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Hi everyone, I've been researching various python libraries to extract data from pdf files. Currently, I'm exploring PyMuPDF After installing it, I try to run a basic script to get the number of pages in the pdf file. However, the following runtime error occurs. File "/usr/local/apps/PyMuPDF-1.18.17/fitz/fitz.py", line 1281 def is_rectangular(self) …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for kasmar45

I want to make several of my textbox.text properties equal to variables. I tried: Dim outcome As New txtResult.Text outcome = "xxxxx" this produced an error. :( first, is this possible and if it is, what am I doing wrong???

Software Development vb.net
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Before Java 8, methods had to throw an exception or return `null`, with neither of which approaches were perfect. Optional, OptionalInt, OptionalLong, and OptionalDouble were introduced in Java 8 to represent values that might possibly be `null`. Optionals have two internal states, **empty** or **present**. An Optional …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## There are many ways to design secure Java objects. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create secure Java objects by understanding **Accessibility**, **Extensibility**, and **Immutability**. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. Understand how and why …

Software Development cybersecurity java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Java 15 introduced Text Blocks. The main reason behind Text Blocks is that programmers can write multiline strings without having to specify escapes for the most common scenarios. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to store multiline String …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for redZERO

Hi guys I can't seem to get a new line in a [CODE]JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, " ");[/CODE] statement. I try the /n command, but it still doesn't seem to work. Is there any way I can get a paragraph in a dialog box like this? Thanks.

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Samukelo
Member Avatar for colby.christensen

Years ago I wrote a program in Fortran for a structural analysis class. At the time I had very little programming experience and mottled my way through the assignment. Fast forward to now and I'm attempting to teach myself Python 3. I figured I'd would try to convert the old …

Software Development matrix-multiplication python
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Khen Louegie

I'm supposed to make a menu with choices, the choices being different kinds of java syntax. import java.util.*; public class Start { public void menu() { System.out.println("[1] If\n[2] If else\n[3] For loop\n[4] Switch Statement\n[5] One dimension"); System.out.print("Select program: "); } public void backend() { System.out.println("[9] Menu\n[0] Quit"); Scanner q = …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Sagar_9

Hi All, Good Day. Is there any sample code in JAVA for generating encrypted block PIN in the similar fashion as the Hardware Security Module Regards, Sagar

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Sagar_9
Member Avatar for Hackmoses

A program A class has Random number of students.... They took an exam and got random scores from 1 to 100. Write to the console: the number of students in the classes The number of students that passed (above 70) The number of students that got average scores (between 50 …

Software Development asp.net
Member Avatar for Vikas_30
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

# Comparing two videos side by side I have been creating walk-through videos on the cheap by just wandering through an area with my little Sony camera. Lacking a steady-cam I just try to hold the camera as steady as possible. Fortunately, with the proper (free) tools I can still …

Software Development python video
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for din_hilmi

hello, i'm newbie here and also in programming world. so I would to request help from pros here. my question is, how to print out number entered in random in ascending order WITHOUT USING ARRAY AND FUNCTION? let say the user key in 4, 56, 31, 90, 11 and the …

Software Development c++
Member Avatar for Aditya_47
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## In this tutorial, we will focus on how to manage IO permissions to read, write, and delete local files using the `SecurityManager` class. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. What policy files are and how to use them. 2. …

Software Development cybersecurity java
Member Avatar for usdblades

I just started learning Python Last Night and I am curious of how to put a pause at the end. I did the Famous Hello World Program and when saved and Executed it seems like it runs and closes before I can even read the text. I tried raw_input("Press ENTER …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for Theofanis
Member Avatar for Sagar_9

Hi Everyone, Is there a java code to convert SWIFT MT103 message to pacs 008 ISO20022 format? Thank you. Regards, Sagar

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Sagar_9
Member Avatar for brodeur

// The "FriedmanRPSgame" class. import java.awt.*; import hsa.Console; public class FriedmanRPSgame { static Console c; // The output console public static void main (String[] args) { c = new Console (); // VARIABLES int rock; int paper; int scissors; // INPUT c.println (" Choose 1 for rock, 2 for paper, …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Zirely
Member Avatar for Gerard_1631

Good afternoon, I'm haven't coded in a very long time, and now I have some time in my life I'm actually coding a Quiz application in vb.net using ms access for the question/answer database. This project is what the student will see when their taking the test, and my issue …

Software Development microsoft-access vb.net
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for katesfb

Hi, I am new to this forum and also new to android programming using Android Studio and am stuck on a coding problem so i am not sure this is the right forum but any help is much appreciated: I am trying to get some some code via the processing-core …

Software Development android-development java
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Java 14 was released with a new type of expression called Switch Expression. Its syntax is similar to that of the Switch Statement, with a few differences. In this tutorial, we will walk through concepts related to the Switch Expression and learn how to use it. ## …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create a Java module by hand. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. What a `module-info.java` file is. 2. How to compile a module. 3. Describing a module. ## Prerequisite …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for kasmar45

This code causes an exception: dim box as new mult() box.show <-------- cannot access a disposed object

Software Development vb.net
Member Avatar for kasmar45
Member Avatar for razstec

Got this to open a browser inside a specific frame, and i need it to be changeable, any ideas? been readin pyqt5 but cant seem to manage this import sys from tkinter import Tk, ttk from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * from PyQt5.QtWebEngineWidgets import * mainwind = Tk() …

Software Development python
Member Avatar for razstec
Member Avatar for I_GEVO

hi, I put a button to run the batch file and everything is fine But when the file works it asks for other files that are complete to run it and I did not know how to merge it together to work properly and these pictures ![1.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/83b5662430989d1e87d8ad82ef1a2851.png) ![3.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/7a92fe7a9051f62f3c292b5b8830433a.png) ![Screenshot_13.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/cc156d0fa8215abef8802da216cc1a96.png) ![2.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/18a4dd6b1d04de74b1629bd70a0ee460.png)

Software Development microsoft vb.net visual-basic
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## Based on the 2020 Java Ecosystem survey from Jetbrains, 75% of Java developers are still using JDK 8. JDK 11 introduces `HttpClient`, which replaces the legacy `HttpURLConnection` API. For this tutorial, we will build a `HttpClient` that consumes the free Cat Facts API. ## Goals ## At …

Software Development api java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## `partitioningBy()` collects a `Stream` into a `Map`. In this tutorial, we will compare the two different `partitioningBy` methods and learn how to use them. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. What `Collectors.partitioningBy` does and how to use it. ## …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## This tutorial introduces the `CyclicBarrier` class and teaches you how to use it. ## Goals ## At the end of this tutorial, you would have learned: 1. How to use `CyclicBarrier` to synchronize tasks across multiple threads. ## Prerequisite Knowledge ## 1. Intermediate Java. 2. Basic knowledge …

Software Development java multithreading
Member Avatar for alamu

please give the program for sorting a linked list without affecting the original value

Software Development c
Member Avatar for 4rajgopal
Member Avatar for dimitrilc

## Introduction ## This tutorial teaches you how to implement the Type-safe Builder pattern using Kotlin. This pattern allows developers to create declarative and concise DSLs. Our implementation will be a Burger Builder that enables our users to create Burger objects expressively. ## Goals ## At the end of the …

Software Development
Member Avatar for mir_sheely

I am in trouble. I need to convert a signed 16-bit Hexadecimal no to short. Say I have a string s = "f2f7" Which is a negative number and lies in the range -32768 to 32767 so is the range of type short. But when I do short num ; …

Software Development java
Member Avatar for Andrey_7
Member Avatar for Logic_Brown

I found this peaice of code to import a Access database table to sql server Private Sub btnImport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnImport.Click Dim fileName As String = "" Dim ofd As New OpenFileDialog If ofd.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then fileName = ofd.FileName PerformImportToSql(fileName) End If End …

Software Development mysql vb.net visual-basic
Member Avatar for SoftBa

The End.