value-of> </xsl:attribute> </META>[/I] because I want the page to refresh every few …

Member Avatar for davidi
Member Avatar for serkan sendur

i want to create a document using apache xml parser, can you guys provide me with sample code? After creating the document in the memory, i want to save it as an xml file.

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for alpha_gamma

Hello, I tried to run a probram from the book "Big Java" by Cay Hortsman that parses an XML document. I typed in the line in Eclipse and it gave me a red box error message saying "the import java.xml can not be resolved". This tels me that i do …

Member Avatar for Ezzaral

The End.