Hey everyone, I'm a sophomore computer science student. As part of the major we have to take some math. I've taken Calc I, II, and I'm currently taking a Discrete Math course. I have to take one more math class, and I think I've narrowed it down to two classes: elementary linear algebra and introduction to mathematical proof. I was just wondering if you knew any applications of linear algebra/ mathematical proof in comp sci. I think linear algebra has importance when talking about graphics, but that's about it.

A speedy response would be appreciated, I have to register tomorrow... I've kinda procrastinated a bit.

Side note: I'm kind of struggling to find applications of discrete math in computer science, Aside from the graph data structure. If you could help me out there too that would be awesome as well.

Take Introduction to mathematical proof. It will make you a better, smarter programmer.

Another reason is that if you find yourself interested in graphics, it wouldn't be that hard to pick up the necessary linear algebra on your own. Linear algebra is not the hard part of graphics programming.


- I think linear algebra is best learned in courses that use linear algebra to solve problems, not one that focuses on the subject itself. Introduction to mathematical proof may prepare you for such situations in similar or better ways than a linear algebra class would.

- Regarding discrete math: I think the Wikipedia article is a good place to start.

Unless you enjoy proving things you're probably going to hate mathematical proofs, so take linear algebra. I'm just being a realist. You can learn a lot in either class, and Rashakil's argument for taking the proofs class can be applied to anything. Yeah, you can learn linear algebra on your own, but you can also learn proof techniques as well as specific proofs on your own. Learning either one on your own will be difficult, so take whichever subject interests you more. (I just highly doubt mathematical proofs interests you, but who knows).

(I just highly doubt mathematical proofs interests you, but who knows).

It apparently does, if he's considering it.

I also think the probability of the linear algebra class sucking is higher than the intro to mathematical proofs class sucking. Math department tend to care about the latter. Sometimes, but of course not always, some throwaway prof gets thrown at the linear algebra class. Of course you can rule this risk out by looking at the listed professor.

hello guy,
am kinda new to the forum and also to computer science i need help with the right line of study and my way around the forum.ill appreciate an urgent reply.

hello guy,
am kinda new to the forum and also to computer science i need help with the right line of study and my way around the forum.ill appreciate an urgent reply.

Hey buddy,

Well, at my school, you had to take Calc I and II, and Discrete Math or Mathematical Proof, and then one more Math class. I'm probably just going to take mathematical proof to knock off the last requirement.

I'd definitely take a discreet math course, It has alot of applications. Calc II you talk about sequences and series, which I encountered in an analysis of algorithms class.

All in all, if you want to be a computer scientist, you need to know math. It sucks, but luckily it's not a HUGE part of the field (It still plays a role, though)

Just my two cents, hope that helps


im intrested in computer science 2?..
so what kind english classes you need to take or you dont need to take no english classes?

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