Hi I'm using C++ and have a question regarding the use of fonts in programming.
What I am doing is parsing files like pdf's and other files and wanting to transfer the extracted data to another
file or command line screen. I'm able to work out metrics such as character spacing, x and y coordinates and spaces between words. They're just figures until I can give them some meaning.
If I am to transfer these values to another file which uses a different font then what steps do I need to take into account (how do I go about this).
From what I can gather I should do the below.
1 - determine the font type in the destination file.
2 - Somehow relate the source file metrics to the destination file fonts
3 - work out the new measurements (ie, spaces, x and y coordinates) so the extracted
text can be placed into the destination file.
When parsing PDF files I can use a transformation matrix but can't see how the destination fonts are related to it.
Should I find a font library in C++ and work with the destination fonts that way?
I really have no idea how to make the relationship. Would somebody mind helping me with this in a way
I could understand.
Thanks so much.