i want to develop project which identify person by capturing image of the person through webcam i.e. it identify the face. i googled this topic i found some algorithm .but there is two type of algorithm one is for detection and other is for recognization so which type of algorithm helpful for this project . plz give the detail how i start for this project that is resources .

is there any available classes or dll . which platform is suitable for this project
and provide link to me that from where i will get resource for this project


what program language?

i preferred following programming laanguage

but i am good in java
i am waiting for your reply

You could give OpenCV a try. It's free and works very well with C++. I haven't tried in on Java though.

face detection only detects faces. face recognition is the hability to recognize an image gather from the web camera or other devices and compare it to a image database save in a device. there are two ways to do facial recognizion that i know of. facial recognition using the eigenfaces algorith and fisherfaces which is more accurate. for face detection there are googd tutorial of opencv, and for facial recognition i found a good code found in google codes. right now i'm working on the facial recognition with face detection program.

Go for opencv.
You can see documentation on internet.
I would suggest "Learning OpenCV Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library" book if you are a beginner.

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