Hi, i've just taken higher computing in college and need to know a couple of things before i can proceed further with the course.
The first is how to represent floating point numbers in binary.
i have a good grasp of binary & data types etc.
there are a few problems in the book i am working on, change these denary numbers into binary using a binary point.
0.25 = 0.01
7.375 = 0111.011
15.53125 = 1111.10001
i understand the process before the point, its after the point i don't get, could someone explain the process?
this lot requires floating point representation using a 16bit mantissa and 8 bit exponent. the process for teh answers is included.
27.5 = 0000 0000 0011 011.1
changed into .1101 1100 0000 0000 * 2 (exp) 0000 0101
134.125 = 0000 0100 0011 0.001
changed into .1000 0110 0010 0000 * 2 (exp) 0000 1000
4200.25 = 0100 0001 1010 00.01
changed into .100 0001 1010 00010 *2 (exp) 0000 1101
i really dont understand the process to get these answer, neither do i understand the difference, ofc one is using an exponent, the other is using a straight representation. is it fractional or what? what is the process?
The second is two's compliment. i can understand signed and unsigned data types, that bit is easy. i just dont understand the process for two's compliment.
could someone help me understand them please? and if its possible could you keep the examples simple while i try to understand?